
April 26, 2025

Stars & Strength Forever 3.0: Presented by Cerberus Strength


Philadelphia, PA

Stars and Strength Forever Competition 2025 at Wissahickon Brewing Company

Join us at Wissahickon Brewing Company for the third annual event of lifting heavy things and eating excellent food—all while raising money for veteran’s charities.

There will be 4 weight classes for both Men’s and Women’s divisions. All weights [competitor weight divisions and listed lifting weight(s)] are subject to change as FFE deems fit.

Women’s weight classes (in lbs):

Lightweight: </=140

Middleweight: 141 - 175

Heavyweight: 176 - 210

Super-Heavyweight: 211+


Men’s weight classes (in lbs):

Lightweight: </=170

Middleweight: 171 - 210

Heavyweight: 211 - 250

Super-Heavyweight: 251+


**Important Note: No competitor will be allowed to compete in a lighter weight class than what they qualify for during weigh-ins. Should any competitor want to compete in a heavier weight class (even though they qualify for a lower weight class), they may choose to transfer to compete within the desired heavier weight-class of their choosing. Once a competitor has weighed-in and has confirmed their decision with our staff to compete in a heavier weight class, they will not be allowed to transfer back to their original qualifying lighter weight class.**


Weighing in with a judge will be required either the day prior or morning of competition. Weigh-ins and shirt pick-up for the competition can be done during either of the following timeframes:

Friday, Apr. 25th, at Fire for Effect Athletics, from 9:30am to 7:30pm

Saturday, Apr. 26th, at Wissahickon Brewing Company, from 7:45am to 8:15am

Weigh-ins are mandatory for all athletes prior to competition.


Competitor Equipment Information:

Approved Items:

Lifting Belts and/or support belts, wrist wraps, non-grip aiding gloves, non-grip aiding arm sleeves, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, chalk (non-tacky liquid chalk, chalk blocks, or powder chalk), KT tape, compression shorts, etc. are all approved for this competition. 

Prohibited Items:

NO tacky of any kind (i.e.- tacky putty/paste, liquid tacky, tacky towels, tacky chalk, etc.), dedicated strength/lifting suits/shorts, grip shirts, grip aiding gloves (i.e.- football receiving gloves, etc.), grip aiding arm sleeves (i.e.- arm sleeves/bracers with tacky, double sided tape, etc.), and/or lifting straps are allowed during any event of this competition.

For further competition equipment guidelines, please reach out via email to adam@fireforeffectath.com.



7:45 am - Athlete Check-in/Last Minute Weigh-ins

8:15 am - Athlete instruction/Event rules overview

8:45 am - Judge's meeting

9 am - Opening Ceremony

9:15 am - Events Begin

* Each weight-class will be given their order of competition events during weigh-ins. For weight-class athlete starting orders, they're actively listed in the Iron Podium Scoreboard. The sooner you sign-up, the later in weight-class order you compete for any given event. 

3:30-4 pm - Awards & Closing Comments (at latest, are events usually end by 2pm)



Yoke Squat: Competitors will complete as many "bottoms-up" yoke squats as possible (aka an Anderson Squat). Competitors will be able to position themselves prior to the event start. Starting position will be where competitors have the crossbar of the yoke in the back rack position, and in the bottom of a back squat with their thighs parallel to the ground. Upon the event judge's start command, the competitor will then back squat the implement for as many reps as possible within 60 seconds. For an individual repetition to be considered successfully completed, the following must be conducted by each competitor: after receiving the up command, the competitor must come from the bottom of the squat to standing completely upright, with hips and knees at full extension (aka full lockout), as well as demonstrate control of the implement. A successfully completed repetition will be noted by the event judge giving the competitor the down command. The max number of successfully completed reps within the allotted time cap will serve as the competitor's score. See above for approved competitor equipment details.

