November 3, 2024
Arizona's Strongest Man
Phoenix, AZ
Order of Events:
- Log For Reps
- Car Deadlift (Front Handle)
- Front Hold
- Frame Carry
- Atlas Stone Series
* Please note that the events, order of events, weight of the events are all subject to change. *
- 1st - Trophy, Sponsor giveaways, Nationals and Regionals invites
- 2nd - Trophy, Regionals, (Nationals If there are 6+ athletes in a class)
- 3rd - Trophy, Regionals, (Nationals If there are 6+ athletes in a class)
- Friday, November 1st
Weigh-Ins / Check-Ins: 9:00am - 11:00am & 7:00pm - 9:00pm @ ATP Gym
- Saturday, November 2nd
Rules Meeting: 8:00am @ ATP Gym (Same as weigh ins)
Athlete Group Photo 8:15am
Athlete Warmups: 8:30am
1st Event Starts: 9:00am
*Weight divisions are subject to change depending on amount in each weight class, divisions may be combined together*
Weights - coming soon
Event 1: Log clean & Press for Reps
On "Athlete ready" command Athlete will start behind Log with hands off. on "Start" command athlete will place hands on Log and begin to do as many reps as possible, Athlete must clean each rep, Athlete must wait for the down command at the top of each rep for the rep to count, athlete will not receive a down call if their head is not through, arms must be locked out while showing control of the implement with feet side by side, athlete will not receive a down command while in a staggered stance / spit jerk stance
Athlete will have 60 seconds. Shot clock rule applied.
Event will be run Head-to-head.
IF your arms are uncapable of locking elbows out you must show judge prior to start of event
Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt.
Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind (Shirt required)
Event 2: Car Deadlift for Reps (Front Handle)
On "Athlete Ready" command, athlete will place hands on Car deadlift. On the "Start" command, athlete will perform as many reps as possible, Athlete must wait for the down command at the top of each rep for the rep to count. athlete will not receive a down command if knees and hips are not locked out with shoulders back.
NO bouncing reps / TAP and go reps
Athlete MAY hitch and or ramp reps
Most reps within 60 seconds WINS
Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt, suit, briefs. straps
Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind
Event 3: Front Hold
Athlete will start with back and butt against flat surface, on the athlete ready command athlete will pick up implement, on Athlete "Start" command athlete will raise the implement up Infront of them to make the hands parallel with the shoulders, Athlete will hold for as long as possible, if athletes butt or shoulders come off flat surface event will end and time will stop, if athletes hands drop below their shoulders time will stop
The athlete that holds the Implement longest will WIN
Event will be run Head-to-Head
Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt
Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind, Straps, anything that adds in keeping arms up
Event 4: Frame Carry (75ft)
On "Athlete Ready" command, athlete will place hands on Frame. On the "Start" command, athlete will pick up and carry the Frame down 25ft, then athlete will turn around pick up and carry the Frame 25ft back, then athlete will turn around pick up and carry the Frame down till the front of the frame crosses the line, once athlete crosses the line time will stop (Total distance 75ft)
Fastest time wins, athlete will have 60 seconds. if athlete does not finish event distance will be taken for placement
Unlimited drops. 5 second penalty for sliding the frame across the line.
Event will be run head-to-head
Equipment Allowed: Wrist Wraps, Knee Sleeves, Elbow Wraps, Elbows Sleeves, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Double Belt
Equipment Not Allowed: Tacky of any kind, Straps *must wear shoes*
Event 5: Atlas Stones (5 Stone Series)
On "Athletes ready" command athlete will place arms on stone table, on the "Start" command athlete will began lifting stones starting with the lightest stone to the highest table and working their way down throughout all 5 stones, ending with the heaviest stone to the lowest table
Athlete with the fastest time through all 5 stones will win
If athlete does not complete all 5 stones split times will be taken on how fast athlete was able to complete the stones they loaded
Athlete will have 60 seconds
Equipment Allowed: Grip Shirts, Soft Belt, Hard Belt, Elbow Sleeves, Knee Sleeves, Compression Shorts, Tacky, Stone Sleeves
Equipment Not Allowed: Spud Stone Strap
Athletes must show Strongman corporation membership card at weigh ins
Spectator fee for non-competitors $15
Events and Weights
Division | Log For Reps | Car Deadlift | Front Hold | Frame Carry | Stone Series | Tie breaker |
Open W LW (120.4-) | 115lb | Car | 20lb | 240lb | 120,145,175,205,220 | TBD |
Open W LW (140.4-) | 115lb | Car | 20lb | 240lb | 120,145,175,205,220 | TBD |
Open W MW (160.4-) | 135lb | Car | 25lb | 270lb | 120,145,175,205,220 | TBD |
Open W MW (180.4-) | 135lb | Car | 25lb | 270lb | 120,145,175,205,220 | TBD |
Open W HW (+) | 135lb | Car | 25lb | 270lb | 120,145,175,205,220 | TBD |
Masters W HW (+) | 135lb | Car | 25lb | 270lb | 120,145,175,205,220 | TBD |
Open M LW (175.4-) | 190lb | Car | 35lb | 470lb | 220,240,250,280,300 | TBD |
Open M MW (200.4-) | 220lb | Car + Weight | 40lb | 520lb | 240,250,280,300,325 | TBD |
Open M MW (231.4-) | 245lb | Car + Weight | 40lb | 520lb | 240,250,280,300,325 | TBD |
Open M HW (265.5-) | 265lb | Truck + Weight | 50lb | 620lb | 280,300,325,355,375 | TBD |
Open M SHW (+) | 285lb | Truck + weight | 50lb | 620lb | 280,300,325,355,375 | TBD |
Masters M MW (231.4-) | 245lb | Car + weight | 40lb | 520lb | 240,250,280,300,325 | TBD |
Masters M SHW (+) | 245lb | Car + weight | 40lb | 520lb | 240,250,280,300,325 | TBD |
Registration Closes Oct 20, 2024
No refunds.
9 spots remain.