April 20, 2024
Wrath of the Warrior 2024
San Diego, CA
Remember to bring a valid State ID and proof of an active US Strongman Membership. Be proactive and make sure your membership is valid before the day of the event.
Please feel free to bring chairs and an easy up for your comfort. Bring food and drinks too. Entry for spectators is $10.
You must locate street parking and walk. We're near two trolley stations.
EVENT RULES: *Subject to change - all current information listed here and updated if there are changes.
- Competition shirt MUST be worn (EXCEPT for stones)
- No bare feet (must have at least socks on)
- No tacky or sticky substance (EXCEPT for stones)
- No gloves
- No build up belts (only one hard and one soft)
- No suits or briefs (EXCEPT for deadlift)
- Any athlete who leaks any body fluids (blood, urine, vomit, etc) on the competition field must help clean it up.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Scoring: Max Reps
On the start command of the judge, athlete will have 60 seconds to complete as many clean and press each rep as possible. The bell can be cleaned with two hands, but the supporting hand must be removed before the athlete begins the press. The judge will give a down command for a good rep. If a down command is not given and the athlete drops the bell, no rep is given. A down command will be given when the athlete has pressed the bell overhead and has a locked elbow, standing straight up and down, squared feet, control of the implement, and looking at the judge. If any athlete has an elbow lockout issue, it is their responsibility to notify the judge before the event on their turn. Once the athlete gets a down command, they must have the bell touch the floor before beginning the next press attempt. The bell can be dropped overhead but MUST be done with control and guided to the floor. A “tree drop” will result in a ZERO for the event. Please respect the equipment. The bell must be dropped on the stall mats.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Knee Wraps, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt
Time Limit: 60 seconds
Distance: 50 feet down, 50 feet back
Scoring: Distance + Time
Athlete will get set in the yoke. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will pick up the yoke and carry it 50 feet down. Once the tip of the yoke crosses the line, the athlete will drop the yoke, turn around, re-pick the yoke and carry it 50 feet back. If the athlete does not finish the total run in 60 seconds, a distance will be taken. Athlete has unlimited drops. A slide penalty of 5 seconds will be given to anyone who slides the yoke.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Straps, Deadlift Suits, Deadlift Briefs
Time Limit: 90 Seconds
Scoring: Max Reps
Athlete will start standing behind the first barbell. On the start command of the judge, the athlete will strap into the barbell (if using straps) and begin pulling. Judges will be giving only a Down command on the first two deadlifts in the ladder. The final deadlift in the ladder does require an Up and up-and-down command. No touch-and-go reps. Judges are looking for the final deadlift implement to rest completely on the floor before giving the up command. Athletes will only be given a down command when a good rep is completed. Athletes must be completely locked out with minimal swing before being given the Down command. Judges are looking for shoulders back, hips through, knees locked. If the bar is dropped before the down command, no rep will be given. The athletes can attempt an additional rep but will require an additional Up command. If the bar is lifted before the up command, no rep will be given. Hands must remain closed on the bar at all times. No finger-tipping the bar while using straps. Deliberately dropping the barbell from the top will result in a ZERO for the event. Please respect the equipment. This event will be run using the following deadlift variations.
1. Texas Deadlift Bar (1 rep) - Standard 9" Bar Height. Athletes must complete one successful rep before moving on to the next deadlift.
2. Trap Bar (1rep) - Handles are at a 14" Bar Height. Athletes must complete one successful rep before moving on to the next deadlift.
3. Silver Dollar Deadlift on Power Bar (max reps) - The Silver Dollar Deadlift Attachments place the Bar Height at 18". Athletes will complete as many successful reps as possible for the remaining time.
Equipment Allowed: Chalk, Wrist Wraps, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt, Competition Grip Shirt
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Scoring: Reps
Athlete will start with hands off of the bags. There will be three bags placed in front of each athlete. On the start command of the judge, athlete will pick up the bag and bring it to their shoulder. Once the bag is shouldered, the athlete will receive the down command and the athlete will then drop the ground. The athlete will continue this until the stop or the time runs out.
Equipment Allowed: Tacky, Stone Sleeves, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Warmer Shorts, One Soft Belt, One Hard Belt
Time Limit: 60 Seconds
Scoring: Time
Loading Table Heights: (1) 52" (2) 50" (3) 46" (4) 42"
Athlete will start with hands on the loading table. On the start command of the judge, athlete will have 60 seconds to pick and load the stone over to the loading table infront of them as quickly as possible. If the stone rolls off the table the stone must be loaded again. If at any point the stone rolls away, that still counts against your time. Hands are not allowed to be placed on the table until the stone is on top of the table. Athletes are allowed to wear a non-comp shirt for stones or go shirtless if they choose to. Grip shirts will be allowed. There will be a tacky area where athletes must apply and remove their tacky. Not removing tacky in the designated area will result in an automatic zero for the event.
1013 Morena Blvd
San Diego, CA 92110
View Map
Start Time
11:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Circus Dumbbell | Yoke Walk | Deadlift Ladder | Sandbag To Shoulder | Stone Series to Table (4) |
Novice Women (Single Class) | 60 on 10" | 350 | 205, 225, 300 | 100 | 100, 115, 150, 170 |
Open W LW (132-) | 60 on 10" | 350 | 205, 225, 300 | 100 | 100, 115, 150, 170 |
Open W MW (165-) | 75 on 10" | 375 | 275, 315, 365 | 130 | 115, 150, 170, 200 |
Open W HW (198-) | 90 on 10" | 425 | 315, 365, 405 | 170 | 150, 170, 200, 230 |
Open W SHW (242-) | 100 on 10" | 475 | 365, 405, 455 | 200 | 170, 200, 230, 265 |
Open W SHW (+) | 100 on 10" | 475 | 365, 405, 455 | 220 | 170, 200, 230, 265 |
Masters Women (Single Class) | 55 on 10" | 300 | 225, 255, 300 | 130 | 100, 115, 150, 170 |
Teen W LW (165-) | 40 on 10" | 275 | 155, 200, 225 | 100 | 100, 115, 150, 170 |
Teen W HW (165+) | 40 on 10" | 275 | 155, 200, 225 | 100 | 100, 115, 150, 170 |
Novice Men (Single Class) | 80 on 12" | 425 | 315, 365, 405 | 220 | 200, 230, 265, 295 |
Open M LW (181-) | 115 on 12" | 475 | 455, 485, 545 | 220 | 230, 265, 295, 330 |
Open M MW (220-) | 135 on 12" | 550 | 485, 545, 585 | 260 | 230, 265, 295, 330 |
Open M HW (242-) | 170 on 12" | 625 | 545, 585, 635 | 300 | 265, 295, 330, 350 |
Open M HW (275-) | 170 on 12" | 625 | 545, 585, 635 | 300 | 265, 295, 330, 350 |
Open M SHW (308-) | 200 on 12" | 700 | 585, 635, 675 | 350 | 295, 330, 350, 365 |
Open M SHW (+) | 200 on 12" | 700 | 585, 635, 675 | 350 | 295, 330, 350, 365 |
Masters Men (Single Class) | 120 on 12" | 425 | 315, 365, 405 | 220 | 150, 170, 200, 230 |
Teen M LW (220-) | 60 on 12" | 350 | 275, 315, 365 | 200 | 115, 150, 170, 200 |
Teen M HW (220+) | 60 on 12" | 350 | 275, 315, 365 | 200 | 115, 150, 170, 200 |
Registration Closes Apr 13, 2024
No refunds.
59 spots remain.