
March 29, 2025

Riveter II


Austin, TX

We are back!

The Riveter II is here! 

Last year was a historic event; it was the largest ladies only strongman show in United States history! This year, i’m Doing things a little differently. For starters, and most importantly; this is still a women's only show! Last years event was a great success, but, some ladies could not compete due to the fact that it was a ‘novice’ only show. This year, the flood gates have been opened. You ALL can compete at this years event!

And secondly, this is a United States Strongman sanctioned event; so make sure you have your federation membership! you can purchase this upon registration or anytime between now and show time. You MUST have this membership to compete. Link to get membership below!


Must be registered by February 22nd to secure a competition t shirt!

All entries after February 22nd will NOT have a promised competition t shirt.

Weigh-ins will be held Friday at 6pm-8pm and Saturday morning 8am-9am at the contest location.

Rules meeting will be held at 9:00 am SHARP. We will go over any last minute questions and concerns with the events for the day at this time! I will go over the iron podium event rules at this time. Competition will start at 10:15am SHARP!

All spectators have a fee of $10 at the door. We will accept cash/Venmo 

*Weights for events are subject to change at any time up until 4 weeks out from competition time*

Order of athletes will not be re-ordered after the first 3 events. The order will stay the same as the signups roll in. We will re-order for the final event only. There is a benefit to signing up early!

I am going to be running 4 lanes for event 1 and 2, and 2 lanes for events 3 and 4. So this show will be MOVIN y’all. 

Event 1: Max Axle C&P (State Record)

  • 3 attempts to hit max weight
  • 60 seconds per attempt
  • weight does not go down once it goes up!
  • Stay close by and hop in wherever you see fit
  • All lanes will be taking 5lb jumps
  • Starting weights TBD

Equipment Allowed: knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, grip shirts (no Strongman Corporation grip shirts), chalk/liquid chalk

Equipment NOT Allowed: any sort of tacky substance, no knee/elbow wraps

Event 2: Axle Deadlift for Reps

  • 2” axle bar from a standard 9” pull height
  • 60 second time limit
  • Ypu can strap in before your 1 min timer starts
  • must wait for down call on each rep (there will be no up call)
  • touch and go is allowed
  • no sumo stance

Equipment Allowed: Straps, figure 8's, knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, chalk/liquid chalk

Equipment NOT Allowed: No deadlift suits or briefs of any kind, no tacky substance of any kind, no knee/elbow wraps

Event 3: Sandbag+Sandbag carry/Sled Drag

  • There will be 2 sandbags lined up 50’ away from a sled
  • On ‘start’ command you will grab either of the bags and run it 50’ down and load it onto the sled
  • You’ll then run back to the other sandbag, pick it and carry it back 50' and load it onto the sled
  • You’ll then grab the handle that is attached to the sled with the sandbags on it and backwards drag the sled 50' until the entire sled is across the taped off finish line
  • 60 second time limit
  • barefoot will be allowed

Equipment Allowed: knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, chalk/liquid chak

Equipment NOT Allowed: No straps of any kind, Any sort of tacky substance, no knee/elbow wraps

Event 4: Freedom Strength Sandbag Toss

  • 3 sandbag series (lightest-heaviest)
  • 12’ toss height
  • Sandbags will be 10’ away from the crossbar
  • On whistle you will grab the lightest bag and toss over the crossbar
  • Once bag has cleared you will move into the next heaviest bag and so on and so forth
  • Must complete each bag before moving onto the next bag
  • Split times will be taken

Equipment Allowed: knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, gloves, chalk/liquid chalk

Equipment NOT Allowed: any sort of tacky substance, no knee/elbow wraps

VFW Post 8787 "The Capital City Post"
500 VFW Rd
Austin, TX 78753
View Map
Mar 29, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Frank Donahue

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Events and Weights
Division Max Axle Clean and PressAxle Deadlift for RepsSandbag/Sandbag Sled DragFreedom Strength Sandbag Toss
Novice W LW (165-)MAX20550/75/SLED DRAG15/20/25
Novice W HW (165+)MAX22575/100/SLED DRAG15/20/25
Open W LW (132-)MAX245100/125/SLED DRAG15/20/25
Open W MW (165-)MAX265125/150/SLED DRAG15/20/25
Open W HW (198-)MAX285150/175/SLED DRAG20/25/30
Open W SHW (242-)MAX325175/200/SLED DRAG25/30/35
Open W SHW (+)MAX355175/200/SLED DRAG25/30/35
Masters Women (Single Class)MAX265125/150/SLED DRAG20/25/30
Teen W LW (165-)MAX18550/75/SLED DRAG15/20/25
Teen W HW (165+)MAX20575/100/SLED DRAG15/20/25

Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 15, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
35 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard