October 5, 2024
Wisconsin's Strongest Man and Woman 2024 - Presented by Cerberus Strength USA
Madison, WI
USS Strongman Sanctioned
Cerberus Strength USA - PRESENTS:
Wisconsin’s Strongest Man/Woman 2024
USS STRONGMAN SANCTIONED - National and Pro Qualifier!
When: Saturday, October 5, 2024
Location: 6200 Millpond Rd, Madison, 53718, Wisconsin (WI)
Show Promoters: James R. Brooks and Kevin Prothero
Scorekeeper: Craig Haydock
Spectators: $10 for adults, $5 for teens, free for children under 10 (children of registered competitors are always free)
Due to space, only one support person (coach, friend or family member) will be allowed in the competitor arena. All spectators must (FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY) sit in the spectator area. We will have chairs available, but you can bring a folding chair.
We will be testing out some of the events this summer, so with that information, some events may change or be modified. Train Strong, Train Hard, and SHOWUPSTRONG and Ready to Go...no matter what changes. We are hoping to have NO MORE CHANGES by the end of August.
First place winners from last year will be invited back for NO REGISTRATION FEE - to defend your title of Wisconsin's Strongest. Invites will be sent out very soon with a discount code.
HOTEL: I am working on a room block for the Choice Hotel at 3510 Millpond Road. As soon as I have that information, I will update this information.
OPEN and PRO Qualifier Matrix
Reps in: 60 | Distance+Time | Max Distance | Reps in :60 | Reps in :60 | ||
Class | OPEN Weight Classes and Divisions | Axle Bar with Wagon Wheels - Clean and Press Each Rep | Backwards Truck Tow | Sandbag Carry for Distance: 60 Second Time Limit | Sandbag to Shoulder Showdown | Deadlift for Reps with a Side-By-Side UTV Vehicle. |
LW Women | --132 | 115 | F-150 + Small Trailer | 130 | 100,130,150,175, | Deadlift for Reps with a Side-By-Side UTV Vehicle. |
MW Women | 133-->165 | 135 | F-150 + Small Trailer | 150 | 100,130,150,175, | Deadlift for Reps with a Side-By-Side UTV Vehicle. |
HW Women | 166-->198 | 165 | F-150 + Small Trailer | 150 | 100,130,150,175, | Deadlift for Reps with a Side-By-Side UTV Vehicle. |
SHW Women | 199-->242 | 185 | F-150 + Small Trailer | 185 | 100,130,150,175, | Deadlift for Reps with a Side-By-Side UTV Vehicle. |
SHW Women+ | over 242+ | 185 | F-150 + Small Trailer | 185 | 100,130,150,175, | Deadlift for Reps with a Side-By-Side UTV Vehicle. |
Pro Qualifier Women | NO WEIGHT CLASS | 205 | F-150 + Small Trailer+Kids in The Truck | 200ish | 100,130,150,175, | Deadlift for Reps with a Side-By-Side UTV Vehicle. |
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Class | OPEN Weight Classes and Divisions | Axle Bar with 26ers - Clean and Press Each Rep | Backwards Truck Tow | Sandbag Carry for Distance: 60 Second Time Limit | SandBag to Shoulder Showdown | Jeep Deadlift |
LW Men | 165-->181 | 215 | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 185 | 185, 200, 225, 250 | Jeep |
MW Men | 182-->220 | 235 | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 225 | 185, 200, 225, 250 | Jeep |
HW Men | 221-->275 | 255 | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 250 | 200, 225, 250, 275 | Jeep |
SHW Men | 276-308 | 275 | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 275 | 200, 225, 250, 275 | Jeep |
SHW Men+ | -308-308+ | 275 | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 275 | 225, 250, 275, 315 | Jeep |
Pro Qualifier Men | NO WEIGHT CLASS | 305 | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer+Kids in The Truck | 315 | 225, 250, 275, 315 | Jeep |
$100 Per Competitor-this includes your t-shirt at no extra cost.
USS Membership
You MUST pre-register for your USS Card on the USS Website.
Please DO NOT Mail any Forms or Checks
Important Dates & Schedule
Friday September 20, 2024- DEADLINE to ENTER - and get a shirt. Registrations after September 20th, 2023 will NOT get a shirt.
Weigh-In Times
Friday October 4, 2024
9:00am - 2:00pm with Jenn D.
