June 24, 2023
Northeast Regional Championship
Monaca, PA
You can go to Strongmancorporation.com and check under the “Qualified Athletes” section. Any questions, just ask!
If you qualified for 2022 SC Nationals, you ARE 100% qualified for Regionals.
Strongman Corporation Membership is required!
This is a two-day event! Regionals athletes will perform 3 events day 1, and 3 events day 2.
1st - Arnold and Nationals/the following year regionals
2nd - Nationals
3rd - Nationals
4th - Nationals with nine or more competitors per class
5th - Nationals with 12 or more competitors per class.
There is no entry fee for spectators!
Weigh-ins are on June 23rd at 580 Barbell starting at 10 AM and go until 7:30 PM.
Anyone who needs to weigh-in day of must be weighed-in by 8:30 AM on June 24th.
WEATHER ALLOWING is the order of events:
Day 1: Max Deadlift, Sandbag Toss, Hercules Hold
Day 2: Viking Press, Stone to Shoulder, Frame Carry
Order will change if there is rain either day.
Atlas Stone to Shoulder
Athletes will have 60 seconds to get as many reps as possible
The stone will go from ground to shoulder for each rep to count
Opposite arm has to be extended and judge must signal “down” for the rep to count
Athletes must control the atlas stone at the top, extend their opposite arm, and wait for the “down” signal from the judge
Allowed: Wrist / Knee wraps, sleeves, tape around forearms, belts, chalk
Not allowed: TACKY, tacky towels, gloves, grip shirts (for any event)!
Viking Press:
Athletes will have 60 seconds to get as many presses as possible
The Viking apparatus is a, "State Of The Arc" Viking Press. You are permitted to split jerk, push jerk, push press, etc., but split jerking will be difficult due to the frame of the viking.
You cannot thruster the implement from a dead stop position to make it an easier press, the weight must be un-racked before you begin your press
Must wait for the down call from the judge
Lifter will be facing away from the implement
Neutral grip style press
You may put the implement down during the 60 seconds if you need a break
Allowed: Belts, sleeves, lifting shoes, chalk
Not allowed: thrusters, gloves, tacky, grip shirts
Max 13 Inch Axle Deadlift
Athlete will have 3 attempts
Jumps will rotate 10’s/25’s per side for women, and 25’s/45’s for men
Jumps for all women classes: 225,245,275,295,315,335,365,385,405,425,455,475,495,515,545, etc
Jumps for all mens classes: 405,455,495,545,585,635,675,725,765,815,855,905,etc
Athlete will have 30 seconds to complete the lift
Judge will signal down when the athlete has successfully completed the lift
If two athletes tie in weight, the points will go to whichever athlete opened heavier. If both athletes had the same opener, points will be split.
Allowed: Belts, sleeves, chalk, straps, hitching, baby powder, yes you can go barefoot
Not allowed: Suits, briefs, sumo deadlift, gloves, tacky, grip shirts
Hercules Hold
No time limit
One attempt for best time
Athletes are to stand with arms extended gripping handles
Athlete must hold the handles straight out from the torso, a slight bend in the elbows in permitted however if bend becomes too great the judge has the right to stop the event and record the time.
Timing will stop when the athlete no longer is able to hold the weight, or time is called by the judge
The judge may read off time passed if the athlete requests
Our Hercules hold implement is roughly a 3:1 ratio. The weight listed on the matrix is the literal poundage of plates we are putting on each side. So if your class says “100”, there is 100 lbs of plates on each side.
Allowed: Belt, chalk, knee wraps, sleeves, and wrist wraps
Not allowed: Tacky, gloves, straps, hook grip
Bridge Race
Athletes will carry their bridge frame 50 ft down and back
The bridge frame is 88“ long x 30” wide. The pick height is 19”.
The bridge frame is a very large apparatus, similar to a traditional frame carry implement, just a lot longer
60 sec time limit, so if you do not finish you will be scored on total distance
Athletes may start with hands on the implement
Only the front of the implement must cross the line both ways
Allowed: Belt, chalk, knee wraps, sleeves, and wrist wraps
Not allowed: No tacky, gloves, straps
Sandbag Toss
15 foot bar for men, 11 for women
5 bags
60 sec time limit
Athletes will start with a hand on the apparatus
Split times will be taken
Athletes must start at the lightest bag and work up to the heaviest
If the bag lands on top of the throwing apparatus and does not move, it counts as a successful toss
Other rules:
Event shirt must be worn for every event. Athletes will provided a day 1 shirt and a day 2 shirt
No headphones during your lift
Events and Weights
Division | Max 13 Inch Axle Deadlift | Viking Press | Atlas Stone to Shoulder | Hercules Hold | Bridge Race | Sandbag Toss |
Open W LW (125-) | Max | 140 | 130 | 60 | 320 | 10,15,20,25,30 |
Open W LW (140.4-) | Max | 140 | 149 | 70 | 360 | 10,15,20,25,30 |
Open W MW (160.4-) | Max | 180 | 166 | 80 | 410 | 10,15,20,25,30 |
Open W MW (180.4-) | Max | 180 | 181 | 90 | 460 | 15,20,25,30,35 |
Open W HW (+) | Max | 200 | 207 | 90 | 500 | 15,20,25,30,35 |
Open M LW (175.4-) | Max | 340 | 207 | 110 | 540 | 25,30,35,40,45 |
Open M MW (200.4-) | Max | 380 | 231 | 120 | 590 | 30,35,40,45,50 |
Open M MW (231.4-) | Max | 400 | 249 | 130 | 640 | 30,35,40,45,50 |
Open M HW (265.5-) | Max | 450 | 280 | 140 | 690 | 35,40,45,50,55 |
Open M SHW (+) | Max | 490 | 300 | 150 | 720 | 40,45,50,55,60 |
Registration Closes Jun 09, 2023
No refunds.
160 spots remain.