
March 15, 2025

Ragnarok 2025


American Fork, UT

We’re very excited to be bringing Ragnarok back for its second year! We are looking forward to seeing everyone bring their battle cry and warrior faces.

As always weights and implements are subject to change. 

Viking press

Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible with full extension of legs, shoulders and elbows. Athletes will be given a down command.

Athletes may dip and press to complete lock out, but no double dipping allowed.

Athletes must come down to a fully stopped position before next rep. No bounce reps. You will get one warning before reps will not count.

Athletes will be facing the implement and pressing in a barbell type form. 

  • Allowed: Knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, hard & soft belts
  • No suits or bench shirts (don’t know why you’d want one anyways) No tacky

Vehicle pull

Athletes will be pulling a vehicle 40 feet for time. If the athlete is unable to complete the run, they will get points for distance. Athletes will pull vehicle in a harness and hand over hand with a rope anchored in front of the vehicle. The nose of the vehicle must cross the finish line for completion.

This event will be on an asphalt parking lot.  Vehicles are TBD for each weight class.

  • Allowed: Chalk and/or gloves, any type of shoes allowed. Shoes are required
  • No tacky or sticky substance.

13" wagon wheel deadlift

Texas power bar will be used. (Stiff bar)

This will be rising bar wessel rules for a max weight. You have 3 attempts to reach your highest rep, miss one you’re out.  Jump in and give the judge your name at the weight you want when it is called. Wait for your down command at complete lock out.

  • Allowed: Briefs, straps, one soft and one hard belt
  • No suits allowed. No sumo

Sandbag throw series

Women over 12 ft bar and men over 14' bar, each bag must clear to move to the next. 4 bags of increasing weight. No grabbing 2 bags at a time and moving them, and bags must be thrown in order of lightest to heaviest.

  • Allowed: Belts , elbow sleeves , knee sleeves

4 stone load series

This event will be heavier because we're doing a 4 stone run instead of 5. Mens height will be 48", women's will be 42".  There will be a tacky clean up station. Cleaning tacky in any other area could result in a zero for this event.

  • Allowed: Tacky and tacky towels, belts, stone forearm sleeves, knee sleeves, grip shirts
  • No Strongman Corp grip shirts

Check in

Novice, teen, masters and SHW divisions do not have to weigh in, however, you will have a chance to check out the equipment and get heights for Viking press.

If you are not required for check ins, please ensure you arrive before 8:30 on Saturday to get your Viking press height.

You will need to have a current USS membership to compete. 



We will start at 9 am!  Rules meeting will be at 8:30 am. Athletes can arrive as early as 8am.

Athletes will be given adequate warm up areas and equipment.

Expect the tempo of events to vary, as well as actual event order.

Deadlifts, and stone load will be dual lanes, while everyone will be together for sandbag throw, Viking press and vehicle pull.



Valhalla Strength Gym
1375 S 500 E Unit 121-123
American Fork, UT 84003
View Map
Mar 15, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Niko Griggs

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Events and Weights
Division Vehicle pull - 50ftViking press 13" wagon wheel Max Deadlift - Texas power bar Sandbag throw Heavy Stone load to Pillar
Novice Women (Single Class)Lightest85-105Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-20-25-25-12'95, 115, 145, 155
Open W LW (132-)Lightest105-115Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-20-25-25-12'95, 115, 145, 155
Open W MW (165-)Lightest115-125Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-20-25-25-12'115, 145, 155, 175
Open W HW (198-)2nd Lightest 125-135Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-25-25-30-12'145, 155, 175, 215
Open W SHW (+)Heavier135-145Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-25-25-30-12'155, 175, 215, 235
Masters Women (Single Class)2nd Lightest115-125Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-20-25-25-12'115, 145, 155, 175
Teen W LW (165-)Lightest60-85Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-20-25-25-12'95, 115, 145, 175
Teen W HW (165+)Lightest75-95Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-20-25-25-12' 95, 115, 145, 175
Novice Men (Single Class)Lightest180-200Max Pull 3 Attempts 25-25-30-30-14'175, 215, 235, 250
Open M LW (181-)Heavier200-220Max Pull 3 Attempts 25-30-30-35-14'215, 235, 250, 275
Open M MW (220-)Heavier240-260Max Pull 3 Attempts 30-30-35-40-14'235, 250, 275, 300
Open M HW (275-)Biggest 280-300Max Pull 3 Attempts 30-35-40-45-14'250, 275, 300, 330
Open M SHW (+)Biggest300-320Max Pull 3 Attempts 35-40-45-50-14'275, 300, 330,360
Masters Men (Single Class)Heavier240-260Max Pull 3 Attempts 30-30-35-40-14'235, 250, 275,300
Teen M LW (220-)Lightest180Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-25-25-30-14'155, 175, 215, 235
Teen M HW (220+)Lightest180Max Pull 3 Attempts 20-25-25-30-14'155, 175, 215, 235

Early Bird Price
Available until Dec 25, 2024

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 28, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 60 athletes.
4 spots remain.