
January 25, 2025

MASTERS ONLY Silver Strength Showdown United States Strongman


Gatesville, TX

MASTERS!!!!! Let's set some State Records!!   ** National Qualifier for 2025 **

There is a 70+ class!! As of now sign up under 60 and I will figure out how to make the class division

USS Texas has restructured its record system to include more age groups and weight classes for Masters. 

I added a novice division for novice masters.. It doesn't read like that but that is what I am using it for. If you know any masters that want to try strongman advise them to sign up as a novice. 

Friday Weigh Ins- once you are in town, call me and I will bring the scale to you. 

Saturday Weigh ins at Bare Bones 8 am until 930 am 

Meet Start Time 10 am 

Location: Bare Bones BBQ 4305 TX-36 Gatesville, Texas 76528

Current State records located on the Facebook page pinned at the top  United States Strongman - Texas


1st Event - Record Breaker Axle bar Deadlift

60 second time limit per attempt. 10 to 20lb weight increase for women and 20 to 40lb for men. Must receive down command in order to count. 3 attempts with 1 min per attempt. 

scored by max lift

Allowed: Suits, Briefs, soft and or hard belt, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, chalk, hitching, baby powder, figure 8s or straps

Not allowed: built up belts, knee wraps, 

2nd Event - Max Log Press - RECORD SETTER!! 3 attempts; Highest Successful Attempt recorded for score

12" for men, 10" for women. 60 second time limit per attempt. 3 attempts. Feet parallel, knees and elbows locked, head through to receive down command.  log will be progressively loaded 5 to 10 lbs for women, 10 to 20 lbs for men.

Scored by max lift

Allowed: Wrist wraps, elbow and knee sleeves, grip shirt, hard and/or soft belt

not allowed: built up belts, elbow and knee wraps, tacky, briefs, resting log on head


3rd Event - Sand Bag Load reps/60sec - load height 44 inches women / 50 inches men 

Start with hands on bag, load, hands off for rep, unload and repeat for 60 secs. 

Allowed: Soft and hard belt, knee and elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk, grip shirt  

Not Allowed: tacky/tacky towels, baby powder, knee and elbow wraps 


4th Event Sandbag Toss (3)  (10ft women/13ft men)

This will be scored for competition purposes. Athletes will start 10ft back from first sandbag with their hand on the apparatus. Once given the "GO" command, athletes will begin throwing each sandbag over the bar in ascending weight. Each previous sandbag must be thrown over the bar before the next heavier bag can be attempted. Time ends once the 3rd sandbag goes over the bar and hits the floor. 60 second time limit. Split times will be taken. 

For the records, we will do a last man standing, record each attempt, miss an attempt and out.

Allowed: Soft and hard belt, knee and elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk, 

5th Event - 50 ft Yoke Run - time or distant in ft 

The athlete will begin under the yoke with both yoke skids in contact with the ground.  On the START command, the athlete will pick up the yoke and carry it 50 ft.  Front part of the yoke must cross the line. Unlimited drops.  Score will be the time it takes the athlete to carry the yoke across the finish line.  If an athlete is unable to complete the course, the total distance will count as the score. A three second time penalty will be assessed if an athlete slides the yoke before acrossing the finish line. 

Allowed: Soft and hard belt, knee and elbow sleeves, wrist wraps, chalk, grip shirt

Not allowed: elbow/knee wraps, tacky or tacky towel / chalk, or suits  

Bare Bones BBQ
4305 TX-36
Gatesville, TX 76528
View Map
Jan 25, 2025

Start Time
10:00 AM
Meet Director
Jade Dickens
Events and Weights
Division Max Axle Deadlift **State Record**Max Log Press **State Record** Sandbag to Platform reps Sand Bag Toss **State Record**Yoke Run
Novice Women (Single Class)10 to 20lb jumps 3 attempts5 to 10 lb jumps 3 attempts5010,15,20300
Masters W MW (165-)10 to 20lb jumps 3 attempts5 to 10 lb jumps 3 attempts10015,20,25400
Masters W LW (165-) 50+10 to 20lb jumps 3 attempts5 to 10 lb jumps 3 attempts7515,20,25350
Masters W HW (+)10 to 20lb jumps 3 attempts5 to 10 lb jumps 3 attempts12520,25,30425
Masters W HW (165+) 50+10 to 20lb jumps 3 attempts5 to 10 lb jumps 3 attempts10020,25,30400
Masters Women 60+10 to 20lb jumps 3 attempts5 to 10 lb jumps 3 attempts5010,15,20300
Novice Men (Single Class)20 to 40lb jumps 3 attemp10 to 20 lb jumps 3 attempts15020,25,30400
Masters M MW (220-)20 to 40lb jumps 3 attemp10 to 20 lb jumps 3 attempts17530,35,40600
Masters M LW (220-) 50+20 to 40lb jumps 3 attemp10 to 20 lb jumps 3 attempts15025,30,35500
Masters M HW (+)20 to 40lb jumps 3 attemp10 to 20 lb jumps 3 attempts20035,40,45650
Masters M HW (220+) 50+20 to 40lb jumps 3 attemp10 to 20 lb jumps 3 attempts17530,35,40550
Masters Men 60+20 to 40lb jumps 3 attemp10 to 20 lb jumps 3 attempts15020,25,30400

Regular Price
Registration Closes Jan 25, 2025

Refund Policy
No refunds.
This event is limited to 40 athletes.
28 spots remain.