July 19, 2025
Canyon Summer Clash - Oregon
Stayton, OR
I’m excited to bring another strongman competition to Oregon, especially one set in the stunning Santiam Canyon. This will be the inaugural Canyon Summer Clash, which is all about showcasing strength, determination, and the beauty of this incredible area.
Please share training videos, along with your videos during and after the comp.
Please tag #canyonsummerclash or @worldsstrongestmathteacher
July 18th ( Friday-day before the comp) between 2:00pm-7:00pm at 1434 Kristan Ct Stayton, OR 97383 (THIS IS NOT COMP SITE)
July 19th at Stayton Middle School (Comp Site) by 9:00am - 1021 Shaff Rd. Stayton, OR 97383
Hotel Information:
Athlete Check IN:
9:00 am Saturday morning (July 19th) you'll receive comp shirt and gift bag.
Rules Meeting:
Briefing will take place at 9:30 (July 19th)
Spectator Admission:
FREE but please bring your own chairs and tents (they will not be provided)
Qualifying for Nationals:
Novice: 1st place will get a nationals invite
Teens, Open, and Masters: 1-3 place will get a nationals invite
For all events:
- Grip shirts are allowed (please no Strongman Corp grip shirts)
- Belts, straps, sleeves are allowed
- No tacky or tacky substitute
Event 1: Premiere Property Group Log Clean and Press Away
Time limit: 60 seconds
Scoring: Reps
- Athlete can start with hands on log.
- After the 3...2....1... go command the athlete will clean the log once and press it for as many reps as possible.
- The log only needs to return to the front rack position between each rep. No up command will be given.
- It is optional to set the log down and reclean during the 60 seconds.
- Once the 60 seconds is over the number of reps completed at that moment are the athletes score.
- If the judge has not given the down command before time has run out then the rep does not count.
- For all reps the athlete must show control and full lockout before the down command will be given. ABSOLUTELY NO TREE TOPPING
Items allowed: belt, under belt, sleeves, wrist wraps, grip shirt, chalk, liquid chalk.
Event 2: The Physical Therapy Project Elevated Deadlift Medley
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Scoring: Reps
- Athlete can start strapped in on the 1st bar.
- After the 3...2....1... go command the athlete will pull one rep on the 1st bar, they will then move to the 2nd bar where they will also pull one rep, they will then move to the 3rd bar where they will pull as many reps as possible in the remaining time.
- The 1st bar will have atlas stone/flintstone weights and be lifted off of pads. Approximately 15"-18" (I will share pictures when it is completed) *Type of bar has not been determined yet because of build.
- The 2nd bar will be a deadlift bar on wagon wheels. 13"
- The 3rd bar will be a Kabuki Trap bar and we will use the high handles. 13"
- The judge will give a down command for each rep.
- Touch and go will NOT be allowed when repping the 3rd bar, the bar must go all the way back to the floor completely with slack out of the bar to continue to the next rep.
- If time runs out before the down command the rep will not be counted.
- Control the bar back down to the ground/pads after each rep. ABSOLUTELY NO SLAMMING
- The athlete will be rewarded for how many successful reps were completed.
Items allowed: straps, figure 8s, sleeves, briefs, suits, baby powder, chalk, competition shirt, belt, under belt
Event 3: Cerberus Strength Yoke Run and Sandbag Load
Time limit: 60 seconds
Distance: 50 ft course
Scoring : ft + mm:ss
- Athletes can start under the yoke.
- After the 3...2...1... go command the athlete will carry the yoke down a 50 ft course.
- Unlimited drops
- No sliding, 2 second or 2 foot penalty per slide (judges discretion)
- Tips of the yoke must cross the line.
- The athlete will then run back to the start line and carry the sandbag back to the yoke and load it over the bar.
- The yoke height cannot be adjusted mid race, so be careful when choosing your yoke height.
- If you cannot load the sandbag over bar and you run out of the 60 second time cap you will be rewarded the 99 ft instead of 100 feet.
- If you finish it successfully time will stop when the sandbag drops over the bar and you will be rewarded the 100 ft plus the time that you finished at
Items allowed: liquid chalk, chalk, belts, grip shirt, sleeves
Event 4: Edgewater Financial Sandbag Toss over Bar
Time Limit: 45 seconds
Height: 12ft for women and 15ft for men.
Scoring: reps + mm:ss
- Athlete will start with hand on yoke.
- After the 3...2...1.. go command the athlete will pick up and throw the 5 sandbags over the bar behind them.