**ONLY the Lightweight Women's weight class will be performing this event from a hack squat starting position (non-full depth, 1/4 squat position).**

Important Yoke Squat Event Notes/FAQ: Yoke squat starting height settings will be setup and recorded during competitor weigh-ins; any physical limitations due to chronic medical conditions MUST be noted to our staff at that time. The yokes used for this event are the Rogue brand Y-1 yoke. There will be BOTH up and down commands for this event. For everyone's safety; there will be no "bouncing"/rebounding the yoke off the ground to create momentum–a warning will be given to the competitor from the judge for the first offense, and the competitor will be disqualified from the yoke squat event on the second offense; the competitor will then be given a zero for the event from our judging staff. Competitors may dismount and/or reposition themselves from under the yoke as many times as they need for the duration of their event attempt. Controlled drops are acceptable, but all four corners of the yoke must make contact with the ground prior to lifting it again–follow the judge's up and down commands to ensure every rep you do counts! 


Women's Weight Class Yoke Squat Weights (lbs, including weight of yoke):

Lightweight: 185 **Hack squat height for lightweight women only!**

Middleweight: 205

Heavyweight: 225

Super-Heavyweight: 245

Men's Weight Class Yoke Squat Weights (lbs, including weight of yoke):

Lightweight: Heavy

Middleweight: Heavy+

Heavyweight: Heavy++

Super-Heavyweight: Heavy+++


Hercules Hold (for time): Each competitor will hold a chained pillar in each hand in an upright standing position. This is a traditional strongman style hold, with the arms held outward of the body and the elbows fully extended throughout the hold. Competitors will be able position themselves prior to event start. The timer may begin once the weight is in the approved holding position and released for the competitor to support. Hands can be positioned any direction on the implement handles. Weight may only be held with the hands. Body may or may not be locked out. The hold is over once the competitor lets go of one or both implements. Bending of the elbows or tucking arms in order to gain an advantage will result in the termination of the hold. The competitor will get ONLY 1 warning to make corrective adjustments from the event judge; any additional infractions will result in the termination of the hold. See above for approved competitor equipment details. 

Women's Weight Class Hercules Hold Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: Heavy

Middleweight: Heavy+

Heavyweight: Heavy++

Super-Heavyweight: Heavy+++

Men's Weight Class Hercules Hold Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: Heavy

Middleweight: Heavy+

Heavyweight: Heavy++

Super-Heavyweight: Heavy+++


Sandbag Toss (for reps and time): Competitors will toss a series of 3 sandbags over a 11-foot goal post for time. To begin, the competitor will be standing at AND touching the designated starting end of the goal post, facing towards the sandbags. When given the start command by the event judge, the competitor will approach the first sandbag. The competitor can use any backward facing throwing technique and distance away from the goal post to toss the sandbags over the 11-foot height crossbar. Each sandbag must make it over the cross bar and land on the opposing side of the goal post from the competitor for each toss to be successfully completed. Once the previous sandbag passes over to the other side of the cross bar, the competitor will be able to move to the next sandbag and toss that sandbag over the cross bar. Should a competitor miss a throw, they must re-attempt that missed throw before they can move on to the next sandbag–it is the competitor's responsibility to retrieve any missed throws, so be deliberate and make each throw count! The time it takes to toss all sandbags over the height bar will be recorded as the competitor's score. Should a competitor not be able to throw all sand bags over the cross bar, the amount of successful throws will count as their score for this event. There will be a 60 second time cap per competitor to complete this event. See above for approved competitor equipment details. 

