
August 29, 2021

Training House Partner Strongman Showdown


Midlothian, VA

Teams must be Co-ed (one male competitor and one female competitor).
Each person must register individually and then create or join their team. 

Novice Class- Both competitors have never done Strongman before

Open Class- One or Both competitors have competed in Strongman before


Event Descriptions:

1st Event:  Log press-  Reps in 60 seconds, Men’s reps plus Women’s reps. Must lock out and wait for down command. Hands must be off the log before starting. Wrist wraps are allowed. 

2nd Event:  Max Deadlift-  Men’s total plus Women’s total.  All Women start with 145lbs on the bar and increases at 10lb increments.  All Men start with 295lbs on the bar and increase at 20lb increments. Wessel’s Rules:  Each Athlete gets 3 attempts to get their max.  If you miss an attempt you cannot make any other attempts. Auction style. 60 seconds to complete your attempt.  Must lock out and wait for a down command.  Wraps or Figure 8s are allowed. 

3rd Event: Team Truck push/pull – 75 feet pull then 75 feet push for time. Both partners must pull/push together. 90 second time limit. 

4th Event: Team Tire Flip-  Reps in 60 seconds. Both Partners must flip together. 

5th Event: Sandbag Carry and Load Relay- One Partner will carry their sandbag 50 feet and load over 48” bar then run back and tag partner before they can go. Next partner will carry their sandbag and load over 48” bar. Time stops when bag clears the bar.  60 second time limit.  Hands must be off sandbag before starting.  No using hands on the bar to push sandbag over. 



Training House Midlothian
1257 Sycamore Square
Midlothian, VA 23113
View Map
Aug 29, 2021

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Amber Shaw and Lindsey Kilgo

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Events and Weights
Division Log PressMax DeadliftTire FlipSandbag Carry and Load RelayTruck Push/Pull
Open 100/195TBD500120/200700
Novice 75/155TBD50080/160500

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jul 31, 2021

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
2 spots remain.