
October 12, 2024

Seaside Highland Games


Ventura, CA

SAAA 2024 Seaside Highland Games

Saturday and Sunday October 12th and 13th 2024

$70 for non-members

$60 for members (discount code will be emailed to you)

Ventura County Fairgrounds


REGISTRATION - OPEN NOW...First come, first served. Registration ends on October 5, 2024

EVENTS - Braemar, Open Stone, Light Weight For Distance, Heavy Weight For Distance, Heavy Hammer, Light Hammer, Sheaf, Weight Over Bar and Caber will be contested for all classes. 


Saturday - Men's A, Women's A, B and C Classes, Men's Masters 40+, 50+ and Masters 60+

Sunday - Women's Masters, Men's B, Men's C, Men's and Women lightweight and Men's Novice


Classes will be capped at 10 athletes. Any late additions or exceptions to this cap are at the discretion of the Athletic Director.


ENTRANCE FEES - There are parking fees charged by the festival, but please arrive early to get parking near the athlete gate past the tennis courts. Friends and family will need to purchase an event ticket, but athletes only need to pay for their athlete registration to enter.

SHIRTS - All athletes will be given a games shirt and are expected to wear it. This helps us to determine if you are allowed on the field or not, and keeps the event safe.

DAY OF EVENT INFO - Please arrive around 8am, and expect the competition to begin at 9am. We will finish when all athletes have completed all events. 

Athlete tents are extremely limited on the side of field. Please make sure to get the permission of the Athletic Director if you want to put a tent on the field. There is a small athletes area next to the arena for all athletes to store their gear. Spectators will have access to a large seating area (bleachers) overlooking the field.

SAAA to provide water to all athletes, but please bring sun screen, chairs, drinks and snacks. This is a long day in the sun, and we want everyone to stay safe. Please keep drinking water and do what you can to stay out of direct sun light if at all possible.

LODGING - There is no camping available at the festival, but there are plenty of nearby hotels available. Please book a room early as costs can be high closer to the date of the event.




Liability Waiver -

1. Competitors must wear the kilt and Highland hose at all times while on the athletic field. Exceptions to this rule

must have the prior approval of the Athletic Director (AD).

2. All events will be governed by the Scottish American Athletic Association (SAAA) rules. The SAAA and the

sponsor(s) of the Highland Game reserve the right to test any competitor for the use of steroids and other

performance altering substances and in any manner, time, and place convenient to the SAAA or Highland Game


3. Decisions of the Judges and Athletic Director are final.

4. The SAAA reserve the right to change, combine, or eliminate scheduled events.

5. I release my rights to any photographs or facsimiles taken of me during my participation in the Heavy Events

Competition at these games and grant the SAAA and the organizers of the Game the right to use, reproduce, and

publish the photographs or facsimiles at their discretion.

6. The competition is expected to include the traditional eight heavy events of Scottish Highland athletics, AND the sheaf toss; however, the scheduling of final competition events is at the discretion of the Athletic Director and Judges.

7. Medals and/or awards will be provided as can best be accommodated, the final decision of what to award being

the SAAA’s or the Highland Game sponsor(s).


must be aware that objects will be thrown into the air, often from multiple directions, and must

be active in their efforts to avoid being hit by any implement.

By registering for this competition, I acknowledge that I have read the rules and regulations as set forth on

this Entry Form and hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators waive and release all rights and

claims for damages I may be entitled to against the sponsors of the Highland Games, the Scottish American Athletic

Association (SAAA) and their representatives, agents, successors and assignees, for any and all injuries suffered by

me through participation in these events. Additionally, I agree to be bound by the OFFICIAL RULES




Code of Conduct for SAAA Registration:

Code of Conduct for Athletes Participating in Scottish Highland Games Heavy Athletics

1. Inclusivity: All athletes, regardless of their gender, religion, political affiliation, disability, sexual orientation, or any

other personal characteristic, shall be treated with respect and equality. Any form of discrimination, harassment,

assault, sexist or bullying behavior reported to an SAAA official, is strictly prohibited.

2. Sportsmanship: Athletes shall compete with honor and sportsmanship. They shall not engage in any

unsportsmanlike conduct, including but not limited to taunting, vulgar or unwelcome trash-talking, or cheating of

any kind. Sportsmanship applies to the treatment of other athletes, spectators, judges, athletic directors and

anyone else present during athletic competitions. All athletes shall comply with all rules and regulations of the

competition, follow the instructions of officials, and respect the rights of other competitors.

