
July 6, 2025

Battle of the Barbarians at the Stoughton Fair 2025


Stoughton, WI

Stoughton Fair Strongman Event

             USS Strongman Sanctioned

           The Stoughton Fair Presents: 

                   Battle of the Barbarians

This is a USS STRONGMAN National Qualifier

            When: Sunday, July 6, 2025


Location: Fair Grandstands

400 Mandt Parkway

Stoughton, WI 53589

Show Promoters: James R. Brooks, 

Co-Promoters:Stoughton Fair

Scorekeeper: Emily Harms


Link to Weight Matrix Below: 


ClassOPEN Weight Classes and DivisionsCircus Dumbbell for RepsSandbag, TireFlip, CrucifixUTV DeadliftSandbag CornholeTug of War

Teen Women


One Division55 Pounds100 Sandbag, 250 Tire, 150 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
Master WomenOne Division55 Pounds100 Sandbag, 250 Tire, 150 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
Novice WomenOne Division55 Pounds100 Sandbag, 250 Tire, 150 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
LW Women--> 132 (under 132)55 Pounds130 Sandbag, 350 Tire, 150 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
MW Women133-148-165 (under 165)65 Pounds130 Sandbag, 350 Tire, 150 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
HW Women166-181-198 (under 198)75 Pounds150 Sandbag, 350 Tire, 150 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
SHW Women199-220-242+ (no weigh in)85 Pounds150 Sandbag, 350 Tire, 150 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane

Teen Men


One Division80 Pounds185 Sandbag, 350 Tire, 175 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
Master MenOne Division80 Pounds185 Sandbag, 350 Tire, 175 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
Novice MenOne Division80 Pounds185 Sandbag, 350 Tire, 175 CrucifixUTV Empty3 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
LW Men165-181 (under 181)100 Pounds200 Sandbag, 545 Tire, 200 CrucifixUTV + 1803 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
MW Men182-198-220 (under 220)110 Pounds200 Sandbag, 545 Tire, 200 CrucifixUTV + 2203 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
HW Men221-242-275 (under 275)120 Pounds250 Sandbag, 545 Tire, 225 CrucifixUTV + 2703 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane
SHW Men276-308-308+ (no weigh in)130 Pounds250 Sandbag, 545 Tire, 225 CrucifixUTV + 3203 Weighted Throwing BagsRope and 30 Foot Lane

Registration and Other Fees

$100 - includes a free t-shirt. 

USS Membership https://account.unitedstatesstrongman.com/u/login

We will NOT be selling paper memberships at the event. 

You MUST pre-register for your USS Card for 2024 using this link..


Please DO  NOT Mail any Forms or Checks

Important Dates & Schedule

 June 20, 2025 - DEADLINE to ENTER

First Weigh in: 

Saturday July 5th at PRIMAL Strength and Fitness - from 7:00am - 11:00am

Second Weigh in:

Saturday July 5th at PRIMAL Strength and Fitness from 4:00-6:00pm

Last Chance to Weigh in: 

Sunday July 6th at the event site - Fair Grandstands from 9:00-9:30am - the scale will be put away at 9:30am. No Late Weigh-Ins. Plan Accordingly. 

Sunday, July 6, 2025 - Competition Day

9:30am - Check In

9:45am - Rules and Order of Events

10:15am - Start Time



Circus Dumbbell for Reps

Rules: Competitors may stand with hands placed on top of the dumbbell, but not on the handle. When the whistle is given to start, competitors may grab the handle and clean the dumbbell to a chest position to press. The competitor MUST CLEAR the opposite hand before beginning the press. Once the dumbbell is fully locked out, you will receive a down command. The competitor MUST control the dumbbell down to the platform to begin another rep. The dumbbell MUST touch the platform to start another attempt.

Sandbag, TireFlip, Crucifix

Each implement will be placed on a starting line with a finish line of 30 feet across. The sandbag will be on the start line, the tire will be 30 feet across on the opposite side and the crucifix will rest on the first line. Competitors will start with hands on top of the sandbag. When given the start whistle, the competitor will pick up the sandbag and carry across the 30 foot line. Once the sandbag has crossed the line, the competitor will scurry across to the tire and flip the tire 30 feet or when any part of the tire touches the line. After the tire has touched the line, the competitor will pick up the crucifix and carry 30 feet across the line. Competitors can have unlimited drops of any piece of equipment, - BUT - the crucifix carry MUST cross the entire line. You may not just throw it down at the finish line. 

