
September 28, 2024

Swamp Monsters


Gainesville, FL

Max Log Clean and Press: Equipment Allowed: Grip shirts, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, 1 soft belt, 1 hard belt, shoes must be worn at all times.  

Time Limit: 30 seconds 

Scoring: Weight 

Log: 12" Pitbull for men, 10" Rogue for women

Rising bar - 20lb jumps for men, 10lb jumps for women.    Athlete will have 30 second's to clean and press the log over head. Athlete will receive a down call once their head is pushed forward, eyes are on the judge, and feet are together. You will only have 3 attempts, you may re-attempt the same weight with 3 minutes rest if you are the last athlete to attempt said weight, or go up in weight should you fail an attempt.  You will not be able to go down in weight.  Rising bar, jump in where you want.


Trump Super Yoke: Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Knee Cuffs, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Any Brand Grip Shirt, Briefs Not Allowed: Deadlift suits, any kind of tacky, straps  

Time Limit: 60 seconds 

Distance: 20 Feet 

Scoring: Weight + Distance + Time

It is the athlete's job to let his or her judge know the weight they are going to attempt prior to the first person in their class going.  Athletes may not change their called weight once their class has started going through their attempts.   The athlete will get set in the yoke. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will pick up the yoke and carry it 20 feet through the finish line.  The entire implement must cross the finish line before time stops.  If the athlete does not finish the total run in 60 seconds, a distance will be taken.  Athlete has unlimited drops.  Any distance at the higher weight beats any distance at the lower weight regardless of finishing or times. 


Max Mammoth Bar Deadlift: Equipment Allowed: Deadlift Suits, Straps, Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Knee Cuffs, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Briefs Not Allowed: Any kind of tacky, hooks  

Time Limit: 30 seconds 

Scoring: Weight

The Mammoth Bar deadlift attachments from Madewell Strength will be used.  It is the athlete's job to let his or her judge know the weight they are going to attempt prior to being called to the platform.  Athletes may change their weight up until being 1 athlete out.  Athletes may not change their weight once the person in front of them in order is called to the platform.  Each athlete will have 30 seconds upon the judges start command to deadlift the bar into a fully locked out position. A locked out position will include hips and knees locked out and a judge down command is then given. Each athlete will be given 3 attempts to find their max. If you miss an attempt you may attempt either the same weight, or higher but you may not go down. Athletes MAY NOT drop the bar from the locked out position. Even if the lift is successful, dropping the bar will result in a NO LIFT. Mixed grip is allowed, sumo stance is not. Conventional lifts only. Athletes may start with hands on the bar, strapped in.


Trump Sandbag to Shoulder Medley: Equipment Allowed: Gloves, Chalk, Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Wrist Wraps, Belt, Grip Shirts  

Time Limit: 75 seconds 

Scoring: Weight & Time

On the start command, the athlete will begin to either work through the medley or shoulder the trump bag.  An athlete may attempt the trump bag before moving to the medley if he/she wishes, though time will not stop or reset.  Athlete must have feet together and bag completely on the shoulder with the hand opposite of shouldered side off of the bag.  Any reps on the trump bag will best any run on the medley.  Should there be rep ties on either the trump bag or the medley, split times will be taken to determine the placing of the event. 


Max Stone Load: Equipment Allowed: Tacky or sticky substance, chalk, stone sleeves, tape, grip shirt, soft belt  

Time Limit: 30 seconds 

Scoring: Weight 

Height: 48" for men, 46" for women Weights: 70lbs up to 425lbs standard diameter, one 20" 420lbs

Athlete will have 30 seconds to load a stone over a bar set to 48 or 46 inchees. Athlete will start with hands on the bar and on the command pick up the stone and load it. After a successful load the athlete will move to the end of the line for the next stone attempt. Athletes can jump in when they want and can take as many attempts as they would like.  Athletes may not take another attempt after a miss. If athletes make it to the last stone a split time will be given. A clean up station provided by Will Development will be set up to prevent a mess.


There will be Florida USS State records available!  As of now these events will be available for sign up!

  • Max Log (in show)
  • Max Deadlift
  • Max Axel Clean & Press
  • Max 18" Deadlift
  • Max Circus Dumbbell Clean & Press
Swamp City Fitness
4315 SW 29th Ave
Gainesville, FL 32608
View Map
Sep 28, 2024

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Chandler Caudill

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Events and Weights
Division Max Log Clean & PressTrump Super YokeMax Mammoth Bar DeadliftTrump Sandbag to ShoulderMax Stone Load
Open W LW (123-)TBD600 / 550TBD155 - 200 - 235 or 265TBD
Open W LW (132-)TBD600 / 550TBD155 - 200 - 235 or 265TBD
Open W MW (148-)TBD700 / 600TBD200 - 235 - 265 or 305TBD
Open W MW (165-)TBD700 / 600TBD200 - 235 - 265 or 305TBD
Open W HW (181-)TBD800 / 700TBD235 - 265 - 275 or 305TBD
Open W HW (198-)TBD800 / 700TBD235 - 265 - 275 or 305TBD
Open W SHW (242-)TBD850 / 750TBD265 - 275 - 305 or 345TBD
Open W SHW (+)TBD900 / 800TBD265 - 275 - 305 or 345TBD
Masters W MW (165-)TBD600 / 550TBD155 - 200 - 235 or 265TBD
Masters W HW (+)TBD600 / 550TBD155 - 200 - 235 or 265TBD
Open M LW (165-)TBD900 / 800TBD265 - 275 - 305 or 345TBD
Open M LW (181-)TBD900 / 800TBD265 - 275 - 305 or 345TBD
Open M MW (198-)TBD1,000 / 900TBD275 - 305 - 355 or 410TBD
Open M MW (220-)TBD1,000 / 900TBD275 - 305 - 355 or 410TBD
Open M HW (242-)TBD1,200 / 1,000TBD305 - 355 - 410 or 445TBD
Open M HW (275-)TBD1,200 / 1,000TBD305 - 355 - 410 or 445TBD
Open M SHW (308-)TBD1,400 / 1,100TBD325 - 355 - 410 or 465TBD
Open M SHW (+)TBD1,500 / 1,200TBD325 - 355 - 410 or 465TBD
Masters M MW (220-)TBD900 / 800TBD265 - 275 - 305 or 345TBD
Masters M HW (+)TBD900 / 800TBD265 - 275 - 305 or 345TBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 28, 2024

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 75 athletes.
69 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard