
October 11, 2025

Clash of the Tridents V at the Mr. America Sports Festival


Atlantic City, NJ

Clash of the Tridents V

*US Strongman 2026 Nationals Qualifier


Hotel Block links:    Link will be pasted below once it is live. Room block discount can be used for athletes, spectators, volunteers...whoever!




*all weight classes must weigh in (no exceptions)  

*athlete may choose to attend Friday OR Saturday 


  • 10/10/25:

                -10a-12p OR 2p-4p weigh ins offered (exact location will be emailed to registered athletes and posted on social media).


  • 10/11/25:

               -8A-9A last call for weigh ins. Any athletes not weighed in/checked in by 9A will be marked as a drop out

               -9:30A rules (estimated time as our opening ceremony with the other sports may delay us)

               - 9:45A warm ups begin (estimated time)


America's Strongest Athlete with Disabilities (run by Vachio)

  • Event webpage will be pasted here once it is live
  • come out and support our adaptive peers in their event on Sunday. If anyone wishes to volunteer for his show please reach out to Vachio directly


ENTRY: $130 (competitors are given entrance to Fitness expo Friday, Saturday and Sunday and all sporting events occurring all weekend).


CONFIRMED SPORTS: Bodybuilding, powerlifting, kettlebell sport, boxing and more to be announced   

TEENS: Use code OURSTRONGFUTURE for a free entry



*ATHLETES have entrance to all weekend events and do not need a spectator pass

*10 years and under are free

*coaches, spouses, family and friends are considered spectators

  • link will be pasted here once it is live



OPEN classes

1st Place- $500 cash prize (*for classes with 8+ athletes), trophy, swag bag from sponsors     

2nd and 3rd- medals and swag bags from sponsors


1st, 2nd & 3rd place- medals 

*1st place in novice and top 3 in open classes (including masters and teen) get bid to USS Inc Nationals 2026! 


SPONSORED BY: United States Strongman, Mr. America and more to be announced

FB Event Page: pending


Press Medley: 

  • Athlete has 60 seconds to press stumpy logs overhead for reps. The athlete will be presented with four options of varying weight; each stumpy log will award the athlete different point values. The athlete can choose which order they wish to press the implements and can return to a previously pressed implement if they wish
  • Clean and press every rep.
  • Athlete may clean with two hands but must press with one
  • All reps MUST be controlled down to the ground. No tree topping or letting implement drop from overhead or you will receive a 0 for the event
  • A good rep will have the athlete's arm overhead, head through, elbows locked, hips through and knees locked. If athlete is jerking the implement; they must return their feet to a neutral position
  • The weight matrix number is the LIGHTEST stumpy in your class
  • Allowed: wrist wraps, sleeves, grip shirts, belts (must be turned around if they have a metal clasp so as to not ruin the implement), chalk
  • Not Allowed: grip shirts from any other federation, liquid chalk, tacky, tacky towels, tree topping from above

Slater Farmers into Frame Carry:

  • Athlete has 90 seconds to pick a set of Slater brand farmers handles, carry them 50', drop and then pick and walk a metal frame back 50'
  • The athlete may begin with their hands on the implement but cannot pick until the judge gives the "lift" command
  • This event is scored via distance and time (if the athlete does not complete the walk within the time limit, a distance will be measured).
  • If the athlete throws the implements to gain distance, they will be given a zero for the event
  • One drop for the farmers and one drop for the frame are allowed
  • Front of the implement must cross the line at both 50' lines (a volunteer will be at both ends of the 50' to cue you to drop)
  • Allowed: Chalk, wrist wraps, sleeves, belts, gloves 
  • Not Allowed: NO Tacky, no straps, no liquid chalk

Conan's Wheel:

  • Athlete has 90 seconds to move the conans wheel(holding it zercher style) in a clockwise rotation
  • Once the implement is dropped, total distance will be measured
  • No sliding
  • Athlete can begin touching the implement but may not stand until judge gives the lift command
  • Allowed: Grip shirts, belts, chalk, sleeves, wrist wraps
  • Not allowed: tacky, SC/OSG grip shirts


Strongman Roulette: 

  • Yes we are playing roulette. Yes there are only four events to this show. Why? Because this final event will take extra time. Athlete groups will spin the wheel to determine which event of the following will be their final event. Once an event is chosen by a group, it will be removed from the wheel.
    • Fingal Fingers (from year 1)
    • Power stairs (from year 2)
    • SOS to shoulder (from year 3)
    • Car yoke (from year 4)
  • All events above will be running simultaneously so you are NOT waiting for groups ahead of you to go


*Weights and rules are subject to change (all athletes will be notified via email in addition to social media posts). 

Atlantic City location pending
Atlantic City, NJ
View Map
Oct 11, 2025

Start Time
9:00 AM
Meet Director
Liz Demato

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Novice Women (Single Class)50#150 farmers / 350 frame250SPIN
Open W LW (132-)60#170 farmers / 370 frame300THE
Open W MW (165-)65#180 farmers / 400 frame350WHEEL.
Open W HW (198-)70#190 farmers/ 430 frame400WIN
Open W SHW (+)75#200 farmers / 460 frame450A
Masters Women (Single Class)65#180 farmers / 400 frame350PRIZE
Teen W HW (165+)45#150 farmers/ 350 frame200:)
Novice M LW (220-)TESTING240 farmers/ 530 frame450KIDDING
Novice M HW (220+)TESTING240 farmers/ 530 frame 500THE
Open M LW (181-)TESTING260 farmers / 570 frame550WHEEL
Open M MW (220-)TESTING280 farmers/ 610 frame600WILL
Open M HW (275-)TESTING300 farmers / 650 frame650DETERMINE
Open M SHW (+)TESTING320 farmers / 690 frame700YOUR
Masters Men (Single Class)TESTING280 farmers / 610 frame 600FINAL
Teen M HW (220+)TESTING220 farmers / 490 frame400EVENT

Regular Price
Registration Closes Oct 01, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 50 athletes.
34 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard