
July 19, 2025

MN Strongest 2025 & Strongman Corp Midwest Regionals


St. Louis Park, MN

Minnesota's Strongest is returning for 2025 at a NEW venue! 

The ROC in St Louis Park will not only be a fantastic outdoor space for our event while also providing a roof to protect us from any weather elements mother nature wants to throw at us!  It also has excellent bleacher seating available for spectators!

This is also a Regional Comp for Strongman Corp, which means MORE invites for Nationals AND ARNOLD INVITES FOR THE WINNERS! 

You do NOT have to have qualified for a regional comp to sign up!

This event will be Strongman Corp Sanctioned and will require current Strongman Corp membership to participate!!



*Promoter reserves right to adjust weights, where needed

  1. Max CDB - 3 attempts, rising bar (powerlifting style), max successful press counts for score
  2. Axle Deadlift for Reps - No suits or briefs, straps allowed, max reps in 60 seconds
  3. Sandbag Steeplechase - Carry 2 sandbags, load over a bar, then return to the bags to carry them across the finish line (25ft carry each side of bar)
  4. Yoke Carry into Log Press for Reps - Pick and carry a yoke 40ft and then press a log for as many reps as possible in 60 seconds
  5. Natural Stone Load - Load a series of natural stones to platforms as quickly as possible.  Max time 60 seconds.

For Open classes:

**First place in all classes earn an Arnold invite.

  • 1 athlete in a class: the promoter may merge the class with another class; if the athlete competes alone they will earn an invite to Nationals by completing (i.e. not “zeroing”) at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards originally set forth by the promoter.
  • 2-8 athletes in a class: 1st-3rd place qualify for Nationals
  • 8-11 athletes in a class: 1st-4th place qualify for Nationals
  • 12+ athletes in a class: 1st-5th place qualify for Nationals

For Masters:

Masters athletes qualify for America’s Strongest Master by placing in the top 5 at a Local Amateur competition in any Open class or by placing top 3 in a designated Masters class.

Prizes: 1st-3rd prizes TBD

Weigh-in: will have day before and day of weigh ins available - details TBD

Event Rules: TBD

Food trucks will be available on-site

Spectator tickets $10 - can either purchase in advance on Iron Podium, or pay cash at the door.

Recreation Outdoor Center (Roc)
3700 Monterey Dr
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
View Map
Jul 19, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Christy Stefanick

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Max CDBAxle Deadlift for RepsSandbag SteeplechaseYoke Carry into Log Press for RepsNatural Stone Load
Open W 57kgMax250100/130350/100TBD
Open W 64kgMax275130/150385/110TBD
Open W 73kgMax300150/175425/125TBD
Open W 82kgMax315175/175450/135TBD
Open W HWMax340175/200485/145TBD
Masters W 40+ 73kgMax275130/150385/115TBD
Masters W 40+ HWMax300150/175425/130TBD
Masters W 50+Max250100/130350/100TBD
Open M 80kgMax400200/220545/180TBD
Open M 90kgMax450220/240605/200TBD
Open M 105kgMax500240/265645/225TBD
Open M 120kgMax525265/280705/240TBD
Open M HWMax550265/300745/250TBD
Masters M 40+ 90kgMax400200/220545/180TBD
Masters M 40+ HWMax500240/265645/225TBD
Masters M 50+Max400200/220545/180TBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jun 28, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 75 athletes.
59 spots remain.
Athlete Registration Buy Spectator TicketsView Scoreboard