
May 31, 2025

Olympic City Log Championship


Colorado Springs , CO


  1. Your final score is the combined total of your heaviest completed Log Lift and heaviest completed deadlift under the specified rules.
  2. The competitor with the highest total in each division will be declared the winner.
  3. In case of tied totals within any division, the competitor with the lighter weigh-in will be declared the winner. If the competitors have the same weight at the weigh-in, the winner will be determined by the heaviest log lift.
  4. Athletes will still receive a score even if they “Zero” one of the lifts.
  5. Scoring must be done live in Strength Results



1. Competitors have 60 seconds to complete each lift after receiving the judge’s signal.
2. The log must be controlled to the ground; throwing the implement is prohibited. There is no requirement to return the log to the chest during descent, only control it to the ground.
3. Any dropped lift results in a failed attempt, and no count will be given. Competitors may retry a failed lift within their allotted 60 seconds.
4. Each competitor is allowed three attempts.
5. Competitors nominate their opening attempt for both events during the check-in.
6. Once nominated, competitors cannot reduce their weight after a failed or completed attempt.
7. No minimum weight increase due to international events using different units (lbs or kgs).
8. No points awarded if no complete lifts are counted.
9. A lift is completed when the judge calls “down” with locked knees, hips, and shoulders, and head through.
10. Competitors may change their first lift once, up to 5 minutes before the event starts.
11. Competitors nominate their second lift weight immediately after completing their first lift.
12. Competitors may change their second lift weight once, but not less than the current bar weight.
13. Competitors nominate their third lift weight immediately after completing their second lift.
14. Competitors may change their third lift weight twice, but not less than the current bar weight.
15. If a competitor drops the implement in an uncontrolled manner just before the buzzer, the rep will not count.
16. Belts are allowed; an under and over belt are permitted. No additions or stuffing into the belt to create a shelf.
17. The log can touch, bounce off, or rest on the belt during the clean.
18. Chalk is allowed.
19. Tacky and straps are not allowed.
20. Wraps and sleeves are allowed, limited to one item per joint, including “equipped” elbow sleeves. No multiple sleeves on one joint.
21. If a spotter intervenes in a lift, the log must be reset to the ground. If the spotter steps in too early, the lifter can opt for an additional 60 seconds or repeat the lift at the end of the round.
22. The log cannot be rested on the top of the head during the lift; touching the head during the upward trajectory may be allowed.

Colorado Springs , CO 80909
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May 31, 2025

Start Time
12:00 AM
Meet Director
Brandon & RosaLinda Barratt
Events and Weights
Division Max Log
Open W LW (140.4-)MAX
Open W HW (+)MAX
Open M MW (200.4-)MAX
Open M MW (231.4-)MAX
Open M SHW (+)MAX

Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 15, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 60 athletes.
60 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard