May 6, 2023
Royal Rumble Coed Throwdown
Cuyahoga Falls, OH
Be aware when signing up: Price is $50 per athlete / $100 per team. The team "captain" will sign up first, complete his/her payment, then create a team and invite his/her teammate. The teammate then accepts and submits his/her own payment to complete the process.
T-shirt Deadline : Sat, April 8th 2023
Strongman with a twist. Be prepared to breathe!
This coed team event will blend the strongman $h!+ you know with the heart-pumping fitness we all "love". If you train strongman and keep that engine tuned up, this is for you. If you like the xfit and dabble in strongman, you'll like this too.
There will be burpees ;)
We've opted for no weight classes. Teams will HONESTLY self-select either Novice or Open based on team experience and fitness level. Novice should be for those who have never competed before and may be newer to fitness and strongman or those just looking to get the competition feet wet. Open is for those with training and competition experience, or those with a high strength & fitness level. The combination of heavy events with fast, fitness events will even the playing field for body weights.
Attention Spectators: Depending on weather, space to watch may be limited. There will be a $5 spectator fee at the door.
Movement Standards: https://youtu.be/8DApG5TY3rs
Event 1: Log
no funny business here. Each team will have 10 minutes to establish a single rep max on the log. Men use 10", women use 8". Total team max is scored.
Event 2: Farmer with a Twist
This is a max distance event. Scored based on total distance carried. Coed teams will simultaneously have 5 minutes to get as far as possible. At each 50' mark, you'll drop the bars, complete 5x burpees, then re-pick and carry. Burpee standard: Feet leave the floor, both hands touch the top of your head, body is erect (that's what she said).
Event 3: Mike's Medley
A 50ft rope will be attached to the sled. Reel the sled in with arms, run down, grab the keg, carry it to and load it onto the sled, same thing with a sandbag, push the whole thing back. You and your teammate will unload the sled, then the second teammate will go. Your total time as a team is scored.
Event 4: Strongman Chipper
Total reps will be divided evenly between the teammates, half for the men and half for the women. Men and women will have different weights for some movements. Teammates start simultaneously. There will be a 20-minute time cap on this event. Teams will first be ranked based on total speed when 100% complete. Next teams will be ranked based on total reps completed in the 20 minutes should they not finish 100%.
- 100 (50/50) x Russian Kettlebell Swings
(OM:80, OW:53, NM:62, NW:44) - 90 (45/45) x Paratroopers
- 80 (40/40) x Double Kettlebell Push Press
(OM:53s, OW:35s , NM:44s , NW:26s) - 70 (35/35) x Recline Rows (full elbow extension to chest-to-bar)
*No more pullups! - 60 (30/30) x Butterfly Situps
(hands touch floor behind head to hands touch toes at top) - 50 (25/25) x Axle Bar Deadlift
(OM:255, OW:165 , NM:215 , NW:125 ) - 40 (20/20) x Barbell Front Squat
(OM:135 , OW:95, NM:115 , NW:75 ) - 30 (15/15) x Renegade Rows, pushup+rowR+rowL=1
(OM:45s, OW:25s, NM:35s, NW:20s) - 20 (10/10) x Sandbag Shoulders
(OM:125, OW:80, NM:100, NW:65) - 10 (5/5) x Circus DB ground-to-overhead
(OM:80, OW:55, NM:65, NW:40)
355 Remington Rd
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44224
View Map
Start Time
9:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Log Press | Farmer with a twist | Mike's Medley - total team time | Strongman Chipper |
Open Team | Max: (M) 10" Log / (W) 8" Log | (M) 195 ea hand / (W) 115 ea hand | (M) 88 on sled, 175 SB, 180 keg / (W) 44 on sled, 125 SB, 125 keg | See description |
Novice Team | Max: (M) 10" Log / (W) 8" Log | (M) 155 ea hand / (W) 85 ea hand | (M) 70 on sled, 150 SB, 150 Keg / (W) 35 on sled,100 SB, 100 Keg | See description |
Registration Closes May 01, 2023
No refunds.
17 spots remain.