September 14, 2024
Savage Strength Games
Lafayette, IN
Weigh ins will take place the day before and day of the competition at the gym location
2841 Concord Rd Suite C Lafayette Indiana
Hotels near the gym are abundant along SR 26
Spectators are free! We are trying to grow this sport any way we can. If you're in the area, come check it out!!!
Event Rules and Weights are Subject to Change
Event 1: Mace 360's
Competitors will warm up as needed and will then have 3 attempts at whatever weights they choose to accomplish 5 reps per side. You will have 60 seconds to attempt the lift. If you miss the lift it is a failed attempt and you can retake the same weight or go up in weight.
This event is a rising bar format. The weights will only increase.
The implement cannot touch the ground and there will be no dragging across the body allowed. If either of these occur you will forfeit your attempt. You can retake the same weight on your next attempt or move up in weight for your next attempt. Competitors are permitted to rest the mace on their body between reps.
Attitude Iron Adjustable Maces will be provided for use, but you can also use your own mace if desired. We will be using a strength factor calculation to determine The heaviest swings. This is calculated based on your weight class, weight moved, and length factors to equalize all maces swung. Your mace must have a MINIMUM overall length of 40" when loaded. Longer is fine as well.
Event 2: Single Arm Kettlebell Clean to Overhead
Competitors will warm up as needed and will then have 3 attempts at whatever weights they choose to accomplish a good rep. You will have 30 seconds to attempt the lift. If you miss the lift it is a failed attempt and you can retake the same weight or go up in weight.
This event is a rising bar format. The weights will only increase.
Competitors will perform a single arm Kettlebell Clean to the shoulder/upper chest, and get the kettlebell to an overhead position. Strict press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, or squat jerk are all allowable. Bent press and side presses will not be permitted.
Event 3: Turkish Get Up
Competitors will warm up as needed and will then have 3 attempts at whatever weights they choose to accomplish a good rep. You will have 60 seconds to attempt the lift. If you miss the lift it is a failed attempt and you can retake the same weight or go up in weight.
This event is a rising bar format. The weights will only increase.
We are testing the Turkish Get Up to the standing position only. After you are standing with the kettlebell locked out above your head you will get a down command. At that point you will return the kettlebell to the ground. Do your best to control the descent. If you need to drop for safety that will be permitted. Any slamming will result in a no lift.
These are balls. They will roll. Don't kill anyone.
If the competitor's arm bends excessively, the kettlebell hits the ground, a second hand touches the kettlebell after the initial press, or the bell goes down before the down command, it will result in a no lift.
Event 4: Sandbag to Shoulder
Competitors will warm up as needed and will then have 3 attempts at whatever weights they choose to accomplish a good rep. You will have 60 seconds to attempt the lift. If you miss the lift it is a fail and you can retake the same weight or go up in weight.
This event is a rising bar format. The weights will only increase.
Competitors will start with the sandbag on the ground. From there they must pick the bag and get it to their shoulder. Once at the shoulder they must hold it in place with only one arm until a down command is given. At that point the bag can be dropped.
If the bag hits the ground after it is lapped or a bona fide attempt is made the attempt will be marked as a miss. If the bag is dropped before the down command the lift will be a miss.
Event 5: Club Mill
Competitors will use a weighted club based on their weight class. They will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. Competitors will be permitted to set the club down to regrip if needed. Athletes can go the same direction or switch sides as desired.
Event 6: Sandbag Carry
Competitors will have 60 seconds to carry a sandbag determined by their weight class for a max distance. Unlimited Drops permitted. Bags must be carried in a front carry position.
No Shouldering the bag. No lap walking.
In event of a tie, we have a mystery event in store for you
2841 Concord Rd
Lafayette, IN 47909
View Map
Start Time
9:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Mace 360: Max Weight 3 per side | Single Arm Kettlebell Clean to Overhead: Max Weight | Turkish Get Up: Max Weight | Sandbag to Shoulder: Max Weight | Club Mill: Max Reps 60s | Sandbag Front Carry: Max Distance |
Open W LW (165-) | Max | Max | Max | Max | 20 | 125 |
Open W SHW (+) | Max | Max | Max | Max | 25 | 175 |
Open M SHW (+) | Max | Max | Max | Max | 35 | 225 |
Open M LW (200-) | Max | Max | Max | Max | 25 | 200 |
Registration Closes Sep 13, 2024
No refunds.
21 spots remain.