
October 5, 2024



Vandalia, OH

Friday morning weigh - ins will be from 8am-noon

Friday afternoon weigh-ins will be 5pm-8pm 

All weigh-in Location: M-Power Gym LLC : 270 N Dixie Dr. Vandalia, OH 45377

last chance to weigh in will be Saturday from 8am-9am 

Rules meeting will be at 9:30am Contest will start at 10am .

$5 admission to all spectators at the door kids 10 and under free 

Hotel : Baymont by wyndam dayton north 

6960 miller ln, Dayton.OH 45414

(937) 410-0799

Events :

Viking press :for reps 60sec time limit

Athletes will face away from the apparatus, hands and feet locked out wait for the down command, elbow sleeves, and wrist wraps allowed chalk allowed .

Conan’s wheel : max distance

Conan’s wheel is for max distance. Athletes will pick up the apparatus and walk counterclockwise can be cradled anyway cannot be rested on the collarbone or set like a front squat. Once the apparatus touches, the ground athletes distance has stopped.

Car yoke carry : 25ft

Car yoke- yes you’ll be carrying a car! It is a 2003 Volkswagen new beetle. Athletes, once you get the start command you will have 60 seconds to complete. Men will carry the car 25ft and woman will carry the car 12ft, multiple drops are allowed. Time stops once the front bumper crosses the line. The car is 600lbs empty and is loadable. 

**Women athletes that can not lift the car, you'll have an option to use the regular yoke with lighter weight, however the distance will be extended to 50ft. Car yokes must reach 6ft or more to trump the regular yoke. 

Max deadlift last man standing

Jump in and out once you miss a lift you’re out and the last lift you completed is your final lift . Deadlift suit straps and briefs are allowed chalk allowed.

20 pound jump it will be a Texas deadlift bar  (here’s a chance to break a state and national record )

Bus pull : 50ft

athletes will start at the line with a rope and harness judge will say ready set go time will start 60 seconds to complete the course of 50 feet front of the bumper must pass the line and then your time stops




MPower Gym LLC
270 N Dixie Dr
Vandalia, OH 45377
View Map
Oct 05, 2024

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Doug Madewell

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Events and Weights
Novice W LW (165-)90140400/600135TBD
Novice W HW (165+)110180400/600135TBD
Open W LW (123-)90180400/600135TBD
Open W MW (148-)110220400/600135TBD
Open W MW (165-)110220450/600135TBD
Open W HW (198-)110260500/600225TBD
Open W SHW (242-)150260500/600225TBD
Open W SHW (+)150300500/600225TBD
Masters W MW (165-)110140450/600225TBD
Masters W LW (165-) 50+110140450/600225TBD
Masters W HW (+)150220450/600225TBD
Masters W HW (165+) 50+110200450/600225TBD
Masters Women 60+110200400/600135TBD
Teen W LW (165-)90140400/600135TBD
Teen W HW (165+)110180400/600135TBD
Novice M HW (220+)200300600245TBD
Novice M LW (220-)200300600245TBD
Open M LW (165-)200300600245TBD
Open M LW (181-)220300700245TBD
Open M MW (220-)220350700245TBD
Open M HW (242-)250400750245TBD
Open M HW (275-)280450750245TBD
Open M SHW (308-)300500800245TBD
Open M SHW (+)300500800245TBD
Masters M MW (220-)200300700245TBD
Masters M LW (220-) 50+200300600245TBD
Masters M HW (+)250350750245TBD
Masters M HW (220+) 50+200300600245TBD
Masters Men 60+200300600245TBD
Teen M LW (220-)200350600245TBD
Teen M HW (220+)200350600245TBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 21, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
24 spots remain.