April 1, 2023
Florida Man Mayhem II
Punta Gorda, FL
Registration: https://ironpodium.com/browse/event/florida-man-mayhem-ii
Meet Updates: https://fb.me/e/24XvhOMN9
Live Scores: https://ironpodium.com/events/live/florida-man-mayhem-ii
Weigh-Ins: Rhino's Gym
3527 Tamiami Trail, Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Friday 03/31/2023: from 8am-10am & 4pm-7pm
Saturday 04/01/2023: 6:30am-7:30am
Contest Time: Rules Meeting: 08:15am; Meet Start Time: 09:00am
Lashley Park (Outdoor Venue)
120 Laishley Court, Punta Gorda, FL 33955
No Spectator Fees
Awards: Medals 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Place
WX Disclaimer: This event is located OUTSIDE under two pavilions on Charlotte Harbor. This time of year the weather is typically mild, but there is always the chance of rain in FL. Bring sunscreen and plenty of water just in case. Pop up tents UP TO 10’x10’ft are NOT permitted. Unless hurricane or lightning within 5 miles, the events will still take place, so be prepared for rain.. If weather turns severe, we will have an alternative event announced the day of competition.
Venue Information: This event will be located at Laishley Park, which is outside and under two large pavilions, on Charlotte Harbor. Located at 120 Laishley Court, Laishley Park is a pet friendly park that contains seventeen (17) acres with amenities that include a 400-foot fishing pier, parking facilities, interactive fountain for kids to play in, event lawn, Veterans Memorial Garden, and walking paths along Punta Gorda Pathways - Harborwalk. Waterfront restaurant and retail services are also available in the park at the Laishley Crab House Centre. Please see their website for more information. https://www.ci.punta-gorda.fl.us/visitors/laishley-park
USS WEIGHT CLASSES: http://www.unitedstatesstrongman.com/about
This meet will allow you to qualify for Nationals 2023. Top 3 for each weight class or division will qualify.
If there are at least 10 competitors in a division, we will break into weight classes.
PER USS Nationals Website: If you qualify in a specific DIVISION and CLASS (LW, MW, HW, SHW) then you may register to compete for Nationals in either of the two weight cut-offs within that class. Example: You qualify as a 242 HW male. You may compete as a 242 or 275 HW. You MAY NOT go down to a MW. Period. You would have to re-qualify as a MW. If, however, you qualify as a 220 MW male, you may compete as a 198 MW. If you need to move up to another weight class, such as a HW going to SHW, that is acceptable.
Tentative Rules: Subject to change based on updated information.
Max Axle Clean & Press
- 60 second time limit per attempt.
- Jumps by 10lbs for women and 20lbs for men.
- 3 Attempts only; you can wait to jump in, they do not need to be consecutive weights
- Different jumps are permitted for RECORD ATTEMPTS only. The request must be made before we get to that weight (basically, we aren’t stripping down weights because you weren’t paying attention).
- Feet parallel, knees and elbows locked, head through, down command from judge. No tacky.
- Once you drop axle and it touches the ground, your attempt is over. Must be controlled through the entire movement; only drop from chest or it will not count.
- Wessels Rule Applies: If you miss any of your attempts, even if it is your first or second attempt, you are done at that point and are credited with the amount of weight you did on the previous attempt.
- No resting axle on your belt (includes continental style).
- No tacky - chalk and grip shirt is fine
Farmer’s Hold for Time
- Time starts at lockout, ends when EITHER implement touches the floor
- Chalk permitted, no other grip aids of any kind, to include tacky and tape.
Yoke Walk
- 40ft 40ft; 1 min time limit - NO SPLIT TIMES
- Yoke heights will be adjusted for each athlete.
- No drops allowed once you take your first step
- Front of the implement must cross the line only
- Chalk permitted, no other grip aids of any kind, including tacky and tape. Belts, wrist wraps, grip shirt, elbow and knee sleeves permitted. No DL suits.
Sandbag to Shoulder: For Reps
- 1 Min time limit - NO SPLIT TIMES
- Doesn’t matter how sandbag gets to shoulder, just must get there and be stationary
- Must wait for down command
- No tacky permitted No tacky - chalk and grip shirt is fine
Sandbag Race
- 45ft distance on cement
- 1 Min time limit
- Pick up starting weight at line, bring to 45ft line, grab next sandbag and bring back
- Doesn’t matter how you carry it as long as it does not touch the ground
- No drops (once it hits the ground, time is called)
- Split time for first sandbag if there is a tie in final distance/time. If they don’t make first sandbag, then there is no tiebreaker.
- No tacky - chalk and grip shirt is fine
Events and Weights
Division | Max Axle OHP (State Record) | Farmer's Hold for Time (State Record) | Yoke Walk | Sandbag to Shoulder | Sandbag Race |
Novice W HW (165+) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 255 | 100 | 50, 100 |
Novice W LW (165-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 255 | 100 | 50, 100 |
Open W LW (123-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Open W HW (198-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 180 | 435 | 150 | 100, 150 |
Open W SHW (+) | 80 (10# jumps) | 210 | 435 | 150 | 100, 150 |
Open W SHW (242-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 210 | 435 | 150 | 100, 150 |
Open W HW (181-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 180 | 435 | 150 | 100, 150 |
Open W MW (165-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 150 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Open W MW (148-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 150 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Open W LW (132-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Masters W MW (165-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 150 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Masters W LW (123-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Masters W MW (148-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 150 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Masters W HW (+) | 80 (10# jumps) | 150 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Masters W LW (132-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 335 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Teen W LW (165-) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 215 | 50 | 50, 100 |
Teen W HW (165+) | 80 (10# jumps) | 120 | 215 | 50 | 50, 100 |
Novice M HW (220+) | 140 (20# jumps) | 200 | 420 | 150 | 100, 150 |
Novice M LW (220-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 200 | 420 | 150 | 100, 150 |
Open M LW (165-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 220 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Open M LW (181-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 220 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Open M MW (198-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 250 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Open M MW (220-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 250 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Open M HW (242-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 280 | 560 | 200 | 150, 200 |
Open M HW (275-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 280 | 560 | 200 | 150, 200 |
Open M SHW (308-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 310 | 560 | 200 | 150, 200 |
Open M SHW (+) | 140 (20# jumps) | 310 | 560 | 200 | 150, 200 |
Masters M MW (198-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 220 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Masters M MW (220-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 220 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Masters M HW (242-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 250 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Masters M HW (+) | 140 (20# jumps) | 250 | 480 | 150 | 150, 200 |
Teen M LW (220-) | 140 (20# jumps) | 180 | 380 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Teen M HW (220+) | 140 (20# jumps) | 220 | 380 | 100 | 100, 150 |
Registration Closes Mar 31, 2023
No refunds.
33 spots remain.