UTV Deadlift

Competitors may strap into the implement when ready. Judges will ask for a readiness command and then give an audible start or whistle. Competitors will deadlift the implement to meet the standards of the judge before receiving a down command. Competitors may “touch and go” each rep, but it MUST touch at the bottom in order to be counted as a rep. Competitors MAY NOT fingertip grip the bar, meaning, using the straps to lengthen the distance of the bar as an attempt to pull a shorter range of motion. Hands must be strapped in. 

Sandbag Cornhole

Rules: Competitors may stand with hands placed on top of a sandbag. When given the start command or whistle, competitors will lift a  throwing style sandbag and swing and throw it to a giant cornhole board. Competitors may swing from between the legs or launch from the chest. Competitors MAY NOT spin and swing (for safety reasons) toward the board located 10-15 feet away. This is a new event, so we will do some compliance testing this summer for accuracy.  Competitors will have 3 throws per turn in 60 seconds. The scoring will be counted as pounds toward a total. The bags that land ON the board will count as the weight x 1. The bags that land IN the hole will count as pounds x 3. For example: If a competitor gets the 25 pound bag ON the board, and the 35 and 45 pound bags in the hole, those pounds will be multiplied x 3 for a total of 25+105+135=265 pounds. If a bag lands on the floor it is counted as 0 pounds. If a competitor steps over a line during a throw, 0 pounds will be given for that throw. You get 1 throw only per bag and you may NOT pick up a bag that didn’t hit the board to try again.   Competitors will be given 15 second reminders at 45, 30 and 15 seconds.

Person VS Person Tug of War

Two competitors, paired by ranking (example in a 8 person bracket the 8th person will face the 1st person in round one). Depending on the number of competitors in a weight class, some competitors will have a bye round. The bye round will be the person who has placed first - as re-ordered based on performance - up to event 5. Once the show is closed, the brackets will be created and ready to fill in at the last event. Again, your order of competition will depend on your placement in events 1? 4. Rules of the game: Two competitors will line up on the field of play across a central line. Competitors will be given a 4 foot rope and instructed to take their grip. When the whistle sounds to begin, competitors will have 60 seconds to pull the opposing competitor across the line and touch the cone or line that will be on the ground behind them. Once a competitor touches the cone or crosses the back line, time will be called and the winner will advance to round 2. In the case that neither competitor touches their cone or line, the competitor who has a clear distance advantage of pulling their opponent to their side will be given the win. Points: competitors will receive 1 point per match won, and 2 points for winning the final match. In the case of a bye, the first place competitor will get the point for the bye, due to having succeeded in securing the first place spot for the 5th event. Here is a link we will use to create the brackets.What you see is an example of a 5 person weight class group, but we will print brackets for every weight class upon completion of event 4. 

General Rules

Competitors will conduct themselves in a safe, respectful and responsible manner. Competitors will respect the judges and volunteers for all of their hard work. Any behavior that is deemed inappropriate by the show host will result in one warning and after one warning, the competitor will be asked to leave the arena. Inappropriate actions include, but not limited to - intentional drops, hitting striking or misuse of equipment (don't’ throw a temper tantrum) yelling obscenities (this is a family fair). Please remember to thank your judges and volunteers. If you can be safe, respectful and responsible - you can stay in the show - if not - you gotta go!

Mandt Park
400 Mandt Pkwy
Stoughton, WI 53589
View Map
Jul 06, 2025

Start Time
9:30 AM
Meet Director
James Brooks
Events and Weights
Division Circus Dumbbell For RepsSandbag, TireFlip, Crucifix MedleyUTV DeadliftSandbag CornholeTug of War
Novice Women (Single Class)See link to MatrixTBDTBDTBDTBD
Masters Women (Single Class)TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Novice Men (Single Class)TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD
Masters Men (Single Class)TBDTBDTBDTBDTBD

Early Bird Price
Only 2 available.

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 20, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
37 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard