
March 29, 2025

All Valley Strongman Championship 4


West Chester, PA

From the promoters who bring you Beer Muscles, All Out Strongfest, and the Original All Valley Strongman Championship...

Join us in crowning THE NEXT ALL (Delaware) VALLEY STRONGMAN CHAMPION! Prepare for feats of strength, 80s music, and lots of headbands.

Strongman Corporation Sanctioned Competition

Competitors will qualify for 2025 Strongman Corporation Nationals depending on the number of competitors in each division

All competitors (including novice) must have active Strongman Corporation membership to compete

Note that "Strongman Corporation" (aka "NAS" or “SC”) is not the same as "United States Strongman" (aka "USS"). Please make sure your membership is active for the correct federation.

Weight Class Notes: Teen is an "open" class, meaning there is only one weight class. If you're a lighter bodyweight, consider competing in Novice or Open if the Teen weights are too heavy. If weight classes are combined, the combined class will use the lower weights (eg. if LW and MW are combined, we'll use the LW weights).

Weigh-Ins will be at the following times and locations. There are NO exceptions to these times. ALL athletes must weigh in (including HW and Novice).

Friday 03/28 at Power Plant Gym: 7:30-9am, 4-6pm

Saturday 03/29 @ Gage Strength Training: 7:30-8:30am

Spectators are free!


Event Descriptions

Farmers & Duck Walk Medley: Athlete has 60 seconds to carry farmers handles 30ft down, then immediately duck walk carry 30 ft back. Fastest time wins. Front of each implement must cross the line. Unlimited drop and re-pick is allowed within the 60 seconds. If the event is not completed, distance will be measured. The farmers handles are top-loaded MB Power Center 45lb handles and will be loaded with plates. Pick height to be provided. Duck walk is a Rogue loading pin with 45lbs plates. Pick heights will be set for the entire class (not adjusted to the individual athlete). Athlete will begin with hands off the implement. Sliding either implement will result in a time penalty. 

Equipment Allowed: belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk (liquid or powder).

Equipment NOT Allowed: NO grip shirts, nothing sticky, no suits/briefs (neoprene are fine, but no single-ply or multi-ply), no gloves, no straps, and absolutely no tacky.

Sandbag to Shoulder for Max Weight: Athlete will have six sandbags lined up and may choose to shoulder any combination of bags in any order. The heaviest weight that is successfully shouldered within a 60 second time limit will be counted. Athlete must have feet on a straight line with  knees and hips locked out. The bag must be completely on the shoulder with the hand opposite of shouldered side off of the bag. Athlete must wait for a down command. Score and placement are based ONLY on the heaviest bag lifted. There will be no split times and no points awarded or ties broken based on number of attempts or any other criteria. All bags will be Cerberus bags filled with sand and/or rubber mulch.

Equipment Allowed: belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk (liquid or powder).

Equipment NOT Allowed: NO grip shirts or grip shorts, no gloves, nothing sticky, no suits/briefs (neoprene are fine, but nothing single-ply or multi-ply).

Lever Deadlift: Athlete will complete a series of five deadlifts on a lever apparatus for fastest time within a cap of  60 seconds. If the entire series is not completed, scoring will be based on the number of reps completed. No split times will be taken. Athlete must wait for a “down” command and control the implement to the floor before moving on to the next handle. Dropping the implement will result in a no-rep. Dropping it more than once will result in a zero for the event. Further details pending build and testing. We will not provide exact “in hand” weight, but will tell you what will be loaded on it for each weight class, and we’ll be training the implement at Power Plant Gym during Strongman Saturdays if anyone wants to try it once it’s built. Any strapping in is on the athlete’s time. Hands must start off the implement.

Equipment Allowed: belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk (liquid or powder), straps (figure-8 or regular)

Equipment NOT Allowed: no hook-style straps or grips, NO grip shirts or grip shorts, nothing sticky, no suits/briefs (neoprene are fine, but nothing single-ply or multi-ply).

Circus Dumbbell for Max Reps with Trump Weight: Athlete will clean and press the circus dumbbell as many times as possible in 60 seconds. Between every rep, part of the dumbbell must touch the ground (the actual ground, not just the mat in front of the bell). Athlete must wait for a down command from the judge for each rep. In order to receive a down command, athlete must demonstrate control of the CDB & full lockout with feet on a straight line; and knees, hips, shoulders, and the dumbbell all in alignment with elbow fully locked out. Athlete must control the CDB back to the ground. A drop from the top will result in a no-rep. More than one drop from overhead will result in a zero for the event. Drops MUST be onto the provided mat. Athletes will have two dumbbell weights to choose from. Any reps completed on the heavier CDB will beat any number of reps on the lighter CDB. Athlete may move from the heavy CDB to the light CDB, but once the light CDB has been touched, the athlete may not return to the heavier CDB. We’ll be using a custom 8” bell with 2” handle for women, and a custom 10” bell with 2.5” handle for men.

