
October 26, 2024

Static Monsters - Strongman Showdown presented by Cerberus Strength USA


Lafayette, IN

Static Monsters with a complete show. This is going to be a grinder folks. BUT. We have some great sponsors, awesome swag for competitors, some cool prizes for winners, Static Monsters' worldwide invitations are at stake, as well as a 2025 USS Nationals Bid!!! 

I am also beyond excited to be able to offer cash prizes to the heaviest Log Press and Deadlift total for 1 Male competitor and 1 Female competitor! $200 to the heaviest totals! 


Weigh Ins:

Weighing in will be held at the competition location (Premeditated Health and Performance 2841 Concord Road Lafayette Indiana) 

Friday October 25th - 9am-11am & 6pm-8pm 

Saturday October 26th - 8am-9am

Immediately after weigh ins, get your yoke height so comp day is smooth

If you need a time outside that window message me @ 765-404-0174


Competition will be held at the Lafayette National Guard Armory!

5218 Haggerty Ln Lafayette Indiana 


Event 1: Max Log Clean and Press

On the command 'Go' the athlete will grip the log, clean it from the floor, and press it overhead. Each athlete will get 3 attempts to find their max weight. The athlete does not get credited the rep until the 'down' command is given. To receive a down command, you must have the log locked out over head, head through with ears by your biceps (no arch back looking at the ceiling), and feet stabilized and not in a split stance (Shoulder width)

1 minute to complete the lift

Equipment allowed: wrist wraps, elbow sleeves/cuffs, soft belt, hard belt, knee sleeves, Olympic lifting shoes

Equipment not allowed: sticky stuff, double knee or elbow sleeves


Event 2: Max 18" Axle Deadlift

On 'go' the athlete will strap in and perform a max attempt. Each athlete will get 3 attempts to find their max weight. To receive a down command, you must have your shoulder, hips, and knees in alignment from a lateral perspective (side judge).

Equipment allowed: Straps, soft/hard belt, deadlift briefs/suits

Equipment not allowed: sticky stuff


Event 3: Farmers Hold

The athlete will receive a go command, but the time will not start until you lift the farmers from the ground. From there, it is a max time hold. The pick of the handles will be from 13-15"

Men will use a Titan Farmers set

Women will use a fabricated Farmers set (with non-knurled handles but still good grip)

Equipment not allowed: Sticky stuff, straps


Event 4 Yoke to Sandbag Medley

Athlete will start behind yoke not underneath it. On go, the athlete will then set up under the yoke, pick it up, and walk it 40'. From there they will advance forward another 50' to their first sandbag. Pick the 1st bag, then haul it back 50' to the yoke and load it over. 2nd bag is next, 40' away. Finally, the 3rd bag, 30' away and the heaviest of the 3. 

Full Run:   Yoke 40' - run 50' - sandbag carry 50' + load - run 40' - sandbag carry 40'+load - run 30' - sandbag carry 30'+load

You have 90 seconds to complete. distance will be taken if yoke does not make it the full 40'. # of sandbags will be counted if you make the 40' yoke walk. Fastest time to run yoke and load all three bags wins the event.

Equipment not allowed: Sticky Stuff


Event 5 Henry Poor Lumber Co. Truck Push and Sandbag Toss

Athlete will start standing behind vehicle. On the command go, athletes will then push the vehicle 50'. Once completing the 50' course, the athlete will have 3 bags to throw over their respective bars. Bags that get stuck on top of bars will be counted reps. you will have a 60s to complete. 

Women's bar will be 12' 

Men's bar will be 14' 

Equipment not allowed: go figure... sticky stuff... 


NO TACKY IN MY VENUE PERIOD PLEASE... there's no need in this show, and it destroys everything.

If there are questions, comments, or concerns hit me up! 7654040174

Bitches, Gripes, Complaints? Call your mom or dad 

See you in October!!!!!!!!!!!

Premeditated Health and Performance
2841 Concord Rd
Lafayette, IN 47909
View Map
Oct 26, 2024

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Tyler Pruitt

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Max Log Clean and PressBoujie Barbarian Max 18" Axle Deadlift Farmers HoldYoke to Sandbag MedleyHenry Poor Lumber Co. Truck Push and Sandbag Toss
Novice Women (Single Class)MaxMax135350/100/125/150Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Open W LW (132-)MaxMax155400/100/125/150Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Open W MW (165-)MaxMax185450/125/150/175Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Open W HW (198-)MaxMax205490/125/150/175Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Open W SHW (+)MaxMax225530/125/150/175Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Masters W LW (132-)MaxMax135350/100/125/150Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Masters W MW (165-)MaxMax155400/100/125/150Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Masters W HW (+)MaxMax185450/100/125/150Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Teen W LW (165-)MaxMax135350/100/125/150Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Teen W HW (165+)MaxMax155400/100/125/150Pickup Truck/15/20/25
Novice Men (Single Class)MaxMax225530/175/200/225Humvee/30/35/40
Open M LW (181-)MaxMax255620/200/225/250Humvee/30/35/40
Open M MW (220-)MaxMax275670/200/225/250Humvee/30/35/40
Open M HW (275-)MaxMax315710/225/250/275Humvee/30/35/40
Open M SHW (+)MaxMax335800/225/250/275Humvee/30/35/40
Masters M MW (220-)MaxMax255620/200/225/250Humvee/30/35/40
Masters M HW (+)MaxMax275670/200/225/250Humvee/30/35/40
Teen M LW (220-)MaxMax225490/175/200/225Humvee/30/35/40
Teen M HW (220+)MaxMax255530/175/200/225Humvee/30/35/40

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 16, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
28 spots remain.
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