July 19, 2025
Will Development's Psycho Circus II
Longwood, FL
In an effort to get back to strongman roots, every discipline has 2 options, that will be chosen by lottery during the rules meeting. This means that nobody knows exactly what events will be done until the day of, not even the promotor. Be ready.
Weigh-ins -
Novice and Masters do not need to weigh in; all other classes must weigh in.
Prime Strength and Fitness
190 S Ronald Reagan Blvd Longwood, Florida 32750
Date - 7/18/2025
Time - 8AM-12PM+4PM-8PM
Day of weigh ins are available During check in's at the show. (Check email for more details)
6/21/2025 is the last day for sign ups to guarantee a shirt.
Hotels -
Coming Soon.
Event 1 - Press
Option 1 - Keg Clean and Press
This event will be conducted in a head to head style, where two competitors will be face to face with one another performing reps on the same implement. The athlete will have 15 seconds to pick the implement from the floor. Once the implement leaves the ground a rep must be completed. If the implement leaves the ground, and is returned to the ground without a successful rep having been completed, that is the end of the event for that athlete. Upon completion of a successful rep, the implement should be lowered to the ground in a controlled manner, at which point the second athlete's 15 second "clean time" will start. When one athlete drops out, another athlete in the class will jump in and start the event. All reps accrued during an athletes time on the platform will count towards their total score. In the event of or when there is one athlete in the lane, the same time limit will apply. Any style of clean and press is allowed.
A rep will be counted when the athletes elbows and knees are locked out and feet are even and stationary.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, belts, sleeves, other assistive equipment.
Not allowed: Tacky.
Option 2 - Yoke Press
Athletes will have 60 seconds to complete as many reps as possible. Yokes will be positioned on crash pads for the safety and should be returned to the pads after every rep. Yoke heights will be taken during weigh ins/check in.
A rep will be counted when the athletes elbows and knees are locked out and feet are even and stationary.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, belts, sleeves, other assistive equipment.
Not allowed: Tacky.
Event 2 - Deadlift
Option 1 - Circus Dumbbell Single Hand Deadlift
There will be 3 sets of circus dumbbells lined up in ascending order. The athlete will have 60 seconds to accrue as many points as possible by deadlifting a dumbbell with one hand. This is a grip event. The athlete may attempt to lift one or both dumbbells in a given pair to get a rep, as long as only one hand is used on one dumbbell at a time. The lightest pair is worth one point each, the middle pair is 10 points each and the heaviest pair is worth 100 points each.
For example - If an athlete lifts both 40LB dumbbells that is worth 2 points. If an athlete lifts one 80LB dumbbell that is also worth 10 points. The athlete may go up and down the ladder as needed, meaning if an attempt on the 140LB fails, the athlete may go back to the 80LB or 40LB dumbbells. A rep will count when the athletes hips are locked out. The dumbbell may be lifted in the front or side of the athlete. The athlete must follow the dumbbell back down to the ground. If the dumbbell slips out of the athletes hand, regardless of down call, the rep will not count (don't drop the dumbbell from the top).
The dumbbells have approximately 2.3" diameter handles, and spherical ends. The volunteers and judges will not retrieve dumbbells for the athlete in the case that a dumbbell should roll away. Stay in control of the implement.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, belts, sleeves, liquid chalk, chalk.
Not allowed: Straps of any kind, tacky, any other grip assistance that is not chalk, suits, briefs.
Option 2 - Double Overhand Axle Deadlift
This event will be conducted in a head to head style, where two competitors will be face to face with one another performing reps on the same implement. The athlete will have 15 seconds to start the lift. Once the implement leaves the ground a rep must be completed. If the implement leaves the ground, and is returned to the ground without a successful rep having been completed, that is the end of the event for that athlete. Upon completion of a successful rep, the implement should be lowered to the ground in a controlled manner, at which point the second athlete's 15 second timer will start. When one athlete drops out, another athlete in the class will jump in and start the event. All reps accrued during an athletes time on the platform will count towards their total score. In the event of or when there is one athlete in the lane, the same time limit will apply. Hook grip, if possible, IS allowed. Deadlift will be from standard height.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, belts, sleeves, liquid chalk, chalk.
Not allowed: Straps of any kind, tacky, any other grip assistance that is not chalk, suits, briefs.
Event 3 - Moving
Option 1 - Keg Medley
Athletes will have 120 seconds to pick 3 kegs from the "start" area and carry them 50 feet and place them on the "finish" area. Drops allowed. Any style of carry is allowed, rolling or dragging the keg is not allowed. The course will be lined with stall mats; any intentional placement of the implements off of any of the protective equipment will result in a zero for the event.
This event will be timed with laser timing system; time will start when the athlete breaks the "start" gate and end when the athlete breaks the "finish" gate.
