January 4, 2025
Are You Stronger Than Santa? 3
Holden, MA
Start time:
Check in/Weigh-in : 9:30am-10am
Rules: 10am
Start: 10:30an
Weight Classes:
LW Novice (165.0 and under)
HW Novice (165.0 and above)
LW Open (165.0 and under)
HW Open (165.0 and above)
LW Novice (220.0 and under)
HW Novice (220.0 and above)
LW Open (220.0 and under)
HW Open (220.0 and above)
$5 Spectator Fee at the door. - Proceeds will go to the Worcester County Food Bank
This is an unsanctioned competition.
Part of this competition is raising food for the food bank. For every 5lbs of food that a competitor brings to the competition, they Competitors will add 1 rep to their score or subtract 1 second from their timed events for every 5lbs of food that a competitor donates. Max 50lbs per person. That would give you 10 extra reps that you could add to your score of an event or seconds to shave off of your carrying events.
Circus DB Clean and Press As Many Reps
- 60 second time limit
- Complete as many reps as possible.
- Competitor will clean each rep from ground to shoulder, 1 arm press overhead.
- Competitor must wait for judge’s down command. Competitor must bring the DB down to the ground before re-cleaning the DB. DB only needs to tap the ground.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, sleeves, chalk, grip shirts, belt, elbow sleeves, knee sleeves
Deadlift Medley
- 60 second time limit
- 1 Rep trap bar, 1 rep regular barbell, axle deadlift for reps. Max reps wins
- Competitor must wait for judge’s down command.
- Hitching allowed
Allowed: Straps, belt, chalk
Farmers Carry For Max Distance
- 30 ft course, drop and turn every 30ft
- 60 second time limit
Allowed: Chalk, wraps, belt, sleeves.
Sandbag to Shoulder Ladder
-every athlete will shoulder sandbags from lightest to heaviest.
-60 second time limit
-split times will be taken
Allowed: Chalk, wraps, belt, sleeves.
Carry and Drag Medley
-carry duckwalk 30ft, run back, carry wheelbarrow 30ft, drag sled back.
-60 second time limit
Allowed: Chalk, wraps, belt, sleeves.
Events and Weights
Division | Circus DB Clean and Press | Deadlift Ladder - Trap, Barbell, Axle for reps | Farmers Carry | Sandbag Shoulder Ladder | Carry and Drag Medley |
Novice W HW (165+) | 50lbs | 275/225/225 | 135/hand | 70 to 220 | 135DW |
Novice W LW (165-) | 40lb | 245/205/205 | 115/hand | 70 to 220 | 115DW |
Open W (+) | 60lbs | 315/275/275 | 155/hand | 70 to 220 | 155DW |
Novice M LW (220-) | 105 | 405/385/385 | 185/hand | 100 to 265 | 195DW |
Novice M HW (220+) | 125 | 455/405/405 | 205/hand | 100 to 265 | 225DW |
Open M HW (220+) | 145 | 545/495/495 | 225/hand | 100 to 265 | 245DW |
Open M MW (220-) | 125 | 455/405/405 | 205/hand | 100 to 265 | 225DW |
Registration Closes Jan 01, 2025
No refunds.
11 spots remain.