December 14, 2024
Puller Express 3
Aliquippa, PA
Available at venue 10 AM - 8 PM Friday
Available day of at the event venue until 9 AM when rules begin
Competition Day:
Rules meeting begins at 9 AM
Warm-ups begin directly after rules
Lifting begins at 10 AM
This event will be livestreamed!
General Rules:
This is a sanctioned Strongman Corporation event!
Strongman Corporation membership is required
Link to all SC FAQs can be found here: Frequently Asked Questions – Strongman Corporation
No headphones during any lift
Competition shirt must be worn for all 5 events
Dasher Deadlift
Max reps with an axle in 60 seconds
Raw deadlift/no suits - neoprene is fine
Athlete must strap in on their own time
Only a down call each rep
Rep must be completed before 60 seconds to count
Allowed: Straps, sleeves, chalk, baby powder
Not allowed: tacky, hooks, suits
Heaviest Present Down The Chimney
Max block over bar
3 attempts
10 lb jumps for women
20 lb jumps for men
48" bar for all women
52" bar for all men
Block starting weight depends on your lane - information will be provided soon
You can open with whatever weight jump you want, but once you miss you are out
If you finish with the same weight as someone else, points will be given to whoever opened heavier
If same openers and attempts were taken, points are split
Allowed: Sleeves, belt, wraps, chalk, tape (sticky side has to face in), gloves
Not Allowed: Tacky, grip shirt
Yuletide Press
Viking Press max reps in 60 seconds
Weights listed is the weight we are adding to the implement
Implement(s) are Madewell Viking Press
Athletes may start with their hands on the implement
Facing away from implement
Any pressing style is allowed
A rep is deemed successful when the judge says "down"
Allowed: Sleeves, belt, wraps, chalk
Not Allowed: Tacky, gloves
Santa's Sack to Shoulder
Sandbag to shoulder max reps in 60 seconds
Athlete starts with their hands off the sandbag
Judge will say "down" after each rep is deemed successful
A rep must be completed before the 60 seconds is up to count
Allowed: Sleeves, belt, wraps, chalk
Not Allowed: Tacky, gloves
Holiday Hold
Farmers hold for max time
Weight listed = weight per hand
Once the athlete stands up with the weight, their time begins
Your score is the total time held until dropped
Allowed: Sleeves, belt, wraps, chalk
Not Allowed: Tacky, gloves, straps
3113 Green Garden Rd
Aliquippa, PA 15001
View Map
Start Time
10:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Axle Deadlift | Viking Press | Max Block Over Bar | Sandbag to Shoulder | Farmer's Hold |
Novice Women | 248 | 50 | 10 lb jumps | 100 | 135 |
Open W LW (120.4-) | 248 | 50 | 10 lb jumps | 132 | 135 |
Open W LW (140.4-) | 298 | 70 | 10 lb jumps | 132 | 155 |
Open W MW (160.4-) | 298 | 70 | 10 lb jumps | 150 | 155 |
Open W MW (180.4-) | 338 | 70 | 10 lb jumps | 150 | 175 |
Open W HW (+) | 388 | 90 | 10 lb jumps | 175 | 185 |
Masters Women | 388 | 140 | TBD | 175 | 185 |
Teen W | 298 | 70 | 10 lb jumps | 132 | 155 |
Novice Men | 388 | 140 | see matrix | 175 | 185 |
Open M LW (175.4-) | 428 | 140 | see matrix | 200 | 225 |
Open M MW (200.4-) | 478 | 180 | see matrix | 220 | 245 |
Open M MW (231.4-) | 518 | 200 | see matrix | 250 | 275 |
Open M HW (265.5-) | 568 | 220 | see matrix | 250 | 295 |
Open M SHW (+) | 608 | 230 | see matrix | 285 | 315 |
Masters M 50+ | 388 | 140 | TBD | 175 | 185 |
Masters M 40+ | 428 | 140 | TBD | 200 | 225 |
Teen M | 388 | 140 | 10 lb jumps | 175 | 185 |
Registration Closes Dec 03, 2024
No refunds.
8 spots remain.