Athletes will only get points for each keg in the "finish" area, in the event that all 3 kegs are not completed, the athlete will be awarded points based on the kegs in the finish area.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, belts, sleeves, liquid chalk, chalk, straps.
Not allowed: Tacky, any other grip assistance that is not chalk.
Option 2 - Yoke Run
Athletes will have 60 seconds to carry a yoke 50 feet in the fastest time. No drops allowed. In the event of a drop, distance will be taken.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, belts, sleeves, liquid chalk, chalk.
Not allowed: Straps of any kind, tacky, any other grip assistance that is not chalk.
Event 4 - Over Bar Event
Option 1 - Atlas Stone Over Bar
This event will be conducted in a head to head style, where two competitors will be face to face with one another performing reps on the same bar. The athlete will have 15 seconds to pick the implement from the floor. Once the implement leaves the ground a rep must be completed. If the implement leaves the ground, and is returned to the ground without a successful rep having been completed, that is the end of the event for that athlete. Upon completion of a successful rep, the second athlete's 15 second "pick time" will start. When one athlete drops out, another athlete will jump in and start the event. All reps accrued during an athletes time on the platform will count towards their total score. In the event of or when there is one athlete in the lane, the same time limit will apply and a spotter will roll the stone to the athlete. Athletes may use their hands on the bar to force a rep over the bar
Height - 48" for women, 52" for men.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, straps, belts, sleeves, chalk, liquid chalk, tacky of any kind.
Not allowed:
Option 2 - Keg Over Bar
This event will be conducted in a head to head style, where two competitors will be face to face with one another performing reps on the same bar. The athlete will have 15 seconds to pick the implement from the floor. Once the implement leaves the ground a rep must be completed. If the implement leaves the ground, and is returned to the ground without a successful rep having been completed, that is the end of the event for that athlete. Upon completion of a successful rep, the second athlete's 15 second "pick time" will start. When one athlete drops out, another athlete in the class will jump in and start the event. All reps accrued during an athletes time on the platform will count towards their total score. When there is one athlete in the lane, the same time limit will apply and a spotter will roll the stone to the athlete. Athletes may use their hands on the bar to force a rep over the bar
Height - 48" for women, 52" for men.
Allowed: Wrist wraps, straps, belts, sleeves, chalk, liquid chalk.
Not allowed: Tacky of any kind.
Event 5 - TBD
The fifth event will be chosen last during the rules meeting, and will be picked from a pool of the 4 event options that were not chosen during the initial lottery. For example; if yoke press, axle deadlift, yoke run and keg over bar are chosen during the initial lottery, event 5 will be any of the following - keg press, dumbbell deadlift, keg medley, or stone over bar. The event order will be as listed unless the keg over bar is chosen as as event 4 and stone over bar is chosen for event 5, the stone over bar will be done last because tacky.
190 S Ronald Reagan Blvd
Longwood, FL 32750
View Map
Start Time
10:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Keg Press | Yoke Press | Circus Dumbbell Deadlift | Double Overhand Axle Deadlift | Yoke Walk | Keg Medley | Stone Over Bar | Keg Over Bar | "TBD" |
Novice Women (Single Class) | 50 | 115 | 40/80/140 | 50 | 200 | 100,125,150 | 100 | 100 | TBD |
Open W LW (132-) | 75 | 115 | 40/80/140 | 75 | 400 | 100,125,150 | 165 | 125 | TBD |
Open W MW (165-) | 75 | 135 | 40/80/140 | 75 | 450 | 125,150,175 | 175 | 150 | TBD |
Open W HW (198-) | 100 | 150 | 40/80/140 | 75 | 475 | 125,150,175 | 210 | 150 | TBD |
Open W SHW (+) | 100 | 175 | 40/80/140 | 100 | 500 | 150,175,200 | 210 | 175 | TBD |
Masters Women (Single Class) | 75 | 115 | 40/80/140 | 75 | 400 | 100,125,150 | 165 | 125 | TBD |
Novice Men (Single Class) | 100 | 175 | 40/80/140 | 200 | 500 | 125,150,175 | 210 | 200 | TBD |
Open M LW (181-) | 150 | 190 | 40/80/140 | 255 | 600 | 150,175,200 | 250 | 225 | TBD |
Open M MW (220-) | 150 | 210 | 40/80/140 | 275 | 650 | 175,200,225 | 250 | 250 | TBD |
Open M HW (275-) | 225 | 230 | 40/80/140 | 300 | 700 | 200,250,275 | 300 | 275 | TBD |
Open M SHW (+) | 225 | 250 | 40/80/140 | 300 | 750 | 200,250,275 | 300 | 275 | TBD |
Masters Men (Single Class) | 150 | 190 | 40/80/140 | 255 | 600 | 150,175,200 | 250 | 225 | TBD |
Registration Closes Jul 03, 2025
No refunds.
52 spots remain.