April 6, 2024
North Dakota Strongest Man & Woman X
Williston, ND
APRIL 6th, 2024
EVENT 1 – CIRCUS DUMBBELL - REPS - Athletes will have 60 seconds to do as many reps as possible. Athletes will start standing up with hands off, and DB will be considered a good lift when it is above head (1 hand of course) locked out, head through, feet square, body stable. DB is expected to be controlled down, but can be dropped. We will have a pad of some kind to drop the DB on. If the DB rolls away, you are responsible to go get it and bring it back to press it. Most reps win. All protective gear is allowed, grip shirt can be worn under comp shirt. No tacky.
EVENT 2 - TRUCK DEADLIFT (Side Handle) - REPS - Athletes will have 60 seconds to deadlift as many reps as possible. Set up will be a side handle deadlift, athletes will start strapped in and once judge gives command they can start to pull. Athletes must go to a complete lock out position to get the down command. Judge will not count reps that were bounced, a quick dead stop will be expected. Only a down command at the top, Judge will give a warning for bouncing and if it continues the judge can take reps away. All protective gear is allowed, except suits. No tacky.
EVENT 4 - FRAME/DINNIE STONE CARRY - Athletes will have 60 seconds to carry a frame and dinnie stone medley. Athletes start with hands on the frame and will carry a 25' distance and cross the line (full implement across), then return to the start line carrying the dinnie stones (full implements across) to complete a total of 50'. If athletes do not finish the carry a distance will be recorded. All supportive equipment allowed, except straps. No tacky.
EVENT 5 – FINGAL'S FINGER'S (Sprint) - Athletes will have 60 seconds to run and flip the finger 4 times and run back. Athletes will start 50' away, run to the fingers, perform 4 flips on the same finger and run back to the 50' line for a timed score. If athlete can not finish judge will record the number of flips that were performed to be counted. All protective equipment is allowed. No tacky.
EVENT 6 - MAX STONE OVER BAR (LAST MAN STANDING) - Athletes will start in a line and lift the first stone for their group and once completed will go back to the end of the line to attempt the next highest weight. Athletes will have 30 seconds per stone attempt. Split times will be taken. The women will go first and their bar height will be 42". Men will go afterward and their bar height will be 48". Athletes will end once they fail to complete a stone or run out of time on their attempt. All attempts must be taken. Our heaviest stone, at the moment, is 470# - this should get interesting! The last (wo)man standing wins. All protective equipment allowed. Tacky IS allowed.
Weigh ins will be at the event center. SAME DAY WEIGH INS SAT. APRIL 6TH 8AM - 9AM NO EXCEPTIONS
Hotel will be at Main Stays Suites 200 26th Street Williston, ND 58801 (701) 572-5793
AWARDS and CASH per class for 1st - 3rd.
Event doors will open to athletes at 7:45am (free entrance), spectators ($10 fee at door) at 9am, food and beverage sales inside building. Spectators can also pre purchase tickets at Full Circle Strength Systems a month prior for $10 to all, except kids 12 and under are free.
Parking is free. Details to come on this too.
Weight can change without notice.
Please follow the Full Circle Strength Systems Facebook and Instagram pages as well as the North Dakota Strongest Man Instagram page for details.
Thank you all and Good Luck!
Mitch & Lacee
1002 11th St W
Williston, ND 58801
View Map
Start Time
10:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Circus Dumbbell | Truck Deadlift (Side Handle) | MYSTERY EVENT | Frame / Dinnie Stone Carry | Fingal's Fingers | Stone over Bar (Last man standing) |
Open W LW (181-) | 95 | TBD | TBD | 350/120 | 180 | Start @115 |
Open W HW (+) | 105 | TBD | TBD | 400/140 | 215 | Start @115 |
Masters Women (Single Class) | 80 | TBD | TBD | 300/100 | 180 | Start @115 |
Open M LW (231-) | 160 | TBD | TBD | 550/200 | 285 | Start @ 240 |
Open M HW (+) | 180 | TBD | TBD | 600/220 | 320 | Start @ 240 |
Masters Men (Single Class) | 150 | TBD | TBD | 500/180 | 250 | Start @ 240 |
Registration Closes Apr 01, 2024
No refunds.
61 spots remain.