
July 8, 2023

The 22nd Central USA Strongman/Woman Challenge


Columbia, MO

All Athletes will get access to the Brian Shaw seminar and Meet & Greet for FREE!  ($50 value)

We will have Dr. Todd Mcdougle and Becky Wilson, the same recovery team used for all of the Pro Strongmen and women competitors. 

Hotel reservation link: https://www.marriott.com/event-reservations/reservation-link.mi?id=1683834769843&key=GRP&app=resvlink

Hotel reservations need to be done by June 1st 2023 to get the discounted rate. If you have any questions please contact the hotel directly.

**Rules are subject to change**


Conventional Deadlift- Intek Powerbar

This event will be a max rep event. Athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. Athletes will start with hands off of the bar. Once the go signal is given the athlete may then touch the bar to start deadlifting. Yes this means you will not be allowed to strap in prior to the event starting. Athletes will be given a down and an up command. No touch and go reps. If you jump either command of the judge you will not be awarded the rep. This event will be scored by completed number of reps during the duration of the 60 seconds.

Equipment not allowed for this event: versa grips, suits of any kind.

Equipment allowed: figure 8s, axle straps, barbell straps, oly straps, hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs.

Equipment not allowed for any portion of the show: Tacky, tacky towel, spray tacky, stickem, or any other kind of adhesive like substance. If you are caught using this you will be asked to leave the competition, given 0s for remaining events, and no refund.


Axle Clean & Press Away- Madewell

This event is a max rep event. Athlete will be given 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. Athletes will start with hands off of the axle. Once the go signal is given the athlete may clean the axle and press away. This means it is a clean once and press as many times as you can. Athlete must show control with the lock out to receive a good command. This means the arms must be fully locked out, head through, and eye contact with the judge. If you jump the command you will not be awarded the rep. If you can not completely lockout your arms the judge must be informed prior to the event being started. If the Athlete drops the weight, they can clean the implement and attempt to get more reps as long as the time is not up. Athletes must show control to the ground with the implement. This means the athlete must follow the implement to the ground and can not just drop it from overhead to the floor. If an athlete drops the axle from overhead to the floor they will not be awarded that rep. This event will be scored by completed number of reps in 60 seconds.

Equipment not allowed for this event: versa grips, figure 8s, axle straps, barbell straps, oly straps, suits of any kind, no doubling up on sleeves or cuffs of any kind. One or the other

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, 1 pair of knee sleeves,  1 pair of elbow sleeves, 1 set of cuffs, hot pants, briefs, grip shirt must be worn under the competition shirt

Equipment not allowed for any portion of the show: Tacky, tacky towel, spray tacky, stickem, or any other kind of adhesive like substance. If you are caught using this you will be asked to leave the competition, given 0s for remaining events, and no refund.


Farmers Yoke Medley- Madewell

This event is a timed event. Athletes will be given 75 seconds to complete this event.  Athletes will start with their hands on the farmers. Once the go signal is given the athlete will pick up the farmers carry it 50 ft, drop it, and bring it back 50 ft to the start. No turning with the farmers implements. The athlete will then transition to the yoke and walk it 50ft down, drop it, and bring it back 50 ft to the start. No turning with the yoke. The athlete will have unlimited drops allowed during the duration of the 75 seconds. There will be a 2 second slide penalty given to any athletes that slides the farmers or yoke. If an athlete can not complete the event distance will be measured. This event will be scored by time taken to complete or distance completed.

Equipment not allowed for this event: versa grips, figure 8s, axle straps, barbell straps, oly straps, suits of any kind.

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs, grip shirt must be worn under the competition shirt.

Equipment not allowed for any portion of the show: Tacky, tacky towel, spray tacky, stickem, or any other kind of adhesive like substance. If you are caught using this you will be asked to leave the competition, given 0s for remaining events, and no refund.


Conans Wheel- Madewell

This event is a max distance event. Athlete will start ready to lift the implement. Once the go signal is given the athlete can pick up the Conans Wheel and walk as long as they can. This event does not have a time limit. No drops allowed. Distance will be taken from where the athlete starts to the first drop. This event will be scored by distance completed.

Equipment not allowed for this event: versa grips, figure 8s, axle straps, barbell straps, oly straps, suits of any kind.

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs, grip shirt must be worn under the competition shirt.

Equipment not allowed for any portion of the show: Tacky, tacky towel, spray tacky, stickem, or any other kind of adhesive like substance. If you are caught using this you will be asked to leave the competition, given 0s for remaining events, and no refund.


Sandbag Throw- Cerberus

This event will be a max rep event. Athlete will be given 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. Athlete will start with their hand on the yoke, once the go signal is given the athlete will then retrieve the sandbag from 15ft away and attempt to throw the bag over the designated height. If the bag goes over the athlete will then run to the other side and attempt to throw the bag back over. If the bag does not go over the athlete must stay on that side until completing the rep. Athletes will be required to retrieve their own bags during the duration of the event. This event will be scored by completed number of reps in 60 seconds.

Equipment not allowed for this event: versa grips, figure 8s, axle straps, barbell straps, oly straps, suits of any kind.

Equipment allowed: hard belt, soft belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, hot pants, briefs.

Equipment not allowed for any portion of the show: Tacky, tacky towel, spray tacky, stickem, or any other kind of adhesive like substance. If you are caught using this you will be asked to leave the competition, given 0s for remaining events, and no refund.

Northeast Event Center
5212 N Oakland Gravel Rd
Columbia, MO 65202
View Map
Jul 08, 2023

Start Time
2:15 PM
Meet Director
Chad Coy & Tyler Calabrese
Events and Weights
Division Conventional DeadliftAxle Clean and Press AwayFarmers Yoke MedleyConans WheelSandbag Throw
Novice Women (Single Class)275110130/33031020
Open W LW (132-)275110130/33031020
Open W MW (165-)315130150/41033025
Open W HW (198-)355150170/43036030
Open W SHW (+)375170170/47040035
Novice Men (Single Class)445200200/47040035
Open M LW (181-)445200200/47045035
Open M MW (220-)515220220/55050045
Open M HW (275-)555260260/69056045
Open M SHW (+)655310310/83061055

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 20, 2023

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 80 athletes.
22 spots remain.