
April 26, 2025

The Easter Egg Classic


Frederick, MD

This is the first ever Easter egg classic strongman event! All events will be easter themed, bring your own easter spirit!


Easter themed prizes will be awarded to all winners 


Strongman Corporation Membership is required for all competitors - https://bit.ly/3Ga2xDk

  • Open, Novice and Masters Competitors - $87.50 membership, valid for one year
  • Teen Competitors - $52.00 membership, valid for one year




  1. Number of Amateur Nationals Invites
    • If there is 1 athlete in a class, the class can either be merged with another class, or the athlete can compete and earn an invite by completing at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards set forth by the promoter.
    • If there are 2-4 athletes a class, 1st place gets an invite to Nationals.
    • If there are 5-9 athletes in a class, 1st and 2nd place gets an invite to Nationals.
    • If there are 10+ athletes in a class, 1st through 3rd place get an invite to Nationals.
  2. America’s Strongest Master Invites
    • Top 3 from each master’s class gets an invite to America’s Strongest Master
    • Any competitor that will be at least 40 years old by America’s Strongest Master that gets top 5 in the Open class gets an invite to America’s Strongest Master. Please notify the home office via admin@strongmancorporation.com for any athletes requesting an invite this way.
  3. America’s Strongest Teen Invites
    • Any teen receiving top 3 in the teen division receives an invite to America’s Strongest Teen
    • The 3 highest placing teens in their age and weight division in any open or novice class gets an invite to America’s Strongest Teen. Please notify the home office via admin@strongmancorporation.com for any athletes requesting an invite this way.


Photographer Link: 



Spectator tickets will be for sale at the door. Coaches and handlers do not get in for free.


Weigh-ins will be held at the venue (Hometown Barbell) Friday, the day before the competition, from 10:00am-12:00pm and again from 4:00pm-8:00pm. You can weigh-in on the day of the competition (Saturday) from 6-8:00 a.m. Every athlete must be checked in before 8:00 on the day of the competition. Heavyweight competitors do not need to weigh in, but you will still need to check-in. 

Rules Meeting: 

Every athlete must be present at the gym by 9:00am for the rules meeting. We will be going over all of the rules one last time, so PLEASE make sure you are present in case you have any last minute questions. Warm-ups will begin immediately after the rules meeting and the competition will start promptly at 10:00. 


Student/Military/First Responder Discount

If you are a current student or an active duty or retired military/first responder, shoot me a message before registering! Send me proof of enrollment/service and I will send you a discount code for 25% off registration!


The Events: 

Exact event order TBD


Easter Basket Deadlift for reps

  • Good ole fashioned axle deadlift for reps, with a twist. We are having custom easter basket shaped silver dollar attachments made.
  • 18” starting height
  • Athletes will start hands off and behind the start line
  • 60 seconds to get as many reps as possible. Down AND up commands- no touch and go.
  • Equipment allowed: knee sleeves, neoprene warm pants, straps, chalk. You do not have to wear shoes but you do have to wear socks.
  • Equipment NOT allowed: knee wraps, deadlift suits or briefs, grip hooks


Trump Weight Egg Clean and Press

  • Athletes will start hands off and behind the start line
  • Upon the start, athletes will approach the sandbag of their choice and produce as many reps as possible in 60 seconds.
  • Clean every rep
  • You will have the choice of a heavier or lighter bag. Any number of reps with the heavier bag beats any number of reps with the lighter bag.
  • You may switch sandbags. If you start with the heavier bag and can't get it you can go to the lighter bag. If you start with the lighter bag you may switch to the heavier bag, but your lighter bags reps will not count anymore. Feel like gambling?
  • A good lift must consist of the following: elbows, knees and hips locked out completely, feet square and forward, and head and shoulders through.
  • You cannot press the bag from your head. If the bag stops on your head you will be given a no rep.
  • Equipment allowed: elbow sleeves, knee sleeves, wrist wraps, one soft and one hard belt, grip shirts, chalk/liquid chalk
  • Equipment NOT allowed: anything sticky other than a grip shirt (tacky, spray tack, tacky towel)


