
January 25, 2025

2025 Battle of the Ozark's (Northwest Arkansas)


Bentonville, AR

Welcome to the first Annual Battle of the Ozark's.

*USS Nationals 2025 (June 28th 2025)

*USS Pro International 2025 (Sept 6th 2025)

*2025 USS Inc. membership required

Novice: 1st place will get a nationals invite. Cash prize for 1st place!

Open and Masters: 1-3 place will get a nationals invite. Cash prize for 1st place! (if less than 3 in a class, may combine)

PRO Class : As long as there is 6 or more athletes in the PRO class (and show up) the PRO class can happen which will entail a cash prize for 1-3 and winner of the class will receive invite to a USS Pro International Comp. This provides a pathway to a pro-card, which is awarded at the USS Pro International Comp. 

Minimum of 6 must show up to the comp to make this work. 

LOCATION: Bentonville, AR


A photographer on site and provide free pictures to all athletes.

*We will have a food truck onsite and food and drink will be provided to the athletes.


Weigh ins (Call me if you need an exception)

  • Chop HQ Bentonville, AR
  • Friday 1/24/2025 12-4
  • Saturday 7:30-8:30 at the event site

Athlete meeting at 8:30 am, I would advise you to be there for the meeting, in case something changes. Specific rules are subject to change.

**Any equipment listed as allowed is the only equipment allowed and Promoter has the final say.  If there are questions on the equipment, ask the promoter.


Event #1: Max log Overhead Press: 

  • Athletes will have 3 attempts to press the log.
  • Implements:
    • Men: 12in wooden log
    • Women: 10in wooden log
  • Winning & points:
    • Heaviest lift wins.
    • In a situation where there is a tie, but athlete A successfully completed the lift on attempt one and athlete B completed it on attempt three, then first place would go to athlete A.
    • In the situation where there is a tie on the same attempt, then the athletes would share the event position.
  • Process:
    • Athletes will call their weights at the start of each round
    • Athletes will go in order they are placed within iron podium, prior to the start of the competition
    • In other words, this is not a rising bar. Each athlete will call their weights each round.
    • If an attempt is failed on the first or second attempt, then the athlete may elect to reattempt the same weight or a greater weight in the next round(s)
    • Available minimum weight increments per side is 10lbs
    • Elbows must be locked out and feet parallel for a down call.
    • If the athlete has a preexisting condition limiting elbow lockout, then they must tell the judge before every attempt
  • Log must be dropped in a controlled manner! 
  • No resting the log on one’s head!
  • Gear allowed: elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, one soft belt, one hard belt, knee sleeves, USS approved grip shirts
  • Gear not allowed: knee or elbow wraps, tacky of any kind, spray adhesive, built-up belts, suits, no gloves


Event #2: Super Yoke Run: 

  • Athletes will have 75 seconds to complete the course
  • Distance is 20ft down, turn, and then 20ft back to the starting line
  • Process:
    • Athlete will not be touching or under the yoke prior to attempt start
    • Athletes will pick the yoke and proceed to carry the implement down the course
    • Once the front crosses the line at the end, turn, and proceed back
    • The time will stop once the entire yoke crosses the finish line
    • In the event the athlete does not finish the course, then max distance will be calculated
    • No sliding. If slides are evident, the judge has the discretion to apply a 5 second time penalty.
  • Gear allowed: elbow and knee sleeves, wrist wraps, knee wraps, one soft belts, one hard belt, USS approved grip shirts
  • Gear not allowed: tacky of any kind, suits, no spray adhesive, no glovves


Event #3: Deadlift for reps: 