Equipment Allowed: belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk (liquid or powder). 

Equipment NOT Allowed: NO grip shirts or grip shorts, no gloves, nothing sticky, no suits/briefs (neoprene is fine, but not single-ply or multi-ply).

Beer Can Arm Lift for Max Weight: Using Wessels rules, athletes will have a max of three attempts to reach a max weight on a single arm deadlift with a beer can hold. Specific jumps pending testing, but expect jumps to be limited to specific weights. Can must be grasped around, not under, and must be done with one arm (you can pick which one). We will follow a rising “bar” auction-style format, and athletes may skip weights if desired, but must inform the judge or group leader. The implement is a standard 12in plate loadable pin with a concrete filled 2SP Brewing beer can as the handle (the same ones we used at Beer Muscles). Athlete will have a maximum of 30 seconds to complete a lift. Lift is complete when the implement is lifted off the ground and the athlete has knees locked, hips fully open, and shoulders stacked over the hips. Athlete must wait for a down command, and the implement must be controlled back to the floor. A (non grip-related) drop will result in a no-rep. Multiple drops will result in a zero for the event. Once an athlete is unable to lift a weight, they are finished, irrespective of how many attempts they have made thus far. Scoring will be based on heaviest successful lift and not contingent on the number of attempts made.

Equipment Allowed: belt, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk (liquid or powder). 

Equipment NOT Allowed: NO grip shirts, nothing sticky, no suits/briefs (neoprene is fine, but nothing single-ply or multi-ply), and no straps (not that they’d do you any good anyway).


Event rules & weights subject to change if necessary. No refunds.

Gage Strength Training
325 Westtown Rd
West Chester, PA 19382
View Map
Mar 29, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Jess Brock-Pitts & Katie Feeley

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Sandbag to Shoulder (max weight)Farmers Carry to Duck Walk (30 ft each)Lever DeadliftCircus Dumbbell (Light/Heavy)Beer Can Arm Lift Max (for max weight)
Novice W LW (140.4-)100, 125, 150, 175, 200115 per hand/145TBD45/60TBD
Novice W MW (160-)100, 125, 150, 175, 200135 per hand/160TBD55/70TBD
Novice W MW (180.4-)100, 125, 150, 200, 225, 250145 per hand/185TBD60/75TBD
Novice W HW (+)100, 125, 150, 200, 225, 250155 per hand/195TBD65/80TBD
Open W LW (140.4-)125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250145 per hand/195TBD60/75TBD
Open W MW (160.4-)150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275165 per hand/200TBD65/80TBD
Open W MW (180.4-)175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300185 per hand/215TBD70/85TBD
Open W HW (+)175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300205 per hand/235TBD75/90TBD
Masters W HW (+)125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250145 per hand/195TBD60/75TBD
Teen W HW (+)125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250125 per hand/145TBD55/70TBD
Novice M LW (175-)125, 150, 175, 200, 225, 250195 per hand/300TBD85/100TBD
Novice M MW (200.4-)150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275215 per hand/320TBD105/120TBD
Novice M MW (231.4-)175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300235 per hand/340TBD110/125TBD
Novice M HW (265-)175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300255 per hand/360TBD115/130TBD
Novice M SHW (+)175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300275 per hand/380TBD120/135TBD
Open M LW (175.4-)200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350215 per hand/340TBD110/125TBD
Open M MW (200.4-)150, 175, 200, 225, 250, 275235 per hand/400TBD115/130TBD
Open M MW (231.4-)200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350255 per hand/420TBD125/140TBD
Open M HW (265.5-)200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350275 per hand/440TBD135/150TBD
Open M SHW (+)200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350295 per hand/460TBD145/160TBD
Masters M MW (231.4-)175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300235 per hand/340TBD110/125TBD
Masters M SHW (+)200, 225, 250, 275, 300, 350255 per hand/400TBD115/130TBD
Teen M HW (+)175, 200, 225, 250, 275, 300215 per hand/320TBD85/100TBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 15, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 60 athletes.
56 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard