
September 3, 2022

Stars & Strength Forever


Philadelphia, PA

Stars and Strength Forever Competition 2022 at Wissahickon Brewing Company

***THE BEST Beer-Themed Strongman Competition held ON-SITE at an operational brewery!***

Join us at Wissahickon Brewing Company for the premier annual event of lifting heavy things, eating excellent food, and drinking local craft beer— all while raising money for veteran’s charities.

In celebration of our launch, this year's competition includes some crowd favorites, such as Tire Flips, and Truck Pulls!

There will be 3 weight classes for both Men’s and Women’s divisions. All weights (Athlete weight divisions and listed lifting weight) are subject to change as FFE deems fit.

Men’s weight classes (in lbs):

Light-weight: >130 - 170

Middle-weight:171 - 210

Heavy-weight: 211+

Women’s weight classes (in lbs):

Light-weight: >100 - 140

Middle-weight: 141 - 175

Heavy-weight: 176+


Weighing in with a judge will be required either the day or morning prior to competing. Weigh-ins and shirt pick-up for the competition can be done during either of the following timeframes:

Friday, Sept. 2nd, at Fire for Effect Athletics, from 9:30am to 7:30pm

Saturday, Sept. 3rd, at Wissahickon Brewing Company, from 7:45am to 8:15am

Weigh-ins are mandatory for all athletes prior to competition.


Belt, wrist wraps, gloves, elbow sleeves, chalk (non-tacky liquid chalk, block of chalk, or powder chalk), KT tape, etc are all allowed. NO Tacky, strength/lifting suits, grip shirts, or lifting straps are allowed during any event.



7:45 am - Athlete Check-in/Last Minute Weigh-ins

8:15 am - Athlete instruction/Event rules overview

8:45 am - Judge's meeting

9 am - Opening Ceremony

9:15 am - Events Begin

* Each weight-class will be given their order of competition events on the day of competition.

3:30-4 pm - Awards & Closing Comments



Axel Clean & Press Medley (reps): The athlete will clean and press 3 weighted axels for as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Strict press, push press, and push/split jerk ARE all allowed. The athlete will start behind the axels. The first bar is set at the lightest weight, the second axel will be heavier than the first, and the last axel will be the heaviest. To begin, the athlete will approach and will Clean and Press the 1st axel . Once successfully completed, they will step over the axel to advance to the next axel to complete another Clean and Press. After a second successful lift, the athlete will step over the bar to go to the 3rd axel. The athlete will Clean the axel and use the remaining time to accumulate as many Overhead Presses at the heaviest weight as possible. In all lifts, the axel must be in the front rack position before it goes overhead. Arms must be fully extended in the overhead position, with the weight being directly over the midline of the athlete, and demonstrate control at the top before returning to the start position. Drops are allowed from the top. The max number of reps will serve as the athlete's score.

Women's Weight Class Axel Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 65/85/105

Middleweight: 85/105/125

Heavyweight: 105/125/145

Men's Weight Class Axel Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 110/130/155

Middleweight: 130/155/185

Heavyweight: 155/185/215


Tire Flips (reps): The athlete will complete as many tire flips as possible in 60 seconds. The tire must stand upright during the middle of the lift, land on the opposite side than it started, and come to a complete stop for the movement to be complete. The tire must be laying flat on the ground before the next rep is attempted.

Women's Weight Class Tire Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 280

Middleweight: 350

Heavyweight: 550

Men's Weight Class Tire Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 350

Middleweight: 550

Heavyweight: 800


Farmer Carry (time): The athlete will lift and carry a farmer’s handle in both hands. You will be timed while carrying the weight 25ft down, and 25ft back to the starting position. All the weight must be completely off the ground before the athlete begins the carry. Drops are allowed. The handles will be a neutral grip and positioned beside the athlete. There will be a 1-minute time cap per competitor to complete this event.

Women's Weight Class Farmer's Handle Weights (lbs, each arm):

Lightweight: 85

Middleweight: 105

Heavyweight: 125

Men's Weight Class Farmer's Handle Weights (lbs, each arm):

Lightweight: 115

Middleweight: 150

Heavyweight: 205


Keg Carry + Load (time): The athlete will carry and then load 3 weighted kegs over a yoke boom for time. The athlete will pick up a weighted keg and carry it 25ft to the yoke and will load it over the boom of the yoke to complete the movement. To begin, the athlete will be behind the kegs, facing the yoke. During the carry, the keg must be completely off the ground. The athlete can use any front carry to move the keg to the yoke. The keg must make it over the boom and land on the other side of the yoke for the load to be complete. Once one keg passes to the other side of the yoke, the athlete will run back to the start position to carry and load the next keg. Each subsequent keg will be heavier than the last. The time to load all 3 kegs will be recorded as the score. There will be a 90sec time cap per competitor to complete this event.

Women's Weight Class Keg Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 80/100/120

Middleweight: 100/120/140

Heavyweight: 120/140/160

Men's Weight Class Keg Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 120/140/160

Middleweight: 140/160/180

Heavyweight: 180/200/220


Truck Arm-Over-Arm Pull (time): The athlete will be seated on the ground, and will hold a rope connected to the specific vehicle for their respective weight class. While staying seated, the athlete will use only the rope to pull the truck 50ft as fast as possible. The availability to anchor your feet for leverage will be provided. The time and distance will be recorded as the athlete's score. There will be a 1-minute time cap per competitor to complete this event.

Women's Weight Class Truck Weights (vehicle):

Lightweight: Ford F-150 Super Crew

Middleweight: Ford F-150 Super Crew

Heavyweight: Wissihickon Brewing Company Sprinter Van

Men's Weight Class Farmer's Handle Weights (vehicle):

Lightweight: Ford F-150 Super Crew

Middleweight: Wissihickon Brewing Company Sprinter Van

Heavyweight: Wissihickon Brewing Company Sprinter Van


**All weights (Athlete weight divisions and listed lifting weight) are subject to change as FFE deems fit. **

200 Participant cap: Waitlist options are available. No refunds 1 month prior to the event.

We will NOT be requiring an US Strongman Membership to participate. The event will NOT be a sanctioned event.

Volunteer Registration is open! Email james@fireforeffectath.com if you are interested in volunteering as a judge, setup/breakdown crew, or management assistant.

We are accepting Vendors and Sponsors. To claim your spot, please email james@fireforeffectath.com for hosting a table at the event or to donate a prize.

Questions? Email james@fireforeffectath.com

Wissahickon Brewing Company
3705 W School House Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19129
View Map
Sep 03, 2022

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
James Taulbee

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Hand-Over-Hand Truck PullAxel Clean & Press MedleyKeg Carry & LoadTire FlipsFarmers Carry
Open W LW (140-)Ford F-150 Super Crew65 / 85 / 10580 / 100 / 12028085 (each hand)
Open W MW (175-)Ford F-150 Super Crew85 / 105 / 125100 / 120 / 140350105 (each hand)
Open W HW (+)WBC Sprinter Van105 / 125 / 145120 / 140 / 160550125 (each hand)
Open M LW (170-)Ford F-150 Super Crew110 / 130 / 155120 / 140 / 160350115 (each hand)
Open M MW (210-)WBC Sprinter Van130 / 155 / 185140 / 160 / 180550150 (each hand)
Open M HW (+)WBC Sprinter Van155 / 185 / 215180 / 200 / 220800205 (each hand)

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 03, 2022

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 200 athletes.
153 spots remain.