2:00-7:00pm with Jimmy B.
Weigh-In at Harley Davidson-find Jenn for the first shift and Jimmy for the second shift. Go to the Harley Warehouse - DO NOT WALK INTO THE DEALERSHIP TO WEIGH IN.
Saturday October 5, 2024 -
Weigh in from 9:00-9:30am SHARP.
Check-in With Jimmy at Harley Davidson of Madison
Let me make this clear, attendance will be taken between 9:00 and 9:45am. If you show up after 9:45am you are a NO SHOW
Event Schedule
9:45-10:00 am - All Athletes are Checked In
10:00 - 10:15 am - RULES for EVENTS
10:15-10:45 am - Warm Ups for Event 1
10:45 am - Contest Begins
Event 1: Axle Overhead Press - Clean and Press for Reps
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Rules: Competitors may stand on the platform before given the ready command. Upon being given the start command or whistle, competitors will clean and press the axle bar to a full upright and locked out position. When elbows are straight and feet are parallel, the competitor will be given a down command. Competitors are not allowed to drop or tree top the bar from overhead. Dropping or tree-topping and failure to maintain control of the bar will result in a “no rep” Upon being given the verbal “DOWN” command from the judge, the competitor will lower the bar to the platform in a reasonably controlled fashion. When both sides of the weights on the bar have touched the platform, the competitor may begin again for a second and subsequent repetitions. Competitors will continue cleaning, pressing and being given down commands until the time is called. Competitors will be given 15 second reminders at 45, 30 and 15 seconds.
Causes for Disqualification:
Intentional Drops
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Event 2: Backwards Truck Tow
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Rules: Competitors will stand on a starting line 50' from the front of the truck. Upon given the start command or whistle, competitors will run to grab a handle on the front of the truck and begin pulling the truck and trailer a distance of 50 feet. Competitors will be given 15 second reminders at 45, 30 and 15 seconds. Time stops when the front of the truck touches a predetermined line.
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Event 3: Sandbag Carry for Distance
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Rules: Competitors may stand with hands placed on top of a sandbag. When given the start command or whistle, competitors will lift a sandbag to the chest area (no shouldering) and start carrying the sandbabg down a 50 foot lane. The lane will be marked off with 10 foot hash-marks. Competitors may NOT DROP the sandbag at any time. Drops will be counted as distance. Competitors will carry the sandbag back and forth from one cone to the next for a total of 60 seconds. When time is called, the distance in which the competitor carried will be counted in 10 foot increments. The body of the competitor must cross a line to count for the next distance. The sandbag does not count as distance, so throwing or heaving the bag will not count. Competitors will be given 15 second reminders at 45, 30 and 15 seconds. T
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Throwing or heaving the sandbag
Event 4: Sandbag to Shoulder Showdown
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Rules: Competitors may stand with hands placed on top of a sandbag. When given the start command or whistle, competitors will lift the first sandbag to the shoulder. Once the opposite hand hand clears the bag and competitors show control of the sandbag, a down command will be given. Competitors will continue in this order until all 5 sandbags, or the heaviest sandbag is lifted and given a down command. Points will be awarded in two ways, finishing and time. In the event that a competitor does not finish, points will be awarded for the heaviest bag lifted. Competitors will be given 15 second reminders at 45, 30 and 15 seconds.
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Lowering the bag before the "down" command
Event 5: UTV and Jeep Deadlift
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
Wristwraps or Wrist Straps
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
UTV (Women) and Jeep (Men) Deadlift - Competitors may strap into the implement when ready. Judges will ask for a readiness command and then give an audible start or whistle. Competitors will deadlift the implement to meet the standards of the judge before receiving a down command. Competitors may “touch and go” each rep, but it MUST touch the floor in order to be counted as a rep.
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Intentional Drops
6200 Millpond Rd
Madison, WI 53718
View Map
Start Time
9:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Axle Bar Overhead Clean and Press for Reps | Backwards Truck Tow | Sandbag Carry for Distance | Sandbag to Shoulder Showdown | UTV Deadlift for Women/Jeep Deadlift for Men |
Open W LW (132-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open W MW (165-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open W HW (198-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open W SHW (242-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open W SHW (+) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Pro Women | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open M LW (181-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open M MW (220-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open M HW (275-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open M SHW (308-) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open M SHW (+) | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Pro Men | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 20, 2024
No refunds.
21 spots remain.