October 4, 2025
Wisconsin's Strongest Man and Woman 2025
Madison, WI
USS Strongman Sanctioned
Wisconsin’s Strongest Man/Woman 2025
USS STRONGMAN SANCTIONED - National and Pro Qualifier!
When: Saturday, October 4, 2025
Location: 6200 Millpond Rd, Madison, 53718, Wisconsin (WI)
Show Promoters: James R. Brooks and Kevin Prothero
$100 Per Competitor-this includes your t-shirt at no extra cost. Important Dates & Schedule
Friday September 19, 2025 - DEADLINE to ENTER - and get a shirt. Registrations after September 19th, 2025 may NOT get a shirt.
Weigh-In Times
Friday October 3, 2025
9:00am - 6:00pm in the Harley Warehouse
Saturday October 4, 2025
Weigh in from 8:00-9:00am SHARP - Don’t Be Late
Check-in With at the Scoring Table
9:15am - ATTENDANCE and RULES - DO NOT MISS the Attendance and Rules
9:30am - Warmups
10:00am - First Lifts Begin at 10am SHARP
Event 1: Log Press Max - 3 Attempts for a National Record
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Rules: Competitors may stand on the platform before given the ready command. Upon being given the start command or whistle, competitors will clean and press the log to a full upright and locked out position. When elbows are straight and feet are parallel, the competitor will be given a down command. Competitors are not allowed to drop or tree top the log from overhead. Dropping or tree-topping and failure to maintain control of the log will result in a “no rep” Upon being given the verbal “DOWN” command from the judge, the competitor will lower the log to the platform pads in a reasonably controlled fashion. Competitors will be given 15 second reminders at 45, 30 and 15 seconds. After the completion of a successful lift, the competitor will have 60 seconds to report to the scoring table for their next attempt. Failure to give a next attempt will result in the competitor being given the same weight to lift in their next attempt.
Causes for Disqualification:
Intentional Drops
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Event 2: Harnessed Truck and Trailer Pull
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Rules: Competitors will be able to strap into the harness and prepare the rope. Upon given the start command or whistle, competitors will begin pulling the truck and trailer a distance of 50 feet. Competitors are allowed to use their own rope feeder or coach to clear the rope during the pull, however, coaches or helpers are not allowed to pull or set up the rope in a “slingshot fashion.” Competitors will be given 15 second reminders at 45, 30 and 15 seconds. Time stops when the front of the truck touches a predetermined line.
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Event 3: Farmers Hold National Record
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
From the National Records Information on the USS Website:
Farmer Hold for Time - Max time.Time starts on lockout, ends when either implement hits the floor. Handle height must be 17" or lower and less than 1.25" diameter.
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Event 4: Sandbag, Duck Walk, Tire Flip Medley
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Implements must be carried in order: 1. Sandbag, 2. DuckWalk, TireFlip
Competitors may place hands on top of the sandbag. When given the start whistle, competitors will front carry (no shouldering) the sandbag to and across a 30 foot line. Once the sandbag has crossed the line and set down, the competitor may run back and grab the DuckWalk. Once the competitor has completely set down the DuckWalk, run back and flip the tire The time ends when any part of the tire touches the line. If the tire does not touch the line, the timer will keep running. Split times will be used.
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
Event 5: Vehicle Deadlift for Reps
Equipment Allowed: NO TACKY/NO BABY POWDER
Straps and Figure 8 Straps
One Layer of Elbow Sleeves
2 Belts: 1 soft, 1 hard - no built up belts
Knee Sleeves
Briefs, Suits
Time Limit :60 Seconds
Competitors may strap into the implement when ready. Judges will ask for a readiness command and then give an audible start or whistle. Competitors will deadlift the implement to meet the standards of the judge before receiving a down command. Competitors may “touch and go” each rep, but it MUST touch at the bottom in order to be counted as a rep. Competitors MAY NOT fingertip grip the bar, meaning, using the straps to lengthen the distance of the bar as an attempt to pull a shorter range of motion. Hands must be strapped in.
Causes for Disqualification:
Vulgar Language towards Judges and Volunteers
Not following directions by judges
We will be doing some testing of the duck walk and vehicle deadlifts. We are a year out, so some adjustments may be made. Just show up strong and you'll be fine!
6200 Millpond Rd
Madison, WI 53718
View Map
Start Time
9:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Log Press National Record Breaker | Harness Truck Pull | Farmer's Hold National Record Breaker | Sandbag, Duckwalk, Tire Flip Medley - 30 Foot Lanes | Vehicle Deadlift |
Open W LW (132-) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 1500 GMC+ Small Trailer | 120 Per Hand | 130 Sandbag, 125 Duck, 250 Tire, | Harley Trike Bike + 50lbs |
Open W MW (165-) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 1500 GMC+ Small Trailer | 150 Per Hand | 130 Sandbag, 125 Duck, 250 Tire, | Harley Trike Bike + 50lbs |
Open W HW (198-) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 1500 GMC+ Small Trailer | 180 Per Hand | 150 Sandbag, 150 Duck, 250 Tire, | Harley Trike Bike + 90lbs |
Open W SHW (+) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 1500 GMC+ Small Trailer | 210 Per Hand | 150 Sandbag, 150 Duck, 250 Tire, | Harley Trike Bike + 90lbs |
Pro Women | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 1500 GMC+ Small Trailer + Weight | 210 Per Hand | 175 Sandbag, 185 Duck, 250 Tire, | Harley Trike Bike + 180lbs |
Pro Women (165-) | See Weight Matrix Link | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Open M LW (181-) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 220 Per Had | 200 Sandbag, 230 Duck, 545 Tire, | Smaller Vehicle |
Open M MW (220-) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 250 Per Hand | 225 Sandbag, 230 Duck, 545 Tire, | Smaller Vehicle |
Open M HW (275-) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 280 Per Hand | 250 Sandbag, 270 Duck, 545 Tire, | Likely A Truck |
Open M SHW (+) | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer | 310 Per Hand | 275 Sandbag 300 Duck, 545 Tire, | Likely A Truck |
Pro Men | 3 Attempts Wessels Rule | 2500 GMC + Large Harley Trailer + Weight | 310 Per Hand | 315 Sandbag, 345 Duck, 545 Tire, | Likely A Truck |
Pro Men (220-) | See Weight Matrix Link | TBD | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Regular Price
Registration Closes Sep 19, 2025
No refunds.
49 spots remain.