
August 9, 2025

2025 River Valley Strongman Classic (Central Arkansas)


Russellville, AR

Welcome to the first River Valley Strongman Classic.

This competition will be a benefits show, donating to an addiction recovery ministry for the Russellville, AR community. More details forthcoming.

*USS Nationals 2026 

*2025 USS Inc. membership required

Novice: 1st place will get a nationals invite. 

Open and Masters: 1-3 place will get a nationals invite. 

LOCATION: Russellville, AR

VENUE: Connect Church Event Center

A photographer on site and provide free pictures to all athletes.

*Concession stand will be available onsite.


Weigh ins (Call me if you need an exception)

  • Connect Church Event Center Russellville, AR
  • Friday prior 4-6
  • Saturday 7:30-8:30 at the event site

Athlete meeting at 8:30 am, I would advise you to be there for the meeting, in case something changes. Specific rules are subject to change.

**Any equipment listed as allowed is the only equipment allowed and Promoter has the final say.  If there are questions on the equipment, ask the promoter.

***All weights listed our subject to change per the discretion of the meet director. Athletes will be notified if / when edits are made. 

****I set the refund policy to no, but if you need a refund reach out and we can discuss. I will handle this on a case by case basis. 

Event #1: Deadlift for reps: 

  • Variation: 18in pull height
  • TSS Power bar
  • Athletes have 60sec to complete as many reps as possible.
  • Athletes will strap in on their own time
  • Each successful rep will be counted.
  • There are two calls for this event “START” and “DOWN”
  • Athletes must wait for the “DOWN” call from the judge. If there is not “DOWN” call, then there is no rep.
  • Highest total reps win the event.
  • Thumbs must be around the bar. No hooks.
  • Gear allowed: Regular and figure of 8 straps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, soft belt, one hard belt, one soft belt, Deadlift Suits, briefs/compression shorts, baby powder.
  • Gear not allowed: tacky of any kind, knee or elbow wraps, no spray adhesive, no built-up belts, no gloves


Event #2: Press Medley

  • Athletes will have 75 seconds to complete the course.
  • Stage one: Log
  • Stage two: 18in Axel
  • Stage three: Yoke (if divisions weight is less than 165 lbs, then athletes will use power bar on blocks)
  • Each stage counts as one rep, on third stage rep away, most reps win
  • No implements may be rested on the head.
  • Gear allowed: elbow and knee sleeves, wrist wraps, one soft belts, one hard belt.
  • Gear not allowed: tacky of any kind, suits, no stone straps, no spray on adhesive, no built-up belts, no gloves


Event #3: Max Bench Press

  • Further details as we get closer to the event
  • Gear allowed: TBD
  • Gear not allowed: TBD


Event #4: Max Distance Sandbag Carry

  • Athletes will have 180 seconds to complete the course.
  • Pick the sandbag after START command
  • Greatest distance wins the course, there will be a turn around a cone every 50ft
  • No drops allowed
  • Sandbag must be on the front of the torso, no shouldering the bag
  • Gear allowed: elbow and knee sleeves, wrist wraps, knee wraps, one soft belts, one hard belt, USS approved grip shirts
  • Gear not allowed: tacky of any kind, suits, no spray adhesive, no gloves


Event #5: Atlas Stone for Reps 

  • Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible.
  • The athlete may not touch the stone prior to the start command
  • Once the start command is given, the athlete will proceed to move the atlas stone from the floor to over the bar
  • The bar height
  • There will be a catcher feeding the stone back to the athlete.
  • If the stone is thrown at the catcher in an uncontrolled manner, the catcher will ensure their own safety.
  • So if the stone rolls away, that still counts against your time.
  • Hands are not allowed to be placed on the yoke to chest bump over the bar.
  • Gear allowed: elbow and knee sleeves, wrist wraps, knee wraps, one soft belts, one hard belt, tacky, grip shirts
  • Gear not allowed: Built-up belts, spray adhesive, no gloves


Connect Church Event center
1103 E L St
Russellville, AR 72801
View Map
Aug 09, 2025

Start Time
8:00 AM
Meet Director
John Thames
Events and Weights
Division Deadlift for Reps (18in)Press MedleyMax Bench PressMax Distance Sandbag CarryStone Over Bar
Novice W HW (165+)26565, 75, 85Max100100
Novice W LW (165-)22565, 75, 85Max150100
Open W LW (132-)28580, 75, 95Max150125
Open W MW (165-)355100, 95, 115Max200165
Open W HW (198-)405115, 105, 135Max200200
Open W SHW (+)465135, 125, 155Max225225
Masters Women (Single Class)27580, 75, 95Max150125
Masters Women 60+24565,75,85Max100100
Teen W LW (165-)18565,75,85Max100100
Teen W HW (165+)20565,75,85Max100100
Novice M HW (220+)435195, 175, 195Max250200
Novice M LW (220-)405185, 165, 195Max225200
Open M LW (181-)515185, 165, 195Max225250
Open M MW (220-)545225, 215, 235Max250300
Open M HW (275-)605245, 235, 255Max300365
Open M SHW (+)655265, 255, 275Max325365
Masters Men (Single Class)515185, 165, 195Max250200
Masters Men 60+405155, 145, 165Max225165
Teen M LW (220-)405185, 165, 195Max225200
Teen M HW (220+)405195, 175, 205Max225200

Early Bird Price
Only 5 available.

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jul 05, 2025

Refund Policy
Refunds available until 30 days prior to event.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
85 spots remain.
Athlete Registration Buy Spectator TicketsView Scoreboard