- You can only move one bag at a time.
- Athlete must work from lightest to heaviest bag.
- The judge will stop you if you miss and you will have to retrieve your own bag.
- The athlete will be rewarded for the number of bags that successfully go over the bar during the time limit.
- If you finish all 5 bags successfully, time will stop when the sandbag clears the bar and you will be rewarded the 5 reps plus the time that you finished at.
- No split times will be taken.
Items allowed: chalk, liquid chalk, belts, sleeves
Event 5: Zoey'sDojo Fat Gripz Trap Bar Hold
Scoring: +mm:ss
- Time will start when athlete lifts the bar and tires clear the ground.
- The only part of the bar that can be in contact with the athlete is the handles covered by Fat Gripz.
- Hands must be fully on the Fat Gripz (Cannot have any part of fingers contacting regular handle)
- We will be using a Kabuki Trap bar with Tires+plates for weight.
- Handles will be covered with Fat Gripz
- Pro for women (Blue)
- Extreme for men (Orange)
- Athlete must make sure to position the seam in Fat Gripz in their palm.
- The only part of the bar that can be in contact with the athlete is the handles covered by Fat Gripz.
- Time will end as soon tires touch back down.
Items allowed: belt, chalk, sleeves
Weights may be adjusted slightly for organizational purposes, but in general there will not be major changes.
If you have questions please get a hold of me. Take care and keep training hard.
Events and Weights
Division | Premiere Property Group Log Clean and Press Away | The Physical Therapy Project Elevated Deadlift Medley | Cerberus Strength Yoke Run and Sandbag Load | Edgewater Financial Sandbag Toss over Bar | Zoey'sDojo Fat Gripz Trap Bar Hold |
Novice W HW (165+) | 125 | 250,275,300 | 325+130 | 10,15,20,25,30 | Pro 175 |
Novice W LW (165-) | 105 | 200,225,250 | 250+100 | 10,15,20,25,30 | Pro 155 |
Open W LW (132-) | 135 | 250,275,300 | 325+130 | 10,15,20,25,30 | Pro 175 |
Open W MW (165-) | 145 | 275, 300, 325 | 350+150 | 15,20,25,30,35 | Pro 200 |
Open W HW (198-) | 155 | 300, 325, 350 | 425+150 | 15,20,25,30,35 | Pro 225 |
Open W SHW (+) | 175 | 350, 375, 400 | 475+180 | 20,25,30,35,40 | Pro 245 |
Masters W MW (165-) | 125 | 225,250,275 | 300+130 | 15,20,25,30,35 | Pro 175 |
Masters W HW (+) | 145 | 275, 300, 325 | 350+150 | 15,20,25,30,35 | Pro 200 |
Teen W LW (165-) | 85 | 175,200,225 | 200+75 | 10,15,20,25,30 | Pro 155 |
Teen W HW (165+) | 105 | 200,225,250 | 250+100 | 10,15,20,25,30 | Pro 155 |
Novice M LW (220-) | 180 | 300, 350, 400 | 500+180 | 20,25,30,35,40 | Extreme 250 |
Novice M HW (220+) | 200 | 400, 450, 500 | 550+200 | 25,30,35,40,45 | Extreme 275 |
Open M LW (181-) | 210 | 425, 475, 550 | 550+200 | 25,30,35,40,45 | Extreme 300 |
Open M MW (220-) | 240 | 500, 550, 625 | 600+230 | 30,35,40,45,50 | Extreme 330 |
Open M HW (242-) | 250 | 500, 550, 625 | 650+230 | 30,35,40,45,50 | Extreme 345 |
Open M HW (275-) | 260 | 525, 575, 650 | 700+250 | 30,35,40,45,50 | Extreme 360 |
Open M SHW (+) | 280 | 575, 625, 700 | 770+300 | 35,40,45,50,55 | Extreme 400 |
Masters M HW (242-) | 200 | 425, 475, 550 | 550+200 | 25,30,35,40,45 | Extreme 300 |
Masters M HW (+) | 230 | 500, 550, 625 | 600+230 | 30,35,40,45,50 | Extreme 330 |
Teen M LW (220-) | 150 | 275, 325, 400 | 450+150 | 20,25,30,35,40 | Extreme 225 |
Teen M HW (220+) | 180 | 300, 350, 425 | 500+180 | 25,30,35,40,45 | Extreme 250 |
Registration Closes May 31, 2025
No refunds.
No spots left.