March 23, 2024
Olympic City Amateur
Colorado Springs, CO
Welcome to the 1st annual Olympic City ProAm, held by Barratt Strength Premier Strongman and Strongwoman Gym in the Olympic City, Colorado Springs! We are honored and pleased to be holding this Strongman Corp sanctioned contest with a possible chance to earn your Pro Card, Reginals and Nationals, which will put you on track to Arnold's. There will be cash prizes! To commemorate our first year, we are lucky enough to have World Class Deadlifter and World's Strongest Man Competitor Gabe Peña compete in our Pro class! We want to make this an amazing contest for our athletes, spectators and the sport of Strongman that will grow every year into something bigger and better. Our Pro and 105k classes are already looking stacked, now all we need is you- Get your registration in ASAP and get to training to bring your best and compete with some of the greatest!
*All weights and event rules are subject to change.*
Address: 3960 Palmer Park Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80909
March 23rd, 2023
Host: Brando & RosaLinda Barratt
Prize money will be awarded in ProAm Division Only.
Friday Weigh-ins will be held Barratt Strength
3120 Beacon Street Colorado Springs CO, 80907
4:00pm - 7:00pm
Saturday Weigh-ins will be held The Colorado Springs Event Center
7:00am - 8:00am
Athletes May Arrive at 7:00am and start warming up until 8:30am
Rules meeting at 8:45am
Event Starts at 9:00am
Host Hotel
Academy Hotel
Address: 8110 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Phone: (719) 598-5770
Call and mention Olympic City ProAm by Barratt Strength for a significant discount!
Event 1: Log Ladder
This will be a 3 Log Ladder. The athlete can start with hands on the first log and will lift on command. The athlete will then clean and press each log. The fastest time wins. There will be a 75 second time limit. Further rules listed below.
- Clean and Press each rep.
- There will be a 75 second time limit.
- 12” Logs for both men and women, with handles set 24” to 29” apart.
- Athlete may press, push press, push jerk or split jerk the log overhead to a locked out position.
- Athlete must wait for the “Good” down signal to get credit and continue with the next rep.
- The athlete must lower the log under control. No deliberate dropping of the log will be permitted. The athlete may forfeit his attempt in doing so.
- Good Lift: Log locked out under control overhead with arms straight, head thru, legs and feet parallel and stationary.
- Equipment allowed: Grip shirts, belt, chalk, wrist wraps, elbow sleeves, knee wraps or sleeves.
- Equipment NOT allowed: Any item placed within the belt to provide a “shelf”. No briefs or suits. Belt built up to no more than 8” wide. Tacky, elbow wraps.
- Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judges prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete
Event 2 Max 9" Axle Bar Tire Deadlift
This is a max deadlift event. The athlete will have 60 seconds to perform their max attempt. Heaviest deadlift wins the event.
- 3 attempts for max weight.
- There will be a 60 second time limit.
- Axle Bar will be used.
- Conventional stance only. NO SUMO Allowed
- Hitching is allowed.
- Good Lift: Athlete must lift the barbell to a standing position with head up, shoulders back, legs and feet in line. Once the signal is given for the lift the athlete must return the bar to the floor under control. NO DROPPING OF THE BAR WILL BE ALLOWED.
- The athlete may put baby powder or water on the legs to reduce friction however the athlete should clean the bar after his attempt and before the next competitor.
- Vaseline, baby oil, or similar product may NOT be used on the legs to reduce friction.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, Lifting Straps. Compression Shorts
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky or similar product. Lifting hooks. No suits or briefs.
Event 3 Head to Head Yoke
This will be a heavy yoke walk for 50ft the athlete with the fastest time wins.
- One attempt.
- There will be a 60 second time limit.
- One set down allowed throughout the course.
- Various Yoke designs may be used, however, every Yoke will be able to adjust height.
- Athlete will start with the Yoke on the floor and shoulders under the crossbar.
- The signal is given and the athlete must lift and carry the yoke throughout the course and fully cross the finish to stop the clock.
- No sliding of the yoke will be permitted. Disqualification from the event if sliding is obvious, or a 2 second penalty if inadvertent.
- Equipment allowed: Belt, Knee sleeves or wraps, supportive suits, chalk.
- Equipment NOT allowed: Tacky.
Event 4 Head-to-Head Farmers Carry
Athletes will race head to head. The athlete with the fastest time wins. If the course is not finished you will be judged by distance.
- Unlimited attempts in 60 seconds.
- 50’ course down and 50' back.
- There will be a 60 second time limit.
- You may set the implements down once throughout the course. If the athlete sets down the implement to reset on the turn, this will count as your one drop. On the second set down distance will be measured.
- Farmers Implements: May come in various designs. Handles should be between 1
- ¼” to 1 ½” in diameter and un-knurled. Handle height should be between 15” and 18” from the floor to the bottom of the handles.
- The implements start with the front of the implement or the front plate on the starting line. Measurements are taken from the back of the farthest back implement or from the back plate of the implement that is farthest back.
- Time will stop when the whole implement or back plate of the farthest back implement crosses the finish.
- No excessive sliding will be permitted. Distance will be measured from point of contact, not where implements slide to.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, wrist wraps.
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Tacky, lifting straps or hooks. No Briefs.
Event 5 Pikes Peak Stone Series
The Pikes Peak Stone Series is a unique 5 step platform with the lightest stone starting from 45" 50" 55" 45" 42" (heaviest stone loaded to 42") what would normally be the lightest stone at the highest platform will in this case be a slightly heavier stone in the series loaded to the "Peak" of the series.
- There will be a 75 second time limit.
- Stones will placed at the base of the platforms.
- Stones must be loaded in ascending order to descending order with the highest platform being in the middle.
- The stones must be loaded in a controlled manner. If a stone falls off the platform during the attempt, the athlete must replace the stone before proceeding to the next heaviest stone.
- Split times will be taken for each stone.
- Athlete starts with hands on the platform or a short distance from the platform at start of the event.
- Equipment Allowed: Belt with buckle to the back, Tacky, Chalk, Knee wraps or sleeves, Forearm sleeves. Lifters.
- Equipment NOT Allowed: Belt buckle to the front or an object in the belt to provide a “shelf”.
- 5 atlas stones.
3960 Palmer Park Blvd
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
View Map
Start Time
10:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Log Ladder | Max 9" Axel Bar Tire Deadlift | Head-to-Head Yoke | Head-to-Head Farmers Carry | Pikes Peak Stone Series | Tie Breaker |
Open M LW (175.4-) | 200,215,220 | Max | 625 | 225lbs/Hand | 200/220/250/275/300 | TBD |
Open M MW (200.4-) | 220,235,250 | Max | 700 | 250lbs / Hand | 220/250/275/300/330 | TBD |
Open M SHW (+) | 315,330,345 | Max | 875 | 300lbs / Hand | 300/330/350/375/410 | TBD |
Master M Single Class | 250,275,295 | Max | 700 | 270lbs / Hand | 275/300/330/350/375 | TBD |
Registration Closes Mar 18, 2024
No refunds.
15 spots remain.