January 18, 2025
Winter Warriors 2025
This will be a Strongman Corporation sanctioned event.
Strongman Corporation Membership will be required to participate in this competition.
Memberships can be purchased here: https://strongmancorporation.com/memberships/
Note: Strongman Corporation membership is NOT the same as USS membership! Make sure you have a membership for the correct organization BEFORE athlete check-in!
Athlete check-in:
Friday, January 17 at Beyond Sport Princeton - 10-11:30am OR 3-4:30pm
Saturday before comp 8-9:15am at Beyond Sport Princeton
Medals will be given for 1st-3rd place
For Open classes:
If there is 1 athlete in a class, the class can either be merged with another class, or the athlete can compete and earn an invite by completing at least 4 of the 5 events to the standards set forth by the promoter.
If there are 2-4 athletes a class, 1st place gets an invite to Nationals 2025.
If there are 5-9 athletes in a class, 1st and 2nd place gets an invite to Nationals 2025.
If there are 10+ athletes in a class, 1st through 3rd place get an invite to Nationals 2025.
For Masters Classes: 1st-3rd place receives a Masters Nationals 2025 invite
Novice classes to not receive Regional or National invites.
Event Play day: Jan 4th 10am-1pm at Beyond Sports Princeton - all comp implements will be available to try out. Free for registered athletes. $8 day pass for all others.
- Axle OHP for reps - max reps in 60 seconds - pick will be from ground, not pads. Clean once, press away.
- Ukrainian Deadlift - max reps in 60 seconds - pick height will be very close to standard deadlift height
- Front Shield Hold - athlete will hold shield, with arms extended in front of them for max time
- Farmer's Pick-a-thon - Farmer's carry, but requires 2 picks before carry each direction (so pick twice, carry, drop & turn around, pick twice, carry) - 40ft each way
- Yoke Carry/Keg load medley - Carry a yoke across the line, return to start and carry a keg to load over the yoke just carried - choose your pick height wisely! 40ft distance
*Promoter reserves the right to change the weights and/or events, if needed.
Event | Event Rules |
Axle OHP for Reps | Max reps in 60 seconds Athlete will start behind the implement (at a line). Athletes will pick from the ground. Bumper plates will be used. Clean once and press away. Athletes are allowed to re-clean the axle if needed, but it’s not required. Belt cleans will be allowed. Strict press, jerk press, push press are all allowed. Must wait for down command from judge or rep will not count. Down command will not be given until arms are locked out, head is through, feet are in line and control is shown. If you have a physical limitation on lockout, it’s your responsibility to let the judge know in advance. Athlete must return the axle to rack position (below the chin) between each rep. Total successful reps will be recorded for score. If no successful reps are achieved in the time limit, athlete will receive a zero for the event.
Gear allowed: grip shirts, wrist wraps, elbow/knee sleeves, belts (1 soft and 1 hard), chalk
Ukranian Deadlift for Reps | Max reps in 60 seconds Athletes will stand on a platform, one foot per platform Pick height will be approx. 9” Straps/Figure 8’s will be allowed, but hands must be in contact with the bar. Athlete may strap in before time starts. Athlete must wait for up and down command from judge or rep will not count. Down command will only be given after full lockout (hips and knees). Athlete must come to a complete stop between reps. Total successful reps will be recorded for score. If no successful reps are achieved in the time limit, athlete will receive a zero for the event. No Suits or briefs.
Gear allowed: straps/figure 8’s, wrist wraps, elbow/knee sleeves, belts, chalk, no tacky of any kind,
Event | Event Rules
Front Shield Hold for Time | No time limit Athlete will begin with back and hips against a rack/wall Arms must be fully extended in front with both hands on shield handle when time begins. When arms drop below parallel or hips come off the rack/wall, time will be stopped. Handle height must go no higher than eye level and no lower than shoulder. Elbows must stay relatively straight.
Gear allowed: elbow/knee sleeves, belts, chalk, NO TACKY of ANY kind
Farmer’s Pick-a-thon Carry | 60 seconds time limit Athlete will begin with hands off farmers handles. Athlete must pick the farmers handles, set them down and pick them again (2 picks), then carry the farmers handles 40 feet until the front of the handles cross the line. Athlete will set the handles down, turn and pick the handles twice again before carrying them 40ft back to the starting line. Time stops when the front of the handles have crossed the line. Only the front of the handles need to cross the line at either end, but both handles must cross the line and not just one. No sliding of farmers handles allowed (2 second penalty for each slide). 1 drop per direction allowed. Distance will be taken if course is not completed. Each pick will be counted as 1ft distance for scoring purposes. If athlete is unable to complete a pick of the farmers, a zero will be recorded for score. For all others distance and time will be recorded.
Gear allowed: elbow/knee sleeves, chalk, wraps, belt, no tacky of any kind
Yoke Carry/Keg Load Medley | 60 seconds time limit. Athlete will start under yoke set to their pick height, carry the yoke 40ft until front of yoke crosses the line. Then athlete will return to starting line to retrieve a keg, carry it 40ft and load it over the yoke they just carried. So choose your pick height carefully! Keg cannot be shouldered and must be a front carry. Athlete will load the keg over the yoke bar, not THROW the keg over the bar at my volunteers. Judges call to add a 2 second penalty for a keg being thrown too aggressively at the volunteer. Athlete should be able to load the keg over the bar and aim for the crash pad without having to slow down speed.
Gear allowed: grip shirts, elbow/knee sleeves, chalk, belt, wraps, no tacky of any kind
607 S 2nd Street, Princeton, MN
View Map
Start Time
10:00 AM
Events and Weights
Division | Axle Clean & Press Away | Ukrainian Deadlift | Front Shield Hold | Farmer's Pick-a-thon | Yoke Carry/Keg Load Medley | Tie Breaker event |
Novice W HW (+) | 105 | 225 | 20 | 115 | 325/90 | TBD |
Novice W MW (180.4-) | 95 | 200 | 20 | 95 | 305/80 | TBD |
Open W LW (125.4-) | 115 | 225 | 20 | 135 | 325/90 | TBD |
Open W LW (140.4-) | 125 | 250 | 20 | 145 | 345/90 | TBD |
Open W MW (160.4-) | 135 | 280 | 20 | 155 | 385/100 | TBD |
Open W MW (180.4-) | 145 | 300 | 25 | 175 | 405/160 | TBD |
Open W HW (+) | 155 | 315 | 25 | 195 | 445/160 | TBD |
Masters W HW (+) | 125 | 280 | 20 | 145 | 395/100 | TBD |
Masters W 50+ | 115 | 250 | 20 | 135 | 335/90 | TBD |
Novice M MW (231.4-) | 170 | 380 | 40 | 195 | 455/180 | TBD |
Novice M SHW (+) | 180 | 405 | 40 | 225 | 495/200 | TBD |
Open M LW (175.4-) | 180 | 405 | 40 | 225 | 495/220 | TBD |
Open M MW (200.4-) | 215 | 445 | 45 | 245 | 545/220 | TBD |
Open M MW (231.4-) | 235 | 490 | 45 | 245 | 625/260 | TBD |
Open M HW (265.5-) | 255 | 525 | 50 | 265 | 645/280 | TBD |
Open M SHW (+) | 275 | 540 | 50 | 305 | 705/280 | TBD |
Masters M MW (231.4-) | 180 | 405 | 40 | 225 | 495/220 | TBD |
Masters M SHW (+) | 230 | 470 | 45 | 245 | 595/260 | TBD |
Masters M 50+ | 200 | 425 | 45 | 225 | 535/220 | TBD |
Registration Closes Jan 06, 2025
No refunds.
21 spots remain.