
February 25, 2023

Southern Arizona Strongman Record Breaker


Tucson, AZ


This will be a Strongman Corporation sanctioned event. Strongman Corporation Weight Classes apply for this competition. As a record breaker, this show is to give athletes a chance to showcase their best lifts and register a record! Arizona records can be found on https://www.azstrongman.com/

LOCATION: Beaststrong Powerhouse West, Tucson, Arizona 


AWARDS: Trophy for first in each division. Records will receive a certificate at the end of the show. 

1st: Nationals Invite

2nd: Regionals Invite

3rd: Regionals Invite

WEIGH INS: 9am to 12pm OR 5pm to 7pm the 24th, or 8:30-9:30 the 25th. If you need to weigh in the 24th and those times do not work, text CJ to set up a meeting to weigh in. 


Press Discipline: Event 1 

Athletes will choose to compete in one of the following... 

Log, Axle, or Circus Dumbell 

Athletes will get three attempts to register a one rep max. Jumps will be 20 pounds for log and axle, 10 pounds for circus dumbell. On the third attempt, an athlete may take a jump outside of the prescribed range to register a true max. 

Men: 12 Inch Log, 12 Inch circus dumbell 

Women: 10 Inch Log, 10 Inch Circus dumbell 

Axle is an axle. Set up will be with wagon wheels because let's be honest... It looks cooler. 

Axle and Log will run CONCURRENTLY, with circus dumbell followed after. 

Pull Discipline: Event 2 

Athlete will choose to compete in one of the following... 

Texas Deadlift Bar (Floor), Axle (Floor), Texas Deadlift Bar (Wagon Wheel)

Athlete will have three attempts to register a one rep max. Jumps will be 20 pounds on all disciplines. 

Moving/Loading Discipline: Event 3 

Athlete will choose to compete in one of the following: 

Yoke, Farmers, or Max Stone

Yoke: Athlete will have 45 seconds to move a yoke 30 feet. Athlete is allowed ONE DROP. 

Farmers: Athlete will have 45 seconds to move the implements 30 feet. No drops. 

Max Stone: Athletes will have 1 minute to load a stone over a 48 inch bar for men or 40 inch bar for women. 

EVENT 4: Husafell, log, axle, circus medley 

Event 4: Husafell-Press Medley


Athlete will carry the husafell 30 feet and drop. They will clean and press a log for 1 rep, an axle for 1 rep, and a circus dumbell for 1 rep. Fastest time wins. Weight matrix will be posted on iron podium tomorrow night. Deadlift Medley weights have been posted!


Event 5: Multi Discipline Event 

Event 5:


Athlete will starts hands off the sandbag. Athlete will grab the Sandbag and shoulder. Once the sandbag is on the shoulder, the Athlete will carry the bag 10 feet to implement 1, a deficit deadlift. Bar will be an inch above the toes. Athlete will pull implement 1 for 3 reps, then carry the sandbag another 10 feet to implement 2, a farmers deadlift. Athlete will deadlift the farmers for 2 reps. Athlete will carry the sandbag another 10 feet to a natural stone. Athlete will load the natural stone to a 40 inch platform. Time stops once hands are off the natty stone. Fastest time wins!


Time limit is 75 seconds.


I'll be creating a weight matrix tomorrow for this event. Essentially, the vision will be...

Winner: Sub 30 seconds

2nd, 3rd: sub 50 seconds

3-6: Complete 2/3 of course

Expect something moderate, but a test of speed.


Straps/suits allowed, but not recommended ????


Happy lifting!

This will be a cross discipline event, and will be creative. This information will be released to all athletes 8 weeks out from the show. 

Shoot me a message with any questions :) Hope to see you there! 



Beast Strong Powerhouse, LLC
7620 N Hartman Ln
Tucson, AZ 85743
View Map
Feb 25, 2023

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Charles Pierce/Troy Shanks
Events and Weights
Division Press Discipline (Log, Axle, or Circus)Pull Discipline (TDB, Axle, or 13 inch)Moving or Loading Discipline (Yoke, Farmers, or Stone)Event 5: Death Medley (deficit deadlift, farmer deadlift, natty stone, sandbag)Event 4: husafell, log, axle, circus medley
Novice W LW (120.4-)TBDTBDTBD155, 95, 120, 100100, 80, 80, 40
Novice W HW (+)TBDTBDTBD205, 135, 150, 150150, 110, 110, 70
Open W LW (120.4-)TBDTBDTBD205, 135, 150, 100150, 100, 100, 70
Open W LW (140.4-)TBDTBDTBD205, 135, 150, 100150, 100, 100, 70
Open W MW (160.4-)TBDTBDTBD255, 170, 150, 150170, 115, 115, 75
Open W MW (180.4-)TBDTBDTBD255, 170, 150, 150170, 115, 115, 75
Open W HW (200.4-)TBDTBDTBD315, 205, 200, 200200, 130, 130, 80
Open W HW (+)TBDTBDTBD315, 205, 200, 200220, 140, 140, 85
Novice M SHW (+)TBDTBDTBD365, 225, 200, 200240, 180, 180, 100
Novice M LW (150-)TBDTBDTBD315, 185, 200, 150220, 150, 150, 90
Open M LW (150-)TBDTBDTBD405, 240, 250, 200250, 200, 200, 110
Open M LW (175.4-)TBDTBDTBD405, 240, 250, 200250, 200, 200, 110
Open M MW (200.4-)TBDTBDTBD450, 275, 250, 220275, 225, 225, 130
Open M MW (231.4-)TBDTBDTBD500, 300, 250, 220300, 250, 250, 150
Open M HW (264.5-)TBDTBDTBD545, 315, 300, 250320, 270, 270, 170
Open M HW (300.4-)TBDTBDTBD545, 320, 300, 250340, 280, 280, 180
Open M SHW (+)TBDTBDTBD585, 330, 300, 275400, 290, 290, 200

Early Bird Price
Only 8 available.

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 01, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 60 athletes.
38 spots remain.