
April 26, 2025

Natural Strongman World's - Midwest Qualifier


Falcon Heights, MN

Natural Strongman World's Qualifier

This is a qualifying event for Natural Strongman World’s 2025

Membership is required to compete in this sanctioned event.  

Membership are available at https://www.naturalstrongman.org/store/p/natural-strongman-membership

(approximately $50 USD)

Drug Testing

10% of athletes will be tested via urinalysis for anabolic steroids.  Banned substance list can be found on the Natural Strongman website here: https://www.naturalstrongman.org/drug-testing

More comprehensive testing will take place at Natural Worlds, if you qualify 

Read more about Natural Strongman’s Drug Anti-Doping Policies & list of banned substances here: https://www.naturalstrongman.org/drug-testing

Bring a photo ID 

Winners/podium will be tested after contest


Qualifying Spots for Natural World’s:

1-3 people in the weight class = 1 qualification spot

4-6 people in the weight class = 2 qualification spots

7+ people in the weight class= 3 qualification spots


Competitors will receive a competition T Shirt. 

Top 3 finishers in each weight class will receive trophy or medal.

24 hour weigh ins are allowed.  



Minnesota State Fairgrounds - Education Building

1321-1353 Snelling Ave N, Falcon Heights, MN 55108

Parking details will be provided closer to comp date, but parking will be free.


Weigh ins:

4/25: A Functional Life Chiropractic (2677 Innsbruck Dr STE D, New Brighton, MN 55112) 10am-1pm

4/26: at Venue 8-9:15am 


Spectator fee: $10

Food Trucks will be available on-site


For more details/updates follow:

Instagram: @mnstrongpeople

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/15qEXRUC3X/



  1. Log press for reps - Clean once, press away.  60 seconds max. 10" log for women; 12" log for men. Must receive down command from judge for rep to count. Total successful reps will be counted.
  2. Max Deadlift - Max Deadlift; standard deadlift height using deadlift bar.  Last Man Standing. No Suits/Briefs allowed.  Straps allowed, but hand must be in contact with the bar the entire time. 30 seconds per attempt.  Once you miss, you are done. Rising bar, weight will not drop.  May not repeat same weight if missed, unless you are still within your initial 30 second attempt. No bouncing reps off the ground.
  3. Max Sandbag Toss - 12ft height for women; 14ft height for men.  Max sandbag weight over bar. Athlete will be allowed to throw 6 times - may repeat a missed weight, but will count as one throw for each attempt. Max successful weight over bar will count for score.
  4. Sandbag Carry/Sled push - 60 seconds max. Carry lighter bag 40 ft, load onto sled, return to start and carry heavier bag 40 ft, load onto sled; push sled back to starting line for time.  Distance will be taken if any implement is not finished on this event.  I hard belt is worn, it much be turned backwards.
  5. Sandbag to Shoulder for Reps - 60 seconds max. Sandbag will be lifted from ground to shoulder and one hand removed and judge to give down command for each rep. Sandbag must be returned to ground after each rep. Total reps will be counted. If hard belt is worn, it must be turned backwards.

More detailed event rules and what is and isn't allowed will be posted later. Promoter reserves the right to change the events and weights, if needed.


If there are ties for podium positions, a tie-breaker event will be held.



any interested sponsors can email christystefanick@gmail.com



Volunteer sign-up will be posted closer to competition date.

Education Building
1321-1353 Snelling Ave N
Falcon Heights, MN 55108
View Map
Apr 26, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Christy Stefanick

Sponsored by

Events and Weights
Division Log Clean & Press Away (reps)Max DeadliftMax Sandbag TossSandbag Carry/Sled PushSandbag to Shoulder (reps)Tie-breaker
W Open SHW (+)145MaxMax175/175175TBD
W Open LW (57-)110MaxMax100/125100TBD
W Open LW (64-)115MaxMax135/150125TBD
W Open MW (73-)125MaxMax150/175135TBD
W Open HW (82-)135MaxMax150/175150TBD
W Masters HW (+)120MaxMax135/150135TBD
W Masters LW (73-)110MaxMax100/125100TBD
W Juniors (18-23)100MaxMax75/10075TBD
M Open SHW (+)250MaxMax265/280265TBD
M Open LW (72-)180MaxMax175/200175TBD
M Open LW (80-)200MaxMax200/220200TBD
M Open MW (90-)220MaxMax220/240220TBD
M Open MW (105-)240MaxMax240/265240TBD
M Masters HW (+)220MaxMax220/240220TBD
M Masters LW (90-)180MaxMax175/200175TBD
M Juniors (18-23)220MaxMax220/240200TBD

Regular Price
Registration Closes Mar 26, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 80 athletes.
54 spots remain.
Athlete RegistrationView Scoreboard