June 15, 2024
Super Series Part 1 Armlifting USA - Dallas USA Fit Games
Dallas, TX
Must have a membership www.armliftingusa.com
This will be held in conjuction with the USA Fit Games
Weigh ins will be at 12:oopm day of the event
It will be held after the Strongman Event
Event 1: Two Hand 2" Country Crush DL
Event 2: 3" x 4" Saxon Bar DL
Event 3: Grip Genie/IronMind Hub (Freestyle) DL
2" Country Crush - video
2" Country Crush - written rules
3" x 4" Saxon Bar - written rules
FORMAT: Unlimited attempts (60 sec. time limit on each attempt) in a last man standing contest. If the athlete misses an attempt, he or she is done for that event. THE ATHLETE IS NOT ALLOWED TO GO BACK DOWN AND TRY A LIGHTER WEIGHT.
SCORING: Places and scores will be percentage based. Stage 1 and Stage 2 will be cumulative. There would be three events each stage, plus additional events if the promoter wanted to run them. The top score could be 600 points if an athlete won every event of both stages.
WEIGH-INS: The weigh-ins have to be on the morning of the contest. Contest promoters are responsible for providing an accurate scale to conduct weigh-ins.
PRIZE MONEY: An undetermined amount of prize money will be divided among the men’s and women’s classes based on participation. We will have a better idea on July 15, 2024 after Stage 1 is complete.
Please contact Jade Dickens for more information 254-223-1954 / jdi6096@gmail.com
650 S Griffin St
Dallas, TX 75202
View Map
Start Time
1:00 PM
Events and Weights
Division |
Registration Closes Jun 15, 2024
No refunds.
14 spots remain.