3. Athletic Director Powers and Responsibilities: All athletes are to respect and follow the requests of the athletic

director. Any athletic director requests or commands are to be accepted as final, without question by any athlete.

4. SAAA Right to Refuse Service: The SAAA reserves the right to refuse participation to our athletic competitions in

the event an athlete is deemed an actual, or potential threat to the health and safety of any of our board members,

judges, volunteers or athletes. All decisions made by majority vote from the SAAA board are final and irrevocable,

with penalties varying depended on the severity of the offense. 

5. Performance Enhancing Drugs: The use of performance-enhancing drugs is strictly prohibited. Athletes are

responsible for ensuring that any substances they consume are not on the following list, which are all prohibited by

the SAAA. List of banned substances include: bolasterone, boldenone, 4-chlorotesterone, danazol, drostanolone,

fluoxymesterone, mesterolone, methandienone, methandriol, methenolone, methyltestosterone, nandrolone,

norethandrolone, oxandrolone, oxymesterone, stanozolol, trenbolone, probenecid and clenbuterol. Testing for

specific gravity, testosterone, epitestosterone and testosterone/epitestosterone ratio shall also be included in the

test. Use of legally prescribed testosterone, from a licensed physician, shall not constitute a failed test. Nor shall

the use of any cannabis products (weed, pot, etc.). Highly elevated testosterone levels (1,500+ ng/dl) may be

subject to disciplinary action by the SAAA board, even with a prescription. All athletes shall submit to drug testing

as required by the SAAA when requested. Testing can be requested following any world record being set at an

SAAA event, at the discretion of the Athletic Director for any reason, or as the result of a random draw. Any

athlete who tests positive for a banned substance shall be subject to any and all penalties. Prior notice is not

required and tests may be conducted prior to an athletic competition, during, or following the completion of the


Penalties for Failed Tests: Penalties for athletes who fail a drug test, or refuse to take one in a timely

manor shall be as follows:

a) First Offense: The athlete shall be disqualified from the competition and suspended for a period

of 2 years. This includes revoking any current SAAA membership the athlete may hold.

b) Second Offense: The athlete shall be disqualified from the competition and suspended for a

period of 4 additional years. This includes revoking any current SAAA membership the athlete

may hold.

c) Third Offense: The athlete shall be banned from competing in Scottish Highland Games Heavy

Athletics for life. This includes revoking any current SAAA membership the athlete may hold.

6. Penalties for Violation of Code of Conduct: Any athlete who violates this Code of Conduct may be subject to

penalties, including disqualification from the competition, suspension from future competitions, or permanent ban

from competing in Scottish Highland Games Heavy Athletics. SAAA Board members will take all allegations

seriously and act to the best of their ability to make a fair, and just decision, with whatever evidence is presented.

Any evidence presented to any SAAA board member shall be protected and not disclosed to any person or entity

outside of the board of the SAAA board of directors. All evidence provided to the SAAA shall remain private and


7. Reporting Violations: Any athlete who witnesses a violation of this Code of Conduct or suspects that an athlete is

using performance-enhancing drugs shall report it immediately to an SAAA judge, or board member.

8. Time to appeal: The athlete shall be promptly notified of the allegations in writing, either by email, text, etc., as

soon as is practicable by the SAAA. The athlete shall be given five (5) days to respond to the allegations and the

SAAA board shall then render a decision within five (5) days of the response from the athlete. Immediate

exclusion on the day of competition will occur only if the incident occurs during said competition and will remain in

place only as long as necessary for the SAAA board to gather evidence needed to make a just decision.


9. Enforcement: The SAAA shall enforce this Code of Conduct and any penalties imposed. All decisions by the

SAAA shall be final and binding.

10. Amendments: This Code of Conduct may be amended by the SAAA at any time. Any changes shall be

communicated to all athletes prior to the competition.

By accepting these rules, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the above Code of Conduct for Athletes

Participating in SAAA Scottish Heavy Athletics. I agree to abide by this Code of Conduct and accept the penalties for any


Ventura County Fairgrounds and Event Center
10 E Harbor Blvd
Ventura, CA 93001
View Map
Oct 12 - 13, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Sean Smith and Jon O’neil
Events and Weights

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 09, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 90 athletes.
20 spots remain.