
February 8, 2025

Professional Strongman League WEST COAST Qualifier


Sacramento, CA

Weigh-ins will be at UNTAMED STRENGTH on 2/7/25 at 9am pacific and will run until noon. Additional weigh in times will start at 5pmPST and run until 8pm. Will be more than happy to accomodate any athletes outside of these times if they reach out to the ProStrongman League instagram page with some notice. 

Spectators and Coaches are free to enter 

This event will be livestreamed on the PSL Youtube Channel for free so there will be cameras setup accordingly. 

Rules Meeting will be at 9am PACIFIC on 2/8/25 the morning of the contest. 

We will run lightest weight class to heaviest weight class, athlete order will be drawn out of a hat for the first event and order for each following event will be based on how you did in the PREVIOUS EVENT ONLY. The exception to his is the last event where it will be based on OVERALL placing. 

Contest T-shirt must be worn for all events except atlast stones. 

For ALL events, to get a rep you must get the call from the judge WITHIN the time limit. If time is called you have not received the call then you will not receive the rep. 

Event 1: 

Log Clean and Press Light/Heavy: 

:60 time cap 

Athlete will start standing with hands OFF of the log, and can choose either log to start with and make as many changes as they feel like during the time limit. Reps dropped from overhead will not count. Final score will be totaled on reps on the heavy log then reps on the light log. No split times, just reps. Logs will ALL be 12inches for EVERY weight class. 


Event 2:

Deadlift for reps 

:60 time cap

Athlete will stand standing with hands OFF of the bar, and can choose to strap in under their own time. To get a good rep you MUST have your thumb in contact with the bar along with the rest of the requirements to lock out a deadlift (straight legs, shoulders back etc.) you will only receive up calls, but touch and go is not allowed. The bar MUST stop on the ground momentarily prior to lifting again or it will be a no rep. Deadlift suits ARE allowed. 


Event 3:

Farmers walk into Duck walk 

:60 time cap , 40 foot course 

Athlete will stand with hands OFF of farmers carry implement and on GO will get set and pick the farmers on their own time. Athlete will carry farmers 40ft down the course until the FRONT of the implement crosses the line in the air while still in athletes hands (this means you cannot throw them), athlete will run back and grab duck walk and carry it 40ft until the FRONT of the duckwalk crosses the line. Implements can be dropped and repicked as many times as needed, but they can NOT roll forward to advance. Chalk is fine on this event but no straps or sticky stuff. Athlete will either get a time or a distance score for this event. 


Event 4: 

Yoke carry into sandbag load 

:60 time cap, 30ft course 

Athlete will stand with hands OFF of yoke and on GO will get set and pick - carry the yoke on their own time. Once the FRONT of the yoke crosses the line, athlete will run back and carry sandbag 30ft and load it OVER the yoke (your pick height is your load height)  and then repeat this one more time. Time will be called when athletes hands are OFF of the sandbag as it goes over. Yokes will not slide and sandbags can not be rolled or flipped end over end to advance. No tacky or tacky like substances allowed on this event. Gloves are fine. Athlete will get a time or a distance score for this event. 


Event 5: 

Stone over bar for reps light/heavy

:60 time cap, 44 inch load for women, 50inch load for men

Athlete will stand with hands OFF of stones and on GO will pick either the light or heavy stone to begin loading over the bar. This event will work just like the log event where 1 rep on heavy stone beats all reps on lighter stone and athlete can switch back and forth as much as they would like in the time limit. We will have someone returning the stone to you. TACKY IS ALLOWED and you do NOT have to wear contest shirt for this event ONLY. 


Untamed Strength
5780 Auburn Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95841
View Map
Feb 08, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Alan Thrall
Events and Weights
Division Log Clean and Press for reps Light/HeavyDeadlift for Reps Farmers Carry --- DuckwalkYoke Carry into Sandbag Load Atlas Stone for reps Light/Heavy
u64kg Women135/155345180/220425/180200/240
u73kg Women140/165375200/240450/200240/260
u82kg Women165/185405220/260475/220260/280
u80kg Men220/250500240/260600/240260/280
u90kg Men240/270585270/280675/260280/310
u105kg Men260/280635300/300750/280310/330
u125kg Men300/330700330/350850/310330/360

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 06, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 75 athletes.
61 spots remain.