
February 8, 2025

Stone Wars III


Lockport, NY


If there is any interest in a teen class, please reach out and I will add one.

In all cases, the judge’s decision is final.
All weights are subject to change.

Weigh-ins Friday, February 7th, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM or morning of the event, February 8th starting at 8:00 AM at The OFG Compound.

Athletes meeting will be held at approximately 9:00AM with the first event starting at 9:30 AM. 

Any weight class with fewer than 3 athletes may be combined. 

Sandbag Carry: Max distance in 60 seconds. Athletes will start with hands off the bag. Upon start the athlete will have 60 seconds to carry the sandbag as far as they can. You will have unlimited drops. The sandbag cannot be carried on the shoulder! Grip shirts, elbow/knee sleeves, wrist wraps, and chalk are all ok. NO liquid chalk or tacky of any kind are acceptable. Soft belts and lever belts are permissible. 

Viking Press: Athletes will have 60 seconds to press the implement for as many reps as possible. Strict press, push press are all allowed. The athlete must wait for the down command! Belts, wraps, and sleeves are all allowed.

Deadlift Medley: The athlete, upon being given the start, will pull 1 rep on each of the first three implements and rep out on the fourth. Frame ~ 13” DL w/ Power Bar ~ Axle ~ Power Bar from the floor. 60 second time limit. No drops from the top of the pull. Scoring will be most reps on the final implement will take first, then time to the heaviest implement. Straps, belts, chalk, and DL suites/briefs are allowed. NO hooks or sticky substance allowed.

Dinnie Hold: Time starts when the athlete fully lifts the rings and ends when any part of the implement touches the ground. Wrist wraps, knee/elbow sleeves, chalk and belts are allowed. NO straps of any kind, tacky of any kind, or liquid chalk are permitted. These are replica Dinnie Rings; they are not perfectly round.

Atlas Stone Series: Athletes will have 60 seconds to load 4 Atlas Stones in ascending order. The first three will be loaded to a platform, with final one being over bar. Athletes will start with hands on the platform and time stops with the final stone hits the mat or time runs out. Ladies will load to 48” and med will load to 50”. Tacky and grip shirts are permitted. 

The OFG Compound
7548 Lincoln Avenue Extension
Lockport, NY 14094
View Map
Feb 08, 2025

Start Time
9:30 AM
Meet Director
Scott Fike
Events and Weights
Division Sandbag CarryViking PressDeadlift MedleyDinnie Ring HoldAtlas Stone Series
Novice Women (Single Class)150100325/275/250/250120/12093/120/130/165
Open W LW (132-)150110325/275/250/250120/120130/165/175/200
Open W MW (165-)175110350/300/275/275150/150165/175/200/205
Open W HW (198-)200130375/325/300/300180/180175/200/205/220
Open W SHW (+)225150400/350/325/325210/210175/200/205/220
Masters Women (Single Class)150100325/275/250/250130/130130/165/175/200
Novice Men (Single Class)200210500/450/425/425200/200200/205/220/250
Open M LW (181-)225225500/450/425/425220/220205/220/250/260
Open M MW (220-)250235550/500/475/475250/250250/255/260/300
Open M HW (275-)300275600/550/525/525280/280250/260/300/325
Open M SHW (+)325300650/600/550/550310/310260/300/325/357
Masters Men (Single Class)225225500/450/425/425225/225220/250/260/300

Regular Price
Registration Closes Feb 02, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 30 athletes.
6 spots remain.