Women's Weight Class Sandbag Toss Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 10-15-20

Middleweight: 10-15-20

Heavyweight: 15-20-25

Super-Heavyweight: 15-20-25

Men's Weight Class Sandbag Toss Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 10-15-20

Middleweight: 15-20-25

Heavyweight: 20-25-30

Super-Heavyweight: 25-30-35


Keg Ground to Overhead (reps): Competitors will have 60 seconds to lift a keg from ground to overhead as many times as possible. To start, the competitor will be position behind and NOT touching the keg. Upon the event judge's start command, a competitor will then lift the keg from the ground to overhead. The competitor may lift the keg from ground to shoulder and use either strict press, push press, or push/split jerk techniques to lift the keg overhead, as well as viper press the keg overhead. The keg must come to a complete controlled stop overhead for each movement to be successfully completed. For an individual repetition to be considered successfully completed, the following must be conducted by each competitor: the competitor must be standing completely upright, with arms being fully extended in the overhead position, as well as the keg being directly over the midline of the competitor. Control must be demonstrated at the top of the lift before returning the keg to the ground; which a successfully completed repetition will be noted by the event judge giving the competitor the down command. Competitors are allowed to drop the keg from any position of the lift onto the designated drop pad, in a controlled bail forward of the competitor's midline. The max number of successfully completed reps within the allotted time cap will serve as the competitor's overall score. See above for approved competitor equipment details. 

Women's Weight Class Keg Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 55

Middleweight: 65

Heavyweight: 75

Super-Heavyweight: 85

Men's Weight Class Keg Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 95

Middleweight: 115

Heavyweight: 135

Super-Heavyweight: 155


Sandbag to Wheelbarrow Medley (for time and reps): Competitors will have 90-seconds to carry and load 3 sandbags into a wheelbarrow, as well as then wheel them back for time. To begin, the competitor will be standing behind and NOT touching the sandbags. When given the start command by the event judge, the competitor will approach the first sandbag and begin. The athlete will pick up the lightest sandbag and carry it 50ft to the wheelbarrow and will load it into the tray of the wheelbarrow. The competitor can use any front carry technique to lift and move each sandbag over to the wheelbarrow. Each sandbag must be loaded within the tray of the wheelbarrow for each load to be successfully completed. Once a sandbag is successfully loaded into the wheelbarrow, the competitor will be able to return to the start line, to then carry and load the next sandbag into the wheelbarrow. Each subsequent sandbag will be heavier than the last. The time it takes to load all 3 sandbags into the wheelbarrow and wheel the loaded wheelbarrow back to the starting line will be recorded as the competitor's score. See above for approved competitor equipment details. 

Women's Weight Class Sandbag Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 30/50/70

Middleweight: 50/70/100

Heavyweight: 70/100/130

Super-Heavyweight: 100/130/150

Men's Weight Class Sandbag Weights (lbs):

Lightweight: 70/100/130

Middleweight: 100/130/150

Heavyweight: 130/150/200

Super-Heavyweight: 150/200/250


**All weights (Athlete weight divisions and listed lifting weights) are subject to change as FFE deems fit. **

200 Participant cap: Waitlist options are available. No refunds 1-month prior to the event.

We will NOT be requiring any strongman organization membership to participate, this competition will NOT be a sanctioned event.

Volunteer registration is open y'all! Email adam@fireforeffectath.com if you are interested in volunteering as a judge, setup/breakdown crew, or as an administration assistant.

We are accepting Vendors and Sponsors. Please email adam@fireforeffectath.com to claim your spot for hosting a table at the competition, to donate a prize, and/or get on to this year's competition shirt!

Questions? Email adam@fireforeffectath.com

Wissahickon Brewing Company
3705 W School House Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19129
View Map
Apr 26, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Adam Trapanotto

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Yoke SquatHercules HoldSandbag TossKeg to OverheadSandbag to Wheelbarrow Medley
Open W SHW (+)245Trust15-20-2585100/130/150
Open W LW (140-)185Us,10-15-205530/50/70
Open W MW (175-)205You10-15-206550/70/100
Open W HW (210-)225Can15-20-257570/100/130
Open M SHW (+)You'veDo25-30-35155150/200/250
Open M LW (170-)GotThis10-15-209570/100/130
Open M MW (210-)ThisY'all15-20-25115100/130/150
Open M HW (250-)Y'all!20-25-30135130/150/200

Regular Price
Registration Closes Apr 17, 2025

Refund Policy
Refunds available until 30 days prior to event.
This event is limited to 200 athletes.
127 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard