
August 30, 2025

Spartan Strongman Classic IV


Bensalem, PA

2026 USS National Qualifier

1st place in Novice and top 3 in Open/Masters classes qualify for Nationals

*Sponsor prizes and medals for all podium athletes


Log Press- clean once and press away. :60 limit. You can not viper the first rep, it must be a clean. Men 12" Rogue log, Women Rogue 10" log

Allowed- wraps, sleeves, chalk, belt, grip shirt (no osg/sc)

Not Allowed- tacky of any kind


Deadlift Ladder- 4 bars, pull 1 rep each. :60 limit. Bars will be a mix of deadlift and power bars. You will have to run to the first bar, you will not be allowed to strap in first. You will not get an up command, only a down command. You must control the bar down, if you drop the bar from the top it will be a no rep.

Allowed- wraps, sleeves, chalk, belt, figure 8's, lifting straps (no hooks)

Not Allowed- briefs, suits, hooks, tacky of any kind


Sled Push- :60 max distance, unlimited stops, 50' increments. Distance will be measured to the front of the sled.

Allowed- wraps, sleeves, chalk, belt

Not Allowed- tacky of any kind, cleats/spikes


Farmer Carry- 50' down and back, unlimited drops. :02 slide penalty will be enforced

Allowed- wraps, sleeves, chalk, belt

Not Allowed- tacky of any kind


Steeple Chase- Athletes will have 60 seconds to pick, carry and load both sandbag and keg 12 feet over first bar. Once both are carried and loaded then athlete will go under the bar or around and continue to pick, carry and load both sandbag and keg 12 feet to the next bar. Time will stop when hands are off last implement. You can complete both sections in any order starting with sandbag or keg first. Shouldering is allowed on both implements.

Allowed- sleeves, chalk, wrist wraps, belts, grip shirts

Not Allowed- tacky and no sticky stuff. Load heights are 48" for women and 52" for men

Spartan Gym Strength & Conditioning
2600 Bristol Pike
Bensalem, PA 19020
View Map
Aug 30, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Nick Swartz

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Log Press- Max RepsDeadlift LadderSled Push- Max DistanceFarmer CarrySteeple Chase- Bag/Keg
Novice Women (Single Class)90205/225/245/265300120120/115
Open W LW (123-)110245/265/285/305350140120/130
Open W LW (132-)110245/265/285/305350140120/130
Open W MW (148-)120265/285/305/325400160130/150
Open W MW (165-)120265/285/305/325400160130/150
Open W HW (181-)130285/305/325/345425170150/150
Open W HW (198-)130285/305/325/345425170150/150
Open W SHW (242-)140305/325/345/365450180175/150
Open W SHW (+)140305/325/345/365450180175/150
Masters Women (Single Class)110245/265/285/305350140120/130
Novice M HW (220+)205375/405/435/465500220200/225
Novice M LW (220-)175315/345/375/405450200200/200
Open M LW (165-)205375/405/435/465500220200/225
Open M LW (181-)205375/405/435/465500220200/225
Open M MW (198-)225405/435/465/495550240225/250
Open M MW (220-)225405/435/465/495550240225/250
Open M HW (242-)245465/495/525/555600265250/275
Open M HW (275-)245465/495/525/555600265250/275
Open M SHW (308-)265525/555/585/615650285275/275
Open M SHW (+)265525/555/585/615650285275/275
Masters Men (Single Class)225405/435/465/495550240225/250
Teen M LW (220-)175315/345/375/405450200200/200
Teen M HW (220+)195325/355/385/415500220200/225

Regular Price
Registration Closes Aug 16, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 100 athletes.
93 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard