
October 30, 2021

ROMAN & ROMAN Tampa Bay Strongman Classic- X (New Pro Division!)


Seminole, FL

Welcome to the 10 anniversary of the ROMAN & ROMAN Tampa Bay Strongman Classic. 

This event consists of Women, Men, Novice and potentially PRO athletes. 


Location: Valor Fitness Arena in Seminole, Florida  Spectator fee: $10 . Credit card is accepted with small fee.  ALL NON ATHLETES WILL BE CHARGED AN ENTRANCE FEE. This helps us cover our facility fees to ensure we continue to have a beautiful indoor venue.

Food, drink (non alcoholic and alcoholic) and entertainment for the entire family will be available, so invite your family, friends and neighbors. We will have special events for kids as well!

If you are interested in being a sponsor or having a booth inside the venue for your product/service, please email Atlasmarketingmedia@gmail.com for information

If you are interested in purchasing extra event shirts, please email Atlasmarketingmedia@gmail.com . In the subject line, please put " TBSMC Extra shirt (insert your name here)" and in the body say your name, quantity you would like size(s) and a good email to send a paypal invoice to. 

Weigh ins/Check in's/Rules Meetings


ALL OPEN OR PRO DIVISION ATHLETES: (Friday) Weigh in's will be offered at two times ONLY. 11-11:45AM and 5:30-6:30pm. You MUST weigh in at one of those times if you would like to compete the following day. 

(Saturday) ALL ATHLETES: Check in will begin at 8:30 with a mandatory rules meeting at 9:15. If you are NOT CHECKED IN BY 9:15 AND AT THE MANDATORY RULES MEETING, you CANNOT compete in the event. Door's will open at 9AM with warm up's being from 9:30-10:05. Event opening ceremonies will begin at 10:15 with the show expected to kick off at 10:30. 


WEIGHTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME. Continue to check back periodically for any changes

Fat Back Farmers Carry/Deadlift- Athlete will begin with their hands on the implement (if they chose) and on the start command will complete 4 Deadlift reps, after the 4th deadlift has been completed, you will pick up the bars and advance 40 ft, where you will attempt to complete 4 more deadlift reps. You will have 70 seconds to complete this course. Scoring will be based on time with the secondary measure being how many reps you completed if time elapses before you complete the 8th rep. Belts, knees and elbow sleeves, wrist wraps permitted. Straps, briefs or tacky is NOT permitted 

Log/Axle/Axle Clean and Press Ladder- Athlete will begin with their hands on the log (if they chose) and on the start command will attempt to clean and press log for one (1 rep). Then, they will advance forward to the first axle and attempt to clean and press it for one (1) rep. Finally, the athlete will advance forward to the final axle where they will attempt to clean and press the axle for one (1) rep. All reps will be given a down command when the implement is locked out overhead (shoulders fully extended, elbows locked head through) and legs are erect and reasonably together. Athlete will have 60 seconds to complete this ladder with the  winner being awarded to the athlete who completes the most implements in the least amount of time. There will be split times taken to avoid large amounts of ties. Belts, wrist wraps, knee and elbow sleeves, grip shirts (that do NOT have the SC logo) are permitted. Straps or DL suits are NOT permitted.

Will Development Stone 2 Shoulder- Athlete will begin with their hands on the stone (if they chose) and on the start command will attempt to lift the stone up to their shoulder (either is fine). Once the stone is in position, the athlete MUST REMOVE THEIR OPOSITE HAND FROM THE STONE AND REMAIN UNDER CONTROL FOR A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME BEFORE THE DOWN COMMAND WILL BE GIVEN. The judges will not keep you there for more time than needed to show control, so be sure to be in a good position when you go to finish the rep. Athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. There will be no split times taken. Belt, wrist wraps, knee, elbow and forearm sleeves and tacky are permitted (Although the promoter recommends NOT using a large amount of it, as it will be detrimental to your performance.) Returning stone to the ground in an unsafe manor (determined by the judge) will result in a no rep call the first time and a disqualification from the stone event the second time. 

Sandbag Overhead throw for distance- Athlete will start in front of the first bag and on the start command will grab the bag and backwards toss (overhead) the throwing bag for as FAR AS POSSIBLE (NOT HEIGHT, DISTANCE). They will immediately move onto the second bag and finally 3rd bag and attempt the same. Once all bags have been thrown, there will be a cumulative measurement to determine the athletes score(total distance thrown). You will have 60 seconds to throw all 4 bags. If there is a line fault, there will be a 5 foot deduction for each offense. Belt, wrist wraps, elbow and knee sleeves permitted. Tacky NOT permitted. Chalk will be available.

**PRO DIVISION ONLY** Car Deadlift Hold- Athlete will begin with their hands on the bars (if they chose) and on the start command will attempt to lift the car to a full lockout position. Once this has been achieved, the clock will begin and the athlete will attempt to hold the car upright as long as possible. Clock will stop when the implement touches the ground. There is NO TIME LIMIT on this event. STRAPS ARE PERMITTED AND ENCOURAGED. Belts, wrist wraps, power pants, knee and elbow sleeves are permitted. Tacky is not permitted. 


AN EMAIL WILL BE SENT OUT BETWEEN 7 AND 10 DAYS BEFORE THE EVENT, disclosing any last minute information or changes that may occur. Be sure you use an email address that you check regularly and make sure that emails from iron podium are not being sent to spam. The system automatically sends emails to whatever you put in, so if you misspell the email addy, you wont receive any communication from the TBSMC staff.

 Remember, the 1st event order is based on the order in which entries are received, so get your entry in ASAP for a competitive advantage.


Valor Fitness - (Valor Athletics, Inc.)
10351 72nd St
Seminole, FL 33777
View Map
Oct 30, 2021

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Donnie Kiernan

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Events and Weights
Division FatBack Farmers EventLog/Axle/Axle Clean & Press MedleyWill Development Stone 2 ShoulderSandbag Overhead Long Throw*PRO DIVISION ONLY* Car Deadlift Hold (Max Time)
Novice Women (Single Class)135100/115/13511520/20/25/30N/A
Open W MW (148-)155110/135/14512520/20/25/30N/A
Open W SHW (+)175130/145/16516525/25/30/35N/A
Novice Men (Single Class)225200/225/24520035/35/40/40N/A
Open M MW (198-)255210/235/25522035/40/40/45N/A
Open M MW (220-)295240/255/27524040/45/45/50N/A
Open M SHW (+)315260/275/30527545/50/50/55N/A
Masters Men (Single Class)255210/235/25522035/40/40/45N/A
Pro Men375310/345/36531560/65/70/75Large SUV

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 29, 2021

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
27 spots remain.