
September 27, 2025

Orange Elite X


Syracuse, NY

Overhead Medley: Axle, Keg, Log

Athlete will complete 2 reps on each implement. Must Clean each rep. 

60 second time limit.

Equipment Allowed: Belt (no more then 2), Chalk, Knee & Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Grip Shirt. 

Truck Push to Yoke Carry: 

Push the Truck down 50 ft & Bring Yoke back 50 ft. fastest time wins. 60 second time limit. 

Equipment Allowed: Belt (no more then 2), Chalk, Knee & Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps.

Sandbag Toss: 

Start with hand on yoke. Go to 1st back throw over bar, then 2nd, then 3rd.

Clock Stops once last bag hits the ground.

Women 10 ft.

Men 15 ft. 

Equipment Allowed: Belt (no more then 2), Chalk, Knee & Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps.

Death Cross Carry:

Pick up death cross and carry it 30 ft. down put down and repick to 30ft back.  60 second time limit. 

Equipment Allowed: Belt (no more then 2), Chalk, Knee & Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps.

Frame Deadlift for reps: 

Athlete starts with hands off. Once given the start they can then strap in. 

Rep counts once you are up and locked out. 

60 second time limit.

Equipment Allowed: Belt (no more then 2), Chalk, Knee & Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Wrist Straps

7243 State Fair Blvd
7243 State Fair Blvd
Syracuse, NY 13209
View Map
Sep 27, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Jamie Hantke
Events and Weights
Division Overhead Medley (Axle, Keg, LogTruck Push to Yoke CarrySandbag TossDeath Cross CarryFrame Deadlift
Novice Women (Single Class)80/60/90Truck/20015/20/30TBDTBD
Open W LW (132-)105/80/110Truck/25015/20/30TBDTBD
Open W MW (165-)110/80/115Truck/27515/20/30TBDTBD
Open W HW (198-)110/100/120Truck/30015/20/30TBDTBD
Open W SHW (+)120/100/130Truck/32515/20/30TBDTBD
Masters Women (Single Class)80/60/90Truck/20015/20/30TBDTBD
Teen W HW (165+)TBDTBD15/20/30TBDTBD
Novice M LW (220-)180/125/200Truck/50020/30/40TBDTBD
Novice M HW (220+)180/125/200Truck/50020/30/40TBDTBD
Open M LW (181-)210/125/220Truck/52520/30/40TBDTBD
Open M MW (220-)220/150/230Truck/55020/30/40TBDTBD
Open M HW (275-)230/175/240Truck/57520/30/40TBDTBD
Open M SHW (+)240/175/250Truck/60020/30/40TBDTBD
Masters Men (Single Class)210/125/220Truck/52520/30/40TBDTBD
Teen M HW (220+)120/100/130Truck/32515/20/30TBDTBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 07, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 60 athletes.
50 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard