June 8, 2024
USS Nationals 2024 Presented by Cerberus Strength
Denver, CO
We are very excited to have everyone head west to come visit the beautiful Colorado in June of 2024! There will be more details and information added and updated here on this Iron Podium page as we go. Please check back routinely for the news! Also, follow the Instagram page @ussnationals2024 for updates and information.
Option #1 - Residence Inn Denver Downtown: 277 Zuni St, Denver, CO 80211: Studio Suites available but must be booked by May 5th! Click the link to reserve your room. Book your group rate for Strongman 2024
Option #2 - Courtyard Denver Central Park: 7415 E 41st Ave, Denver, CO 80216: Reserve your room by May 17th! Click the link to reserve your room. Book your group rate for Strongman National
Weigh-ins will open at 9 AM on Friday, June 7th at the venue. You will weigh in, get your athlete bag which includes your competition shirt, and get your yoke heights. Weigh-ins will close at 4 PM sharp.
The rules meeting will be at 5 PM at the venue. We will go through the events, rules, and flow of the show. Rules videos will be posted on the Iron Titan Gym YouTube channel as well as the Instagram page @ussnationals2024 leading up to the show.
All entries must be submitted by April 30, 2024, at 11:59 PM. IronPodium is the only form of entry. Athletes must be a United States resident and live in the United States to compete. Order of entry does matter. No refunds will be issued.
We hit our original cap of 500 on February 18th. We will be opening more spots! The schedule for that is March 1st 50 spots, March 17th 50 spots, and March 31st 50 spots. All additional spots will open at 7:00 PM MST on the release dates. After we fill up the 650 cap, we will start a waitlist. To get onto that waitlist, you will need to email us letting us know to add you to the waitlist. As we get drops, we will notify you so you can register.
Tickets purchased via IronPodium will be $25. This pre-sale price will end on May 24th. The tickets can be picked up at will-call on the morning of the event when the doors open to the public. Tickets will also be available on the day of the show for $30. Ages 10-16 will be $20 and kids under 10 are FREE. There will be a parking charge by the venue as well.
If you qualify in a specific DIVISION and CLASS (LW, MW, HW, SHW) then you may register to compete in either of the two weight cut-offs within that class. Example: You qualify as a 242 HW male. You may compete as a 242 or 275 HW. You MAY NOT go down to a MW. You would have to re-qualify as a MW. If, however, you qualify as a 220 MW male, you may compete as a 198 MW. If you need to move up to another weight class, such as a HW going to SHW, that is acceptable.
Top 3 in each open class will receive an invite to USS Pro International Finals.
Top 1 in each open overall class receives an Overall Belt and $1,000 CASH.
Top 1 in each teen division with three or more competitors receive $500 CASH provided by USS.
Top 3 in each master class receive an invite to USS Pro Masters Worlds.
PSL invites received for top 2 finishes: 132 women will be 64kg, 148 women will be 73kg, 181 women will be 82kg, 181 men will be 80kg, 198 men will be 90kg, 242 men will be 105kg
SCL invites - more information to come soon!
Cerberus Strength Grip Shirts are the ONLY grip shirts allowed at the event. Qualified individuals will receive a discount code in their invite email. https://cerberus-strength.us/products/cerberus-strongman-grip-shirt
EVENT RULES: *Subject to change - all current information listed here and updated if there are changes.
- Competition shirt or Competition Grip shirt MUST be worn (EXCEPT for stones)
- No bare feet (must have at least socks on)
- No tacky or sticky substance (EXCEPT for stones)
- No gloves
- No build-up belts (only one hard and one soft)
- No suits or briefs (EXCEPT for deadlift)
- Any athlete who leaks any body fluids (blood, urine, vomit, etc) on the competition field must help clean it up.
- No grip shorts are allowed during this show
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Competition Grip Shirt
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Scoring: Max Reps
On the start command of the judge, the athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many clean and press each rep as possible. The bell can be cleaned with two hands, but the supporting hand must be removed before the athlete begins the press. The judge will give a down command for a good rep. If a down command is not given and the athlete drops the bell, no rep is given. A down command will be given when the athlete has pressed the bell overhead and has a locked elbow, is standing straight up and down, squared feet, control of the implement, and looking at the judge. If any athlete has an elbow lockout issue, it is their responsibility to notify the judge before the event on their turn. Once the athlete gets a down command, they must have the bell touch the floor before beginning the next press attempt. The bell can be dropped overhead but MUST be done with control and guided to the floor. A “tree drop” will result in a ZERO for the event. Please respect the equipment. The bell must be dropped on the stall mats.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Competition Grip Shirt
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Distance: 50 feet down, 50 feet back
Scoring: Distance + Time
The athlete will get set in the yoke. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will pick up the yoke and carry it 50 feet down. Once the tip of the yoke crosses the line, the athlete will drop the yoke, turn around, re-pick the yoke, and carry it 50 feet back. The entire implement must cross the finish line on the way back before time stops. If the athlete does not finish the total run in 60 seconds, a distance will be taken. Athlete has unlimited drops. A slide penalty of 5 seconds will be given to anyone who slides the yoke.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Competition Grip Shirt, Straps, Deadlift Suits, Deadlift Briefs
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Scoring: Max Reps
The athlete will start standing behind the barbell. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will strap into the barbell (if using straps) and begin pulling. Judges will be giving an up-and-down command. No touch-and-go reps. Athletes will be given a down command once a good rep is completed. Judges are looking for shoulders back, hips through, knees locked. If the bar is dropped before the down command, no rep will be given. If the bar is lifted before the up command, no rep will be given. No finger-tipping the bar while using straps. Keep your thumbs in contact with the bar. Deliberately dropping the barbell from the top will result in a ZERO for the event. Please respect the equipment. This event will be ran using a stiff bar.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Competition Grip Shirt
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Scoring: Reps & Time
Athletes will start with hands off of the bags. There will be three bags placed 25 feet from the yoke. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will pick the first bag and bring it to their shoulder. Once the bag is shouldered, the athlete will carry the bag down to the yoke and load it over the bar set at 52” for women and 56” for men. The athlete will then return back for the second bag which they will shoulder and carry down to load over the yoke. Same thing for the third bag. Time is counted when the bag hits the ground after being loaded. Split times will be taken. This is a loading event for speed so scoring is based on completing a load over the bar after the carry. Bags must be loaded from lightest to heaviest.
Equipment Allowed: Tacky, Stone Sleeves, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Competition Grip Shirt
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Scoring: Max Reps
Athletes will start with hands on the cross member of the yoke. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will have 60 seconds to pick and load the stone over the bar for as many reps as possible. The bar will be set at 48” for women and 52” for men. There will be a catcher feeding the stone back to the athlete. If the stone is thrown at the catcher in an uncontrolled manner, the catcher will ensure their own safety. So if the stone rolls away, that still counts against your time. Hands are not allowed to be placed on the yoke to chest bump over the bar. Athletes are allowed to wear a non-comp shirt for stones or go shirtless if they choose to. However, no grip shirts will be allowed unless they are the competition grip shirt. There will be a tacky area where athletes must apply and remove their tacky. Not removing tacky in the designated area will result in an automatic zero for the event.
****Please refrain from taking another person's spot unless you are qualified. Should you sign up without being qualified, you will be removed from the show without a refund. DO NOT sign up and email us saying you are going to or that you deserve it.
Events and Weights
Division | Circus Dumbbell - Slater Monster Bells | Yoke Walk | Powerbar Deadlift | Sandbag To Shoulder Carry Load | Stone Over Bar |
Open W LW (123-) | 80 on 8" | 450 | 315 | 110,130,150 | 165 |
Open W SHW (242-) | 140 on 10" | 620 | 465 | 220,240,260 | 255 |
Open W LW (132-) | 80 on 8" | 450 | 315 | 110,130,150 | 165 |
Open W MW (148-) | 100 on 10" | 500 | 365 | 150,170,190 | 195 |
Open W MW (165-) | 100 on 10" | 500 | 365 | 150,170,190 | 195 |
Open W SHW (+) | 140 on 10" | 620 | 465 | 220,240,260 | 255 |
Open W HW (181-) | 120 on 10" | 580 | 415 | 180,200,220 | 225 |
Open W HW (198-) | 120 on 10" | 580 | 415 | 180,200,220 | 225 |
Masters Women 60+ | 65 on 8" | 320 | 225 | 90,110,130 | 145 |
Masters W HW (165+) 50+ | 70 on 8" | 420 | 295 | 100,120,140 | 165 |
Masters W HW (+) | 110 on 10" | 550 | 365 | 170,190,210 | 195 |
Masters W LW (165-) 50+ | 65 on 8" | 370 | 275 | 90,110,130 | 145 |
Masters W LW (123-) | 70 on 8" | 420 | 295 | 100,120,140 | 145 |
Masters W MW (165-) | 90 on 10" | 470 | 315 | 140,160,180 | 165 |
Masters W MW (148-) | 90 on 10" | 470 | 315 | 140,160,180 | 165 |
Masters W LW (132-) | 70 on 8" | 420 | 295 | 100,120,140 | 145 |
Teen W LW (165-) | 65 on 8" | 370 | 275 | 90,110,130 | 145 |
Teen W HW (165+) | 70 on 8" | 420 | 295 | 100,120,140 | 165 |
Open M LW (165-) | 150 on 10" | 620 | 565 | 185,210,235 | 300 |
Open M MW (198-) | 180 on 12" | 750 | 605 | 225,250,275 | 350 |
Open M MW (220-) | 180 on 12" | 750 | 605 | 225,250,275 | 350 |
Open M SHW (+) | 220 on 12" | 950 | 705 | 300,325,350 | 405 |
Open M HW (242-) | 200 on 12" | 850 | 655 | 275,300,325 | 385 |
Open M LW (181-) | 150 on 10" | 620 | 565 | 185,210,235 | 300 |
Open M HW (275-) | 200 on 12" | 850 | 655 | 275,300,325 | 385 |
Open M SHW (308-) | 220 on 12" | 950 | 705 | 300,325,350 | 405 |
Masters M HW (+) | 160 on 12" | 650 | 545 | 225,250,275 | 300 |
Masters Men 60+ | 110 on 10" | 450 | 405 | 160,185,210 | 195 |
Masters M HW (220+) 50+ | 130 on 10" | 550 | 455 | 185,210,235 | 250 |
Masters M HW (242-) | 160 on 12" | 650 | 545 | 225,250,275 | 300 |
Masters M MW (220-) | 140 on 10" | 600 | 505 | 185,210,235 | 275 |
Masters M LW (220-) 50+ | 120 on 10" | 500 | 405 | 160,185,210 | 225 |
Masters M MW (198-) | 140 on 10" | 600 | 505 | 185,210,235 | 275 |
Teen M LW (220-) | 110 on 10" | 500 | 455 | 160,185,210 | 225 |
Teen M HW (220+) | 130 on 10" | 550 | 495 | 185,210,235 | 250 |
Registration Closes Apr 30, 2024
No refunds.
195 spots remain.