Yoking Down the Bunny Trail

  • Athletes will start hands on and under the yoke
  • You will have 60 seconds to carry the yoke 50' down, drop it, turn around and carry it back
  • The front of the yoke must cross the line before dropping and turning around. You will receive a command from the judge once across the line.
  • Unlimited drops
  • Equipment allowed: Chalk, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, belt, neoprene warming pants
  • Not allowed: tacky/spray tack


Egg Over Bar

  • Athletes will have 60 seconds to produce as many reps of egg over bar as they can
  • Egg is code word for atlas stone
  • There will be a person helping return your stones for you, but it is ultimately your responsibility to drop the stone over in a safe and controlled manor to ensure the stone is rolled back to you quickly
  • 44" for women. 48" for men
  • Tacky towel IS allowed
  • IMPORTANT: Weights on this event are subject to change as we make new atlas stones


Easter Egg Hunt

  • Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete a medley of tasks
  • You will start hands off and behind a start line. On the start you will approach and carry a sandbag 35' and load it into a basket Then you will run back and carry a sandbag 25' to load it into the same basket. Once the sandbags have both been loaded you will drag the basket back to the start line
  • Equipment allowed: Chalk, knee sleeves, belt (one soft and one hard belt, no belt stacking), neoprene warming pants, grip shirt
  • Not allowed: tacky/spray tack.


Adaptive Division:

Adaptive athletes will have their own selection of events replicated as closely to the listed events as possible. 

Seated Easter basket deadlift for reps

  • Same rules apply, only athletes will deadlift from the seated position. Most reps in 60s

Trump weight egg incline bench press

  • Athletes will be handed the sandbag to press while laying on an incline bench. Most reps in 60s

Egg over bar

  • Athletes will have to load a stone to a platform from the seated position. Athletes can choose to take the stone from the floor or start with it in their laps. Most reps in 60s

Easter basket arm over arm rope pull

  • Athletes will pull the easter basket cart already loaded with sandbags, arm over arm 50'. Fastest time wins

Easter basket front hold

  • Athletes will have to hold a weighted easter basket out in front of them, with straight arms, for as long as possible.
Hometown Barbell
5904 Enterprise Ct
Frederick, MD 21703
View Map
Apr 26, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Sean Mullican
Events and Weights
Division Trump Weight Egg PressEaster Basket DeadliftEaster Egg HuntYoking Down the Bunny TrailEgg Over Bar
Novice W LW (140.4-)80/6023080, 10023594
Novice W MW (160.4-)100/80260100, 130265113
Novice W MW (180.4-)100/80260100, 130265128
Novice W HW (+)100/80290130, 150295145
Open W LW (140.4-)100/80260100, 130265128
Open W MW (160.4-)130/100290100, 130295128
Open W MW (180.4-)130/100320130, 150325145
Open W HW (+)130/100350150, 180355145
Masters W LW (140.4-)80/6023080, 10023594
Masters W MW (160.4-)100/80260100, 130265113
Masters W MW (180.4-)100/80260100, 130265128
Masters W HW (+)100/80290130, 150295145
Teen W SHW (+)100/80260100, 130265128
Teen W MW (160.4-)80/6020080, 10020594
Novice M MW (231.4-)200/180500200, 220545240
Novice M LW (175.4-)180/150400180, 200445175
Novice M SHW (+)220/200550220, 250595255
Novice M HW (265.4-)220/200550220, 250595255
Novice M MW (200.4-)180/150450200, 220495200
Open M SHW (+)250/220600250, 280655300
Open M HW (265.5-)250/220600250, 280655285
Open M MW (231.4-)220/200550220, 250 595255
Open M MW (200.4-)200/180500200, 220545240
Open M LW (175.4-)180/150450200, 220495200
Masters M MW (200.4-)180/150450200, 220495200
Masters M MW (231.4-)200/180500200, 220545240
Masters M HW (265.4-)220/200550220, 250595255
Masters M LW (175.4-)180/150400180, 200445175
Masters M SHW (+)220/200550220, 250595255
Teen M MW (200.4-)150/130400180, 200405175
Teen M SHW (+)200/180500200, 220495200

Regular Price
Registration Closes Apr 01, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 75 athletes.
31 spots remain.
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