
February 8, 2025

Psychotic Strength Showdown 2025


Vancouver, WA

Psychotic Strength Showdown 2025

This event makes you eligible to go to USS Nationals with high enough podium placing.

Weigh ins:

2/7/2025 (Friday before) 2pm to 6pm or 2/8/2025 (Day of) 7am to 9am At Hardcore Barbell

Athlete Check-in:

Must be checked in and weighed no later than 9am 2/8/2025

Rules Meeting:

9:30am 2/8/2025

Spectators Tickets are $5 caps at 250 to preorder: Text, Call, Email, or Direct Message Meet Director

Chairs Will be provided but inside space will be very limited

Competition will be FREE Live streamed as well on Youtube@PsychoticStrength

Hotel Accommodations

Start Date: Friday, February 07, 2025

End Date: Monday, February 10, 2025

Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:

  • SpringHill Suites Portland Vancouver for 119.00 USD per night - Last Day to Book : Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Book your group rate for STRONGMAN 2025

1421 SE Tech Center Dr. Vancouver, WA 98683 - 360.260.1000


Scoring: Will be handled by Iron Podium standards.

Guest Judges Will Be: Jasper Haney, Albie Mushaney, Robert Oberst, and Inez Carrasquillo

EMT: Sarah Zywicki

Videos of each event and the expectations of how they are done will be up no later than November 1st.

Videos up on Youtube@PsychoticStrength

Once registered please send your registration Photo to psychoticstrength@gmail.com or Instagram @tylertobytownsend or @psychoticstrength So we can do your registration announcement.


For all events:

  1. Grip shirts are allowed if not wearing grip shirt contest shirt must be worn (please no Strongman Corp grip shirts)
  2. Belts, straps, sleeves, and chalk are allowed
  3. Tacky or substitutes will be allowed in the Atlas Stone Load only.
  4. No lifting suits on any event


Event 1: Ice Giant Hammer Press


Time Limit: 60 seconds

Hammer starts head down on ground. One hand placed on ball of hammer to start. Both hands must be on handle when moving Hammer. Hands cannot grip head of Hammer. Hands can touch but not overlap. Must get Hammer to shoulder as a clean or brought to knee/thigh and cleaned from there. If the way you're attempting to get the Hammer to your shoulder is deemed unsafe you will be told to put it down and you need to start again. Pressing arm must be fully extended during press to be completed, other arm must be on handle.  After press, "Down" Command will be given to which you need to bring hammer down (Gently) on crash pad. Put head on the floor and start over.

Items Allowed: Grip shirts, Belts, Sleeves, Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves

Not allowed: Gloves


Event 2: Shiver Walk


Time Limit: 60 seconds

Pick up yoke walk 40 feet. Yoke is done When tips cross the line (both). This will be done on Turf. Will be heavy so only one way.

Items Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Belts

Not allowed: Any Suits


Event 3: Ice Road Axle


Time Limit: 60 seconds

Axle Deadlift. Can start strapped in. "Athlete Ready" Go. Pick up weight wait for down command. No tap and go.

Items Allowed: Belts, Sleeves, Chalk, Briefs, Wrist Wraps, Wrist Straps.

Not Allowed: Deadlift suits, No straps with hooks.


Event 4: Frosted Fat Gripz Farmer Fingers


Fat Gripz on a farmers carry handle. Suitcase hold the Fat Gripz handle for as long as you can. (Wont Be Long) Only one hand will be used it will be held at whichever side hand you choose until dropped. No repicks. Remember these are Fat Gripz added handles so put the opening of the handle in your palm for best results. No fingers or thumbs not on the Fat Gripz Handles. One warning will be given for a thumb off pick. Please look up suitcase deadlift for understanding of the lift.

Items Allowed: Belts, Sleeves, Chalk.

Not Allowed: Tacky, Gloves


Event 5: Frozen Boulder Throw

Fastest Time

Time Limit: 60 seconds

Atlas Stone Load. Men 52 inch women 48 inch. This is stone over bar for reps. Once stone goes over the bar and lands on the mat the loader/helper will roll the stone back to you. Be prepared to catch the rolling stone it will take up your time to chase the stone. On that token throwing the stone at the loader/helper will make them take longer getting the stone back to you and the time doesn't stop because you threw it. If you're strong enough you should have full control over the stone. Tacky is to be cleaned outside only in the designated cleaning area. Do not use the bathrooms to clean off tacky. Bring your own Tacky and cleaning supplies.

Items Allowed: Belts, Tacky, stone wraps


People recording points are not to be asked questions or bothered. If you or even a person you are with speaks to or harasses the score keepers you will zero the event in question. There will be 1 warning at the rules meeting and not another. They are putting in points based on what the judges tell them to. Speak to the judge you had for the event in transitions to next event if you have an issue. Video evidence is the easiest way to handle a situation. In the end unless evidence is brought forth the judges have final say.



Location: 1417 NE 76th St Ste B Vancouver, WA 98665, United States


Start Time: 10:00 am


Meet Director:

Tyler Toby Townsend


Instagram: tylertobytownsend

Instagram: Psychoticstrength

(360) 202-0169

Hardcore Barbell
1417 NE 76th St
Vancouver, WA 98665
View Map
Feb 08, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Tyler T Townsend

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Ice Giant Hammer PressShiver WalkIce Road AxleFrosted Fat Gripz Farmer FingersFrozen Boulder Throw
Novice W LW (165-)7525021570130
Novice W HW (165+)7535026590175
Open W LW (132-)7530026590130
Open W MW (165-)7535030590150
Open W HW (198-)75400305100175
Open W SHW (242-)75450355110175
Open W SHW (+)100500395120220
Masters W MW (165-)7535021570130
Masters W HW (+)7540030590175
Teen W LW (165-)7520021570115
Teen W HW (165+)7520026590130
Novice M LW (220-)100450355140220
Novice M HW (220+)100500455160250
Open M LW (181-)100550425180270
Open M MW (220-)100650505180315
Open M HW (275-)150700555200315
Open M SHW (308-)150750605200360
Open M SHW (+)150750665220360
Masters M HW (242-)100450355140220
Masters M HW (+)100500455160250
Teen M LW (220-)75250355100150
Teen M HW (220+)75300395120175

Early Bird Price
Available until Oct 15, 2024

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 06, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
46 spots remain.