November 5, 2023
Power On The Point
Port Jervis, NY
Have you ever wanted to move big rocks and logs with your friends in the woods for fun? Here's your chance to give it try. Power On The Point is an amateur level strongman contest in Port Jervis, NY. We hand pick only the finest of local stones and logs for our events, so you'll feel right at home when you're putting that big rock on your shoulder, or picking up that big heavy log. We care about our parks and recreational areas, and that's why all proceeds from this event get donated to the Outdoor Club of Port Jervis. We're here to help out and have fun, and if you want to do that too, sign up, start practicing, and we'll see you on the hill.
Four events will take place simultaneously with each group rotating to the next event when completed. The final event will be the Log Deadlift, where all the classes will convene.
Stone To Shoulder
Max Reps : 60 seconds
Athlete will start standing with the stone between their feet, hands off the implement. At the judge’s “go” command, athlete will have 60 seconds to pick up, lap, and clean the stone to their shoulder. The athlete must show control of the stone by standing with the stone on their shoulder and moving the non-control hand away from the body, and wait to receive a down command from the judge for the rep to count. The stone must return to the ground in a controlled manner before the next attempt. Uncontrolled stones will be retrieved by the athlete.
Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee and Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps, Forearm Protection (duct tape, stone sleeves)
Not Allowed: Tacky, Tacky Towel, Grip Shirt, Knee or Elbow Wraps, Straps.
Carry Medley
Distance: TBD
Weights: TBD
Time: Best time wins : 90 second maximum: Distance measured if not completed.
Athlete will begin behind the starting line, their hands can be on the starting stone. On the Jude’s “go” command, the athlete will pick up and carry the objects to the opposite line, run back and carry the next implements in the series to the finish line. They will have 90 seconds to complete the event. No throwing of the objects to get over the line, and no shouldering of the objects, they must be carried in front of the athlete, unlimited drops, athlete must cross the line holding the implements.
Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee and Elbow Sleeves, Forearm Protection (duct tape or stone sleeves), Wrist Wraps.
Not Allowed: Tacky, Tacky Towel, Grip Shirt, Knee or Elbow Wraps, Straps.
Stone Front Hold
Weights: TBD
This event is for maximum time. Athlete will begin with their arms extended and stone in hands. On the judge’s ‘go’ command, time will start. Athlete’s back and hips must be against the wall/tree, if either leave the wall/tree, time will stop. If the athlete’s arms lower below the designated point, or elbows bend then time will stop.
Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Wrist Wraps.
Not Allowed: Gloves, Tacky, Tacky Towel, Grip Shirt, Straps, Knee or Elbow Wraps or Sleeves.
Log Deadlift
Weights: TBD
Max Reps : 60 seconds
Athlete may begin strapped into the implement, on the judge’s ‘go’ command the athlete will deadlift the log for a maximum number of reps in the time allotted. There will be an ‘up’ and ‘down’ command, wait for the signal or the rep will not count. Athlete must have their hips through, and shoulders back in order for a rep to count. Hitching is allowed. Due to the design of the implement this is very similar to a Ukrainian Deadlift.
Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee sleeves, wrist wraps.
Not Allowed: Tacky, Tacky Towels, Baby Powder, Baby Oil, Knee or Elbow Wraps, Straps.
Stone Throw
Weight: TBD
3 attempts for Maximum Distance, 30 Seconds per Attempt.
Athlete will begin with the implement on the ground, hands may be on the stone. The competitor will have a marked distance to run and then throw the stone for maximum distance. There will be 3 attempts per athlete, of which their best throw will be their score. If the competitor's foot or body cross the throw line, that throw will not count. Stones cannot rest on the athlete’s head.
Allowed: Belt, Chalk, Knee and Elbow Sleeves, Wrist Wraps.
Not Allowed: Gloves, Tacky, Tacky Towels.
Events and Weights
Division | Stone To Shoulder | Front Hold | Carry Medley | Log Deadlift | Stone Throw | Tie Breaker |
Novice W LW (165-) | 90 | 35 | 83/102/114 | 189 | 33 | TBD |
Novice W HW (165+) | 124 | 35 | 100/122/153 | 218 | 33 | TBD |
Novice M LW (220-) | 191 | 46 | 131/160/170 | 238 | 65 | TBD |
Novice M HW (220+) | 215 | 46 | 160/220/248 | 312 | 65 | TBD |
Registration Closes Nov 05, 2023
No refunds.
31 spots remain.