November 18, 2023
Sasquatch Strongman Showdown 2
Jarrell, TX
Welcome to the second annual Sasquatch Strongman Showdown!
We are BACK, and we've got an even better show for you this year!
All entries after October 21st will NOT have a promised competition t shirt.
Must be registered by October 21st to secure a competition t shirt!
Weigh-ins will be held Friday at 6pm-8pm and Saturday morning 7am-8am at Raise the BAR fitness at 200 County Road 306 Jarrell, TX 76537 You will weigh in, and sign the liability waiver at this time.
Rules meeting will be held at 8:15am SHARP at Raise the BAR. We will go over any last minute questions and concerns with the events for the day at this time! I will go over the iron podium event rules at this time. Competition will start at 9am SHARP!
There will be a giant designated (athlete only) warm up area; so pack your chairs and coolers! You will have access to a microwave and fridge as well. No food or drink on the main side of the gym, there will be signs posted.
Spectator fee $5 at the door. We will accept cash/paypal/venmo/cashapp
*Weights for events are subject to change at any time*
Order of athletes will not be re-ordered after every event. The order will stay the same as the signups roll in. There is a benefit to signing up early! Order of athletes will reorder for the last event
Event 1: Max Circus Dumbbell
- Women's bell will be 10". Men's bell will be 12"
- There will be a 60 second time limit from the time you step up the dumbbell
- 3 attempts, 60 seconds per attempt. Hop in where you see fit. Miss an attempt within your 60 second time limit, and you are out. So, choose your opener wisely!
- Once weight goes up, the weight will not go back down. Keep track of where we are, and stay near by
- Men will take 10 lb jumps. Ladies will take 5lb jumps. Starting weights will be an empty dumbbell for both men and women
- Lockout must be established by your judge. Ultimately, it will come to your judges discretion if the rep is good.
- No feet movement at all, and you must show control of the dumbbell
- Do NOT jump the down call
- Do NOT drop the dumbbell from overhead. Guide it down to the crash pads. If there is a safety concern present, and you have to bail out to avoid injury, that’s a different scenario. But, no intentional tree topping the dumbell.
- Shoes MUST be worn at all times
Equipment Allowed: knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, grip shirts (no restrictions on brand), chalk/liquid chalk
Equipment NOT Allowed: any sort of tacky substance, no knee/elbow wraps
Event 2: Deadlift Ladder (Farmers, Axle, Deadlift Bar)
- There will be 3 implements in a line
- 60 second time frame
- You will start with hands on the first implement (you can strap into farmers for this event if you want)
- You will receive a start command where you can begin on the farmers
- Wait for a down command, and move onto the axle bar
- Wait for a down command, and move onto the deadlift bar
- Rep out the deadlift bar until the remainder of your 60 second time limit is through
- Touch and go will be allowed, but wait for the down call
- You will receive a down command for each and every rep on the last bar
Equipment Allowed: Straps, figure 8's, knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, chalk/liquid chalk
Equipment NOT Allowed: No deadlift suits or briefs of any kind, no tacky substance of any kind, no knee/elbow wraps
Event 3: Death Medley
(Sandbag/Yoke/Sandbag Carry to load)
Here's how this event will work. You will pick a sandbag, run it 30' down the course, once you cross the taped line, you will drop the bag, then turn and pick the yoke and run the yoke back down the 30' course. Must carry yoke on your back, no zerchering the yoke. Once the entire yoke has crossed the line, you will run back to the sandbag, pick it, run it back down the course and load it over the crossbar of the yoke. Whatever yoke height you decide, that will determine how high you are going to have to load the sandbag. Choose your height carefully! This course will have a 60 second time limit. Shouldering the sandbag is allowed. If you fail to get the sandbag over the crossbar and time runs out, you will get 1' not completed on the course.
So for example a good ”completed“ run would look something like this -
90’ + 45.00 seconds
If you get allll the way to the end but do not load the sandbag over the crossbar, and time runs out, the score will look like this
89’ + 60.00 seconds
Get that bag over the crossbar and claim your points!
Equipment Allowed: knee/elbow seeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, grip shirts (no restrictions on brand), gloves, chalk/liquid chalk
Equipment NOT Allowed: any sort of tacky substance, deadlift suits/briefs, no knee/elbow wraps
Event 4: Max FTA Farmers Carry
- You will start with your hands off of the farmers
- Once your start command is given, pick the farmers and go
- You will have 60 seconds to go as far as you can
- There will be a 30' taped off course. The only allowed drop area is past the taped line.
- You can only drop once the front of the farmers passes the line.
- You will turn around, repick and run back to the other line (only the front has to pass the line)
- If you drop it at any point INSIDE the taped off course, your time will stop, and measurement will be taken
- If you drop it before the starting line, you will be given 1 single re-pick
- If the farmers handles pass the starting line at all on the 1st or repick and you drop it, measurement will be taken accordingly
- Weight listed is weight per handle, not total weight
Equipment Allowed: knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, chalk/liquid chalk
Equipment NOT Allowed: No straps of any kind, Any sort of tacky substance, no knee/elbow wraps
Event 5: Truck Pull
- You will start harnessed in, with slack pulled out of the rope
- 40' course
- Whistle will blow, and you will start
- Fastest time wins
- If you have someone that you want to pull the slack out of your rope, they can be in the competition area for this event. If you do not have someone, we will have a volunteer on site to pull your slack out.
- 60 seconds to complete the course. If you do not complete within 60 seconds, measurement will be taken and judged accordingly.
Equipment Allowed: knee/elbow sleeves, soft/hard belt, wrist wraps, gloves, chalk/liquid chalk
Equipment NOT Allowed: any sort of tacky substance, no knee/elbow wraps
Events and Weights
Division | Max Mackey Circus Dumbell | Deadlift Ladder | Death Medley | FTA Farmers Carry | Bigfoot Concrete Truck Pull |
Womens Open (+) | MAX | 205/285/335 | 175/400/175 | 195 LBS | HEAVY |
Womens U64 (140.8-) | MAX | 150/215/225 | 130/325/130 | 130 LBS | HEAVY |
Womens U73 (160.6-) | MAX | 160/235/265 | 150/350/150 | 150 LBS | HEAVY |
Womens U82 (180.4-) | MAX | 175/255/305 | 175/375/175 | 170 LBS | HEAVY |
Mens Open (+) | MAX | 315/545/585 | 310/650/310 | 305 LBS | HEAVY |
Mens U80 (176-) | MAX | 235/405/465 | 175/500/175 | 225 LBS | HEAVY |
Mens U90 (200-) | MAX | 250/445/495 | 220/550/220 | 240 LBS | HEAVY |
Mens U105 (231-) | MAX | 265/485/515 | 265/600/265 | 250 LBS | HEAVY |
Registration Closes Nov 15, 2023
No refunds.
28 spots remain.