  • Athletes have 60sec to complete as many reps as possible.
  • This will be a conventional deadlift height on a deadlift bar.
  • Athletes will strap in on their own time
  • Each successful rep will be counted.
  • There are two calls for this event “START” and “DOWN”
  • Athletes must wait for the “DOWN” call from the judge. If there is not “DOWN” call, then there is no rep.
  • Highest total reps win the event.
  • Thumbs must be around the bar. No hooks.
  • Gear allowed: Regular and figure of 8 straps, knee sleeves, elbow sleeves, soft belt, one hard belt, one soft belt, Deadlift Suits, briefs/compression shorts, baby powder.
  • Gear not allowed: tacky of any kind, knee or elbow wraps, no spray adhesive, no built-up belts, no gloves


Event #4: Death Medley: 

  • Athletes will have 75 seconds to complete the course.
  • Stage one: 
    • Hands off the keg prior to “START” command
    • Clean & press the keg.
    • Upon receiving the down signal, the athlete must control the descent of the keg onto the pad.
    • Drops will cause the athlete to zero the event.
  • Stage two:
    • Pick up the sandbag up and carry it to the end of the course
    • Distance is 30ft
    • Shouldering the sandbag to transport is allowed
  • Stage three:
    • Push the yoke back to the starting position
    • Distance is 30ft
    • Time will stop once the entire yoke crosses the starting line.
    • Fastest time or farthest distance wins. Split times will be taken at the end of each stage in the event there is a tie in distance.
  • Gear allowed: elbow and knee sleeves, wrist wraps, one soft belts, one hard belt.
  • Gear not allowed: tacky of any kind, suits, no stone straps, no spray on adhesive, no built-up belts, no gloves


Event #5: Squat for Reps: 

  • Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible.
  • Setup:
    • Monolift (height determined at weigh in the day prior or morning of event)
    • Squat bar
    • Box (box height will be determined at weigh in the day prior or morning of the event. This height is intended to have the athlete squat to parallel)
  • Process:
    • This will be a box squat, i.e. the athletes bottom is to touch the box in a controlled manner
    • There will be two calls during this event “START” and “UP”
    • Once the athlete successfully controls a squat down and touches the box a “UP” call will be given.
    • The athlete can repeat this process till unable to continue or stops
    • Unracking and/or walk out (if walk out is desired) will be on the athletes time
    • If at any point the athlete cannot continue or wishes to stop, the spotters will assist them back into the rack
    • The athlete must always maintain a controlled decent. If the athlete slams into the box, the judge will stop the attempt. 
  • Gear allowed: elbow and knee sleeves, wrist wraps, knee wraps, one soft belts, one hard belt, suits.
  • Gear not allowed: tacky of any kind. Built-up belts, spray adhesive, no gloves
1801 SW Palmer Creek
Bentonville, AR 72713
View Map
Jan 25, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
John Thames, David Huckleby
johnethames@gmail.com, david.huckleby@gmail.com
Events and Weights
Division Deadlift for RepsDeath by MedleyMax LogSuper YokeSquat to Box for Reps
Novice Women (Single Class)225100, 150, 200MAX365225
Open W LW (132-)235100, 150, 200MAX330195
Open W MW (165-)295125, 200, 250MAX400245
Open W HW (198-)335150, 200, 275MAX495295
Open W SHW (+)385150, 200, 325MAX545335
Masters Women (Single Class)275125, 200, 250MAX365225
Teen W LW (165-)185100, 150, 200MAX300185
Teen W HW (165+)225100, 150, 200MAX300205
Pro Women425175, 250, 350MAZ600375
Pro Women (165-)325150, 225, 300MAX440275
Novice Men (Single Class)405175, 250, 350MAX600355
Open M LW (181-)365200, 250, 350MAX545335
Open M MW (220-)455200, 250, 400MAX660375
Open M HW (275-)545225, 300, 400MAX825405
Open M SHW (+)585250, 300, 490MAX900495
Masters Men (Single Class)405200, 250, 400MAX600355
Teen M LW (220-)335125, 200, 250MAX500275
Teen M HW (220+)365150, 200, 275MAX500295
Pro Men645275, 300, 545MAX1000585

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jan 18, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 56 athletes.